Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present: Supervisor Mike McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Alden Shute, Stan and Tracey Riley, Pat Story, David Nelson, Rodney Sorgaard, and Jody Mattson. September Meeting Record: Paul read the record of the September meeting. Mike moved to approve; Glen seconded.

ROAD REPORT: Alden said he has graded all the township roads a couple of times in preparation for winter. He had gravel put down on the North and South Duncan Roads. The culverts are staged on Crooked Lake and Dollar Lake Roads and will be put in this week. Paul should bill Danforth Township for half of the cost of the culverts. Alden said he dug out the frost boils on Tamarack Pine Drive and on the Vink Road. He picked up a new cutting edge for the grader.

Township Road Mowing: Jody said she watched Jerry’s Mowing on Tamarack Pine Drive and they had the mower set over a foot high and she felt the town was wasting their money.

Road Surveys: Jody said a surveyor was on Tamarack Pine Drive looking for the survey marker and thought it was near Maureen Rioux’s driveway. There is a property dispute on the other side of the river of Tamarack Pine Drive between Clay Heller and James Doody and some land he bought from Micki Johnson. The surveyor wanted permission from the board to dig in Tamarack Pine Drive, but he said he doubted there even was a marker. Mike said there is a marker at the corner of Duxbury Road and Tamarack River Road, and the board said he should not dig in the road with such flimsy evidence.

Barricade on Tamarack Pine Drive: Jody said Tamarack Pine Drive ends at the Tamarack River where there used to be a bridge. People still drive right to the end of the road and there is no turn-around space, so they need to drive on their lawn. She said the river drop-off is steep and it is a hazard. Glen moved that Alden barricade the end of the road so no one goes down past the barricades. Mike seconded.

OLD BUSINESS: Couri & Ruppe Annual Township Legal Seminar: Was Saturday, September 25, 2021, at the Rutledge Town Hall. Paul attended and brought back the powerpoint manual for all the board members. He said the manuals have every subject discussed and every point discussed and it was very good training on roads, fire department contracts, speed limits, beaver dams, contracts, and legal pitfalls townships fall into.

2021 MAT EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE AND ANNUAL MEETING: Was online again on September 9, 10, 11. The board members and public can still watch the sessions at these links: SepticSystems: PowerPoints on Current Town Legal Issues, by Jason Hill and Troy Gilchrist:

Video on Township Legal Issues: Troy Gillchrist talked about the 60-day rule for any applications from to citizens to the board. They must act within 60 days or the petition is considered granted. The countdown starts when the application is submitted. The response must be in writing by resolution. Video on Roads: PowerPoint “RoadsRoadsRoads”: Speed limits: if no limit set then 55 mph applies, but the public must drive reasonably and prudently. The board can adopt a 35 mph limit in rural residential districts where there is 300′ between houses for ¼ mile. They can pass a 25 mph limit on any town road less than ½ mile. They need a resolution to put up speed limit signs. Gillchrist said towns can lose roads by vacation or by abandonment, but even unused and unmaintained roads remain public rights-of-way.

Video on Twp. Employee policies: Power Point on township employees:

Q&A for Clerks and Treasurers: Our ARPA funds need to be put into a special fund, which can be the fund set up for our CARES Act funds last year, named Federal Grants/ARPA and Fund 270.

Liquor and Cigarette License: Stan Riley has started a new business at the corner of Duxbury and Tamarack River Roads, selling propane, prepared lunches, and hopes to add liquor and strong beer and cigarettes. He needs Wilma Board approval to get the liquor license. The board granted his cigarette license. Stan said he had his trailer moved and put up yellow parking markers and he has almost 50 feet of parking off-road. The county is putting in a culvert so he can widen his driveway. Mike said he still hesitates to vote for a liquor license for Stan until the culvert is put in and the parking issue is completely resolved; people still park on the road. Glen said our township has always been very welcoming to new residents and business ventures and we should be now when Stan has made so much effort to satisfy the board’s concerns. He moved that the board adopt a resolution to petition the county to put up a stop-sign ahead warning sign and a 35 mph speed limit sign on Tamarack River Road a quarter-mile north of Duxbury Road or at a distance they feel is safest. Glen moved that our record state that the Board of Supervisors of Wilma Township has no objection or opposition to the county granting Stan and Tracey’s business, Country Store and More, a license to sell liquor and strong beer. Mike seconded.

NEW BUSINESS: Pine Co. Twp. Officers Assn. Meeting: Will be Saturday, October 23, at the Hinckley Community Center at 9 a.m. Secretary-Treasurer Glen Williamson has scheduled many interesting speakers and presenters and county officials.

Wilma Fall Fest: Will be that night, Oct. 23, starting at 6 p.m. With a potluck supper and then the Procrastinators will play for the evening. All are welcome. Jody Mattson said she would join the committee and help get businesses and vendors to donate door prizes. Glen said he’d take care of the Play and Stay at the casino, but Jody could contact the Danbury Casino. Paul said two years ago we only had very few prizes which gave the Procrastinators more time to play uninterrupted. He asked if we could restrict it to 10 good prizes, like oil changes. Jody said the kids love the idea of door prizes.

Pine County Wanderers: Will meet at the Wilma Town Hall on Wednesday, October 27, starting at noon. Mike moved to give approval for them to use the hall. Glen seconded.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave treasurers’ report: Total bills for October, including our annual fire department contract, $10,858.82. Total to transfer, $11,000. Mike moved to approve her report and to transfer the funds. Glen seconded. Mike moved to adjourn the meeting; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9.15.