Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Michael McCullen, Glenford Williamson, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Joe Vink, Mark Pallow, David Swanson, Ronald McCullen, Ken Yager and Eldon Schmedeke and Bob Brewster, Township Assessor.
Paul read the record of the August meeting. Mike moved to approve; Glen seconded.
OLD BUSINESS: Carlson Timber Escrow Deposit: Carlson’s paid another $500 deposit for their work on the Crooked Lake Road. They had earlier paid two other $500 escrow deposits, in 2000 and 2004 for work on the Vink and Mayfield Roads. We used the first one for the Vink Road, and Carlson’s asked for documentation for how the second one was used. Gary said Carlsons bladed all the new gravel off of the Mayfield Road, which needed to be replaced. Gary will contact Carlsons and find out when they will be done on the Crooked Lake Road and tell them that we intend to blade and restore the road. Mike said many, many Carlson trucks are going up and down the road, and have degraded it badly. Carlsons asked for the opportunity to do any needed repairs; Gary is concerned that they don’t have the proper equipment and could further damage it. Joe said we can give them the chance to haul gravel for the repair.
FEMA Flood Damage Payments: FEMA sent a check for $71 and have closed out the account.
HAVA Improvement Grants: The government is offering grants to towns and cities to make their voting places compliant with the HAVA. The MN Secretary of State said that we cannot get retroactive funding for our outhouse, but we can apply for funds to build a wheelchair ramp at the 20:1 ratio for the Town Hall, with a sidewalk slab to reach the handicapped parking and the outhouse. Mark will give Paul an estimate so he can apply for the funds. The deadline is September 12.
Grader Rate: Gary asked Paul to bill New Dosey for 1 hour of grading on August 30, their half $50. Mike asked if we’re getting a fair rate for our grader, considering how much it cost us. Glen moved that Mark and Gary investigate our actual costs for grading town line roads, and what other towns charge, and to bring the information to the next meeting. Mike said we should increase it now, but Glen said we may undercharge ourselves. Glen amended his motion to increase our grader rate to $150 per hour now, pending the investigation, when a rate will be set. Mike seconded.
Pete Anderson Road Culvert: Gary asked Arna township to mark the culvert they feel should be replaced, which they have not done yet. Gary asked Eldon to also mark the culvert into his land that needs to be replaced. Eldon said that the county has marked the culvert at the entrance to the road, that it is their responsibility to replace.
Town hall Chairs: Mike asked Ron if he heard anything from Tanks Tavern about the chairs that they have for sale. The board had moved to purchase them, and they were supposed to deliver them. Ron said Pat has been doing the calling, and Mike asked Ron to have her call them and have them delivered.
NEW BUSINESS: Fire hall Sign: Ron said other towns have road signs indicating that there is a fire hall so that vehicles will slow down, and asked if we can investigate also getting signs on the Duxbury Road saying that there is a fire station here and to slowdown. Ron also asked if we can get a sign marking Duxbury so people know there is a town here. Paul will contact the highway department about the signs. Mike said we also need to tell them to cut the trees in the right-of-way in front of the town hall.
Duxbury Volunteer Fire Dept. name: Eldon asked why the name of the fire department is Duxbury and not Wilma. He said some taxpayers do not want Duxbury on the name but Wilma, since they pay taxes to Wilma and he feels Duxbury refers to the store. Mike said that when the fire department was organized, there were legal reasons to not call it Wilma for liability to the township, since it is an independent volunteer fire department, and not a Wilma Township organization. Ron said that the insurance would be higher if it were a township fire department, and there would be a lot of legal liability. Even Arna and New Dosey use the name Duxbury.
Bob Brewster on Township Assessments: Bob took the floor to explain how he does assessments and what properties are assessed in any given year. He does a five year rotation for most parcels, so each property is assessed every five years, per Minnesota Dept. of Revenue statutes and Pine County Assessor’s Office requirements. Many parcels are assessed more frequently, e.g., new construction, subdivisions, personal property, and changes in classification. Gary said he believes the supervisors are required by statute to notify Bob of any new construction. Ron asked if they find new construction by flyovers, but Bob said no, he relies on reports and his personal observations, since we do not issue building permits. Glen said he wants us to adopt some kind of building permit, but not a zoning ordinance as strict as Arna’s. Bob said technically, a building permit means that the township has adopted the Universal Building Code, which Arna has not. Glen asked if we could ask for site or construction permits without adopting the code. Bob said we can use MN Statute 366 or 462. Arna adopted 462 as it gives more power over junkyards and subdivisions. MS 366 has a list of what is allowed to be regulated. Bob said there has to be enabling legislation for any ordinance that is adopted. Bob said we need both a planning commission and a board of appeals, and the same people cannot serve on both. All are appointed by the Town Board, and in Arna the Board of Appeals is the Town Board.
Glen moved that Wilma Township renew the contract with Bob Brewster to do our assessments in 2008. Mike seconded.
County Junkyard Ordinance: Bob asked for time to explain the new proposed County junkyard ordinance. He said Arna and New Dosey are sending a petition to the County asking that toxic wastes be regulated under the ordinance, which now they are not. Bob Pulford had assured Arna that toxic wastes and hazardous materials would be covered, but now Dale Powers who replaced Bob says that they are not covered. Arna feels betrayed as they did not include hazardous materials in their zoning ordinance based on Pulford’s promise, and it is costly to amend and change the ordinance. There is a hearing on October 4 at East Central High School. Mike moved that Wilma Township join with New Dosey and Arna and support and sign the petition to include hazardous and toxic materials under the new County Junkyard Ordinance. Gary seconded. Eldon said he does not like the provision where people can squeal on their neighbors anonymously and get people in trouble without identifying themselves. He believes there are too many people snooping on each other.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Patrice presented the Treasurer’s report (attached)
Mike McCullen $ 27.70
ECE 32.62
FNBNS 2,000.00
Paul Raymond 115.44
Gary Vink 157.00
Joe Vink 244.73
Patrice Winfield 96.97
Glen Williamson 27.70
Total Bills $ 2,702.16
Mike moved to approve the Treasurer’s report and to pay all bills and to transfer $2,700 from savings to checking. Glen seconded. Glen moved to adjourn; Gary seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.