[Unapproved Record; MAT Attorney Graham Berg-MKoeberg instructs clerks that “There is no requirement that meeting minutes be a complete transcript of everything that is said at the meeting. The minutes need to indicate the votes taken at the meeting. Especially for controversial issues or disputes that may end up in court, it is a good idea for your minutes to include your reasoning or important pieces of evidence that led the town board to their decision, and this may be summarized.”]

Chairman Mike McCullen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present: Supervisors Glen Williamson and Alden Shute, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Alden Shute, Stan and Tracy Riley, Kim Felton, Stefanie Williamson, Rod Sodegaard, Mike Siebenaler from Lost River Road, Jim Bredesen, and Steve Menth.

Approve Ground Rules: Mike asked for a motion to approve a resolution for some basic ground rules for board meetings: Citizens must raise their hand to speak; No interruptions; If a speaker asks question of another person, they can answer but speaker holds the floor; Maintain respect and decorum. Glen moved to adopt this resolution; Alden seconded; passed.

Clerk’s Report of April Board of Reorganization and Board Meeting. Paul read the record; some corrections: change Mike to Glen; change Glen to Alden; change 2021 to 2023; change Mike to Glen; change Glen to Alden; change DVDD to DVFD. With these corrections, Alden moved to approve; Mike seconded; Glen abstained and said he will not approve the clerk’s records, but offered no further corrections.

Road Report: Alden graded Lost River Road, River Cabin Road, and, ordered shims for the grader Alden said he got no calls or emails from Clay Heller regarding Heller Drive maintenance. We have the records of the work done on the road last year. Pine County Highway Department Bridge Report Heller Drive: Alden took it to study it and reported that they want us to cut two trees that are too close to the bridge.

Road Inspection Meeting: Set forMonday, May 22, 10 a.m., meet at hall. Paul will post it. Discussion on whether this is an open meeting that requires posting; Mike said if any decisions are made for any road or gravel, it is an open meeting. We need to look for any flood damage to any roads or culvets and tree damage from the December storm for reimbursement by County Disaster Relief Funds. Alden said none of our roads suffered flood damage.

State, County and Township Road Emergency: [In January, the board and Pine County declared that the December 14 storms were a county and township road right-of-way emergency, allowing us to clear and cut trees in the right-of-way. Paul filed our official application for disaster assistance, and we gave the county an estimate of $6,000 for Wilma Township damages, based on Alden’s estimates for Rootke and Duane Glienke.] Paul has filed requests with Wayne Lemereaux and Denise Anderson to see if we can be reimbursed for the purchase of a township chainsaw and pole saw, or for rental of these items and a wood-chipper. No answer yet.

Hiring Contractors: Alden will contact Duane Glienke and Rootke to see if and when they can do the work. Mike said we need a wood chipper.

Reimbursment Rate for Private Equipment; Discussion: If Board members do work for the township using their own equipment, e.g. chainsaws, should we make a rate chart for what we will pay per hour for each kind of equipment? Alden suggested $5/hour for a personal chainsaw. Mike said gas alone would be more than that. He won’t do it for $5. Other personal property that may be used by officers or employees: weed whips, snow blowers, tractors. We can check commercial rental rates.

OLD BUSINESS: Dumpster Camera: Erv bought a new camera and installed it and it is working. It is mounted on the fire hall. Employees vs. contrators: Patrice said without exception, if anyone does any work for the township they must be either employees and have taxes deducted or contractors with $1.5 million insurance and Erv will need to be hired as an employee and have taxes taken out. Paul said he didn’t think it applies to a one-time little job but she said it does. Paul will contact the MAT Attorney. We paid the citizens who cleared the trees with non-tax claims.

Fire Hall Light: At the April meeting, Mike said it is dark at night on the east side of the hall and at night you can’t see to unlock the door or pump water from the tank and Mike moved that we have Erv purchase and install a motion-sensitive solar powered light facing east on the hall. If Patrice is correct, Erv will have to do it as an employee or contrator.

MAT Spring Short Course: Was April 7, at the DECC in Duluth. Paul gave the clerk’s/treasurers’ reports to Mike; he was the only one who didn’t go.

MAT Lobby Day in St. Paul: Was April 18 to lobby our Representative and Senator and other officials with township issues at the Minnesota State Capitol Building in St. Paul . Glen tried to go but had car issues.

Board of Appeal/Equalization: For voters to appeal 2024 property tax assessments, was Monday, April 10, 2021, 1 p.m. at the hall with County Assessor Lorri L. Houtsma.

Town Park: At the Annual Town Meeting the voters asked to have a sign on the park (the 36 acres behind and west of the Eagle Head Fire Station), identifying it as the Wilma Town Park, with boundary markers. Erv got prices for carved DNR-type signs with Wilma Town Park carved in. With Cedar, it was over $700.

Plow Display: Stefanie reminded the board that they had agreed to display the old blow blade in a raised bed. Discussion on gravel and how to build display. Alden will take care of it.

NEW BUSINESS: “Resolution to Request Michael McCullen Resign Either as Chief of DVFD or as Supervisor Because Such Positions Could be Deemed an Incompatability of Offices.” Glen presented a resolution claiming that four of the five attorneys he contacted (Bob Ruppe, Steve Fenske, Graham Berg-Moberg, Reese Frederickson, and Kevin Hofstad) believe that the two positions are incompatible or at the least a conflict of interest. Both Paul and Mike said they also spoke to Fenske and he did not say this to them. Glen moved to approve his resolution; Alden seconded. Passed. Mike resigned as Fire Chief.

Guidelines for Contacting Township Attorney: Our Township Attorneys, Couri&Ruppe charge $275 per hour for any questions or research. Discussion: Should officers be able to contact them without board approval? Glen said Mike Roupe told him any Supervisor can contact them and the town be billed without board approval.

Resolution Authorizing Contract With Interested Officers and Affadavits of Conflict of Interest: If any Board member wants to do work for the township outside of their normal duties, they need a one-time Resolution by the board authorizing this work and the officer must file an Affadavit of Official Interest in Claim every time they are paid. Resolutions were made for Alden, Mike and Paul for Board to be approved. Glen moved to approve resolution authorizing contract with Mike; Alden seconded; Mike abstained; Glen moved to approve resolution authorizing Paul; Alden seconded; passed. Glen moved to approve Alden; Mike seconded; Alden abstained; passed. Each officer must file affidavits of interest every time they are paid. Paul gave Alden a stack of affidavits.

Transfer ARPA Funds to Broadband Fund. The Board voted in April to spend $800 of our ARPA funds into our internet fund. Patrice made the transfer.

Mike Siebenaler from Lost River Road: He has a lot of debris from the winter storm and asked if the township will take care of it. Mike said only if it is in the township right-of-way. We can’t remove driveway debris. We will chip debris in our ditches.

Rod Sodegaard Town Hall Rental: He gave Patrice the form and deposit for a wedding shower. Paul said the hall should be clean and set up for the pancake breakfast.

Couri&Ruppe Legal Seminar: Will be Saturday, September 16 in Rutledge, 9-4. They will answer all legal questions for free.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the treasurer’s report. Total bills for May are $4,418.50; she needs a transfer of $4,400. Glen moved to approve her report and to transfer the funds. Alden seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 10:10.

Paul Raymond, Clerk