Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink and Mike McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Mark Pallow, and Pat Story and Ben Glocke.
OLD BUSINESS: Fire Hall Doors: Pat asked to be first on the agenda. He got four bids for the fire hall doors; two that are very close, Dave’s Garage Door from Rush City and Randy Buerman, from Richmond, both around $5,400.00. Randy is Mark’s brother-in-law and Mike said he thinks Randy did work for the township before. Paul asked that whatever bid is chosen could they also fix the back door of the town hall, which is mis-aligned and had a big gap? Pat said neither contractor is a carpenter and they can’t do it. They will put window in the door for $50 extra. Mike moved to hire Randy Beurman; Gary seconded; passed. Pat said all the companies recommended 6” thermal seal be put on the bottom of the doors. He said we can have 6” thick apron in front of the hall for $2,000-3,000. The board said to wait on this.
Snowplowing Fees: The deadline is tonight. Glen moved that the deadline be moved back one week, to November 12, to allow everyone interested to pay. Mike seconded; passed. Steve Grabau voted yesterday but did not pay for snowplowing. His is the drive over ½ mile the board made the policy for. Mark said it is not a driveway but a path through a field and he almost got stuck more than once, and he doesn’t feel good about plowing this. Glen made a motion that at the discretion of the board on the advice of the grader operator, if a drive doesn’t meet the feasibility and safety threshold for the protection of the equipment and the driver, that we can refuse to plow that drive. Mike seconded; passed. Mark said that the North Duncan Road can be scary to plow also. If Steve doesn’t pay, the point is moot.
October meeting: Paul read the record of the October meeting. Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.
Schmedeke Lane Extension: The Board passed a resolution to adopt the Schmedeke Lane Extension as a township road last January. The county said they would release $10,000 to the township to bring the road up to specs if the resolution were recorded with the county, and as we submit invoices for the work done. This is based on the county’s estimate of $8,000 for 800 cubic yards of Class 5 gravel to top the road; $1,000 to repair the culvert and put in rip rap to reinforce it; and another $1,000 for misc. ditch and rock and cleanup. The board passed and signed another resolution stating: “The Board of Supervisors of the Town of Wilma accepts the county’s terms and conditions in their entirety, and makes no further demand on the County for any work on this road extension. Once the repairs are completed under the budget and funds provided by the county, Eldon Schmedeke will make no demands of the township or county for maintenance of the entire Schmedeke Lane above and beyond the same maintenance as for any other township road.” Mike moved to record the road resolution to accept the Schmedeke Lane Extension as part of our existing Schmedeke Lane, and to authorize the Road Manager Mark Pallow to add this project to his agenda for 2015. Glen seconded. Gary voted nay. Passed.
NEW BUSINESS: Road Report: Beaver Dam: Mark said beavers have almost plugged the 4 foot culverts on Heller Drive. He and Gary checked it out. Gary said if we use a fire hook to pull out some of the debris, the water movement will attract the beavers and they can be shot. Mark said he wants to ask Duane Glienke if he can try to pull out the debris with his backhoe.
Range Line Roads: Mark gave Paul a list of all the Range Line and Escrow Account roads that he has plowed or done work on, and the hours to charge to Danforth or New Dosey or to the escrow accounts.
T&T Escrow Account: We are holding three escrow payments from T& T. Mark said they’re done logging and he’d like to have their deposits refunded. Gary said they damaged the culverts on Mink Farm and Eagle Head Roads. They also hauled on Crooked Lake Road. Mark said there was no damage on Crooked Lake Road. Mike said we still need to deduct the time for the inspections and for routine gravel and grading; if they haul on a road they do damage. Mike said we should take $150 from the Crooked Lake T&T escrow account for restoration. Glen said we want to be able to justify any work so it is not arbitrary: we can charge two inspections and grading and restoration, and the time grading. He said we can document $111 in costs, deducted from $500, refund $389. Paul said he could write again to all the loggers and to the DNR and County Forestry, explaining our axle weight-limit ordinance and the importance of joint inspections both before and after the hauling. Gary said to make it clear that every road needs a separate escrow account. Gary said he thought we voted to take the entire escrow account if they miss an inspection, but Glen read the ordinance and it just leaves any damage assessment up to the Road Manager. Mike said we should table the T&T escrow issue until the next meeting when we can also go over the Mink Farm and Vink Roads and give Mark time to inspect them.
Tamarack Pine Drive: Mark said Hayward Logging damaged Tamarack Pine Drive and we should keep their entire escrow. T&T also worked on that road and was concerned that they would be blamed for Hayward’s damages.
Short Road: Mike said T&T is also logging on our Short Road.
Chains: Mark said he needs two sets of chains for the grader. Mike moved to authorize him to get them; Gary seconded.
New CTAS Program and Computer: Glen said he’s found a laptop computer for Patrice for $379, plus tax. Mike moved to authorize Glen to get the computer and to remove the programs and data from our old computer. Gary seconded. Mike moved that we sell our old computer to Fran Levings for $75. Gary seconded.
Starowoitow Refund: They paid $50 damage deposit and $25 hall rental. They pretty much cleaned up the hall after them. Gary moved to refund their deposit; Mike seconded. It’s too late for tonight’s claims, but Paul can notify them that it’s coming.
DNR Hearing at Hall: Bob Brewster requested the use of our hall on December 1 for a hearing with the DNR about aerial spraying and over-spraying of herbicides. Gary asked why they don’t use Arna’s hall? Glen said our hall borders the St. Croix State Forest where they are spraying and we are centrally located. Mike said the fire chiefs also want to use the hall in November for a meeting. Glen moved that both the DNR and the fire chiefs be permitted to use the hall with no rental fees. Mike seconded. Passed.
Outhouse Holding Tank: The tank is full and stinks. Mike moved to have Paul call Purple Pumper to pump it out. Gary seconded; passed.
Mike apologized for missing two meetings in a row. He said he will work on this not happening again.
Treasurer’s Report and Bills: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached) and claims were presented:
Pine County Courier $ 26.32
ECE 57.54
Security Life Dental 443.52
MAT State Convention Tuition 495.00
Jeff GrandPre (election) 39.00
Land and Cabins Culverts 538.50
Duxbury VFD (annual support) 4,500.00
The Evergreen 27.00
Jeanne GrandPre (election) 36.00
Glen Williamson (expenses) 33.60
Antoinette Williamson (judging) 147.00
Antoinette Williamson (Fall Fest expenses) 183.14
Paul (election, mileage, expenses) 417.11
Stephanie Hanson, The Procrastinators 300.00
Patrice (election, expenses) 252.92
Patrice 303.83
Mike McCullen 62.79
Glen Williamson 153.19
Gary Vink 129.29
Mark Pallow 49.87
Paul Raymond 193.01
Total Bills $ 8,388.63
Gary moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, to pay all the claims, and to transfer $8,300 from savings into checking. Mike seconded. Gary moved to adjourn the meeting; Glen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Paul Raymond, Clerk__________________________________
Attest: Glen Williamson, Chair________________________________