Chairman Mike McCullen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present: Supervisors Glen Williamson and Alden Shute, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Alden Shute, and Jim Bredesen. Paul said the gavel that belonged to his father disappeared after Fallfest. He’d put it on the stage before Fallfest and cannot find it. Patrice said she would donate one.
Clerk’s Report of October 4 Board Meeting. Paul read the record: Alden moved to accept the report; Glen seconded; passed.
Road Report: Most of the brush cutting from the December 14 storm has been cut and removed. Alden will get all the info to Paul at the December meeting. We will include everything following the December storm related to the snowfall. Patrice has a separate CTAS code for storm related damage, 43110. Deadline: Wayne Lamoreaux, ( “The State Disaster (2023-SD-070) was declared on January 31, 2023 and Wilma Township will have (1) year from the date of the declaration to complete all of the work.
Claims: The Supervisors were reviewing claims. Alden and Glen asked Paul why he needed to vacuum and clean the hall on October 24. Was this for the Wanderers? Wasn’t it already vacuumed and cleaned for Fallfest? Paul said Stacy and Stan didn’t start cleaning the hall on the Saturday of Fallfest until afternoon, and by the next Tuesday when he checked, the hall and windows were full of ladybugs and flies. He said that he cleaned it for the township and he vacuumed quarts of bugs. The outhouse and the hall needed to be clean for tonight’s meeting. Paul said he does a lot of township work that he does not bill for and asked that they not quibble over this claim. Mike said he should charge for everything he does. Alden asked why there are no bugs now if that many can appear in a few days? Paul said because he cleaned bugs today and did not bill the town for it.
OLD BUSINESS: Plow Display: Plows have been moved to the lawn before display platform built. Mike trimmed the low-hanging branches. Paul suggested that we have DUXBURY, MN on the left side and WILMA TOWNSHIP on the right side. Mike moved that we do that; Glen seconded; passed.
The Pine Co. Township Officers Association Meeting, Hinckley: Printed report by Glen given to Mike and Alden. Good meeting of the township officers of Pine Co. at the Hinckley Community Center Saturday, October 28. Glen, Patrice and Paul attended. Many county and state officials spoke: Senator Jason Rarick, Rep. Nathan Nelson, Sheriff Jeff Nelson, Co. Attorney Reese Frederickson, Commissioners Terry Lovgren, Steve Hallan, and JJ Waldhalm, DNR Conservation Wardens Ben Karon and Nick Brusewitz, Veteran Services Mindy Sandell, District 7 Director Tammy Carlson and Attorney Mike Couri. Good review on broadband, the new earned sick leave policy, and many township/county issues.
NEW BUSINESS: Snowplowing for Private Drives in 2023: Due tonight. An across-the-board increase of $25 was voted by the voters at the March annual town meeting. Standard driveways, $100; Over 700’: $125/season; 1,000 ft. to ½ mile: $200; Over ½ mile, $375. So far Mike, Paul, Patrice, Ackermans, Mattsons, Maureen, Glen, Alden, Tim McCullen have signed up and paid. Tom Ackerman paid $150, when it should be $125. We will refund $25. Dawn Hamlett on Crooked Lake Road asked if she could sign up. She sent a check that she said would be postmarked by Nov. 1. Alden will inspect her drive for overhanging branches and turnaround space. Paul will contact the Kleinschmidts.
Earned Sick and Safe Time (ESST) : Effective January 1, 2024, Minnesota has a new law requiring employers to provide paid Earned Sick and Safe Time (ESST) to employees. The Office of the State Auditor (OSA) will be updating CTAS to track the time earned and used and to provide that information on the pay stub. The OSA is planning on releasing an update to CTAS that will have the required changes at the beginning of 2024.
Workers’ Comp Change: Effective August 1, 2023 an employee may now verbally request or notify their employer of their plans to obtain nonemergency surgical treatment for a work-related injury. If the employer or their workers’ compensation provider fails to respond in writing within seven calendar days of the request or notification the employer or their workers’ compensation provider may be responsible for the cost of the treatment regardless of its necessity. With this change, it is critical that the township IMMEDIATELY contact MATIT’s workers’ compensation provider, SFM Risk Solutions (SFM), when an employee tells you they are planning on seeking any kind of surgery for an injury sustained while working for the township.
Pine County Burning Permit Update: As of 10/30/23, the hours for regular burning permits is now 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. due to waning hours of daylight. Burning during the day (prior to 5 p.m.) during this period requires a variance permit from a Forestry Office. Daytime burning is only allowed for those that have a variance permit stating daytime burning is permitted, or if there is more than 3” of contiguous snow cover (a permit is not required if there is more than 3” of snow).
Property Assessment? Board of Appeal: Jim Bredesen asked how he can find out what he is being assessed for on his property taxes? Paul said he can call Lori Houtsma the County Assessor, or attend the Board of Appeal on April 15, 1 p.m. at the Town Hall where Lori and our assessor will be there to answer all questions.
PERA Enrollment: Any officer who is also an employee will have to enroll in PERA if he has a claim of $425 in any month for non-board related reimbursement, and the town will also have to contribute. So far no one reached this threshhold. This does not apply to elected officials.
Federal and State Surplus Property Program: We have to renew our registration. All officers who might pick up surplus materials or equipment need to sign. Mike signed application and he, Alden, Glen and Paul signed to be able to pick up surplus equipment. Mike said he’d like to get a refrigerator for the fire hall. The fire department is also enrolled in the program.
Designate ARPA Funds: We will need to designate how we will spend our ARPA funds by Dec 31, 2024 and spend it all by Dec 31, 2026. Almost everything can be funded, included roads. Mike asked if we can use ARPA to pay for training like the MAT Conference? Paul will find out.
MAT 2023 Annual Conference: Will be December 7 – 9 at the Rivers’ Edge Conference Center in St. Cloud. Breakout educational sessions: Four rooms and four hours of training presentations which include: CTAS (Auditor’s Office), MAT Trainers, MAT Attorneys, Broadband, EMS, LTAP, Kennedy & Graven, MN Fire, MATIT, Corporate Purchasing Venture, Cannabis, Township websites, and more. Business Meeting: Introduction of MAT, Directors, Financials – CLA, Proposed resolutions, Bylaw recommended changes, MAT dues structure, Question and Answer, Legislative Update.At MAT’s Annual Meeting this December, the voting officers will be asked to consider a set of changes to MAT’s Bylaws and definition of vacancy and discontinuing parlimentary procedure.
ZOOM INFORMATIONAL SESSION: MAT District 7 (Counties include: Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Pine, Kanabec, Isanti, Sherburne, Wright, Anoka, Chisago, ) will host an virtual Proposed Bylaw Changes Information Session at the following: Monday, November 6 at 1:00 PM. Agenda: A presentation will be made by MAT General Counsel explaining the changes, and then there will be time for discussion and question and answer.
Participate via Zoom on computer (preferred): Meeting ID: 868 4773 6638
Township Day at the CapitoL: Two day conference at the Radisson in St. Paul. $99 per officer, April 8 and 9. $99, motel extra ($149). “ALL township officials are invited to join the Minnesota Association of Townships for “Township Day at the Capitol” on April 8, 2024, 1pm to April 9, 11am. We’ll have trainings, speakers, and impactful meetings with legislators to advocate for important township priorities.” Banquet and breakfast included.
Assessment Training: Online training for boards of appeal and equalization is available from MAT. “Follow the instructions on the Board of Appeal and Equalization Training website and follow the instructions. If you close out of the course before certifying your completion, you will need to retake the course. This new format does not save your progress so you must complete it, or you’ll need to start over.” Glen is certified to July, 2026. Mike and Alden not certified. We have a computer in the hall with internet access for Mike to use.
Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Total bills for November,$2,271.52. Glen moved to approve her report and transfer $2,300 from savings to checking. Alden seconded; Passed.
Glen moved to adjourn; Alden seconded; passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:45.
Paul Raymond, Clerk