Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 p.m. Also present were Supervisors Michael McCullen, Glenford Williamson, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Bruce and Donna Filler, Joe Vink, Ken Yager, Eldon and Marg Schmedeke, Glen Williamson, Jr., and Mark Pallow.
Paul read the record of the August meeting. Mike moved to approve; Glen seconded.
OLD BUSINESS: Park Falls Hardwoods: They paid another $500 into the Escrow Account, and asked that they be notified of any future damage that they will be charged for so they can inspect it and possibly repair it. They have also asked for a receipt for the $500 we used out of their escrow monies.
Grader: The new cutting blades and nuts and bolts were ordered from Ziegler.
Duncan Road: The work is complete. Hopkins was able to do the work for $1,400.
Kenny Peterson Road: Hopkins has put in a bid for $1,500 to repair that road with a new culvert and ten loads of pit-run gravel. The cabin owners on that road will come up with a cat to help with the work.
Heller Road: Joe said the culvert on the Heller Road needs about two loads of class five on either side of the culvert. He can’t grade it the way it is. Gary said he did tell Gary Fornengo during the joint road inspection that a beaver was plugging the culverts and that Fornengo agreed that Gary should remove it. Gary said it might be time to review our joint road agreement with New Dosey and possibly change it to one like Arna’s, where each town will do necessary gravel and repairs on the Heller Road on alternate years. Joe said New Dosey is forgetting all the favors we have done them, and they are contesting different charges. Gary moved that the Supervisors review the road agreement we have with New Dosey. Mike seconded.
New Grader: Joe and Mark Pallow have done research on a replacement grader, and have found a John Deere hydraulic 6-wheel drive grader in Protection, Kansas, for an asking price of $60,000. A wing and blade would add another $6–8,000, and delivery would cost around $2,000, for a total estimated cost of $75,000. Mark compared this with 6-8 other graders, and he also called the John Deere dealer, who said this was a good deal. Glen moved that Joe and Mark be authorized to make a trip to Protection, Kansas, to check out the grader, and that they be reimbursed for gas, motel and travel expenses, and that they be authorized to negotiate for the purchase of the grader if they decide that it is a good investment, and that the Board be authorized to borrow up to $65,000 for this purchase. Mike seconded.
Donna said she feels that the board should investigate different graders before deciding on this one. Mike said that the grader committee has investigated 6-8 different graders and have not found any better ones. Mike asked that it be put on record that discussions and disagreements are acceptable at town meetings but that swearing and bad language are not.
Eldon said that we need to be sure that the grader fits into the shed. Mark asked that the town consider buying a power-washer so he can keep the grader clean.
NIMS TRAINING: Mike said that it is his understanding that all elected officials, township officers, county officers and state officers are mandated to take the National Incident Management Training to coordinate responses to emergencies and disasters. Art Woodford from New Dosey is training the Fire Department and has the training materials and CD’s. Mike moved that Glen Williamson be authorized and paid to attend the training tomorrow night. Mike and Gary are attending as volunteer fire fighters, and Glen will go as a township official. Paul said that no one has notified us that other township officers are required to take it; he had the training at the prison.
Notices: Eldon said that on published and posted notices that the town hall should be designated the Wilma Town Hall, not the Duxbury Town Hall.
Bills were presented:
Joe Vink $ 481.12
Mike McCullen 51.94
Glenford Williamson 67.51
The Evergreen 6.75
East Central Energy 36.98
Pine Co. Courier 15.04
Ziegler CAT 296.85
Paul Raymond 222.73
Gary Vink 122.36
Patrice Winfield 152,38
Donna Filler 62.68
Marg Schmedeke 41.56
Total all bills $ 1,557.90
Gary moved to pay all bills and to transfer $1,550 from savings to checking. Mike seconded.
Treasurer’s Report:
We received the June settlement from the county for $20,940.27.
General Fund Receipts 6,694.49
Disbursements 2,517.95
Balance 19,050.63
Road and Bridge Rec: 11,362.48
Disb: 3,520.60
Bal: 35,534.80
Fire Rec: 2,287.39
Bal: 2,205.39
Park Rec: 22.24
Bal: 699.30
Building Rec: 668.47
Bal: 6,330.13
Escrow Bal: 4,336.35
Total All Funds: $ 68,111.60
Gary moved to approve the Treasurer’s report. Mike seconded. Mike moved to adjourn the meeting. Gary seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.
Paul Raymond, Clerk, 9/6/09