Regular Meeting, March 5, 2008


Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Michael McCullen and Glenford Williamson, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Duane Glienke, Eldon Schmedeke and two citizens.

Paul read the record of the February meeting. Glen moved to approve; Mike seconded.

We got a bill from Pine County Public Works for $177.57. The board directed Paul to find out what this is for before paying it.

T & T Damages: T & T Logging knocked down the stop and road signs on the Pete Anderson and North Duncan Roads. Gary said the cost for each sign is $250, and he directed Paul to bill T&T $500 to replace both signs.

Townline Road billing: Gary asked Paul to bill New Dosey $75 for their half of plowing the Heller Road on 2/16/08. Also to bill Arna Township $75 for their half of snowplowing Langstrom Road on 2/16, and Danforth $75 for their half of snowplowing the Eagle Head and Crooked Lake Roads on the same date. We received payments of $591.60 from Arna and $75 from New Dosey.

Town Park Logging: Duane Glienke presented a proposal to log off the poplar in the town park acreage, offering to pay the town $25 per cord. He estimated that there were at least 50 cords in the park. Mike said this should be a winter cut. Duane said he would be careful not to damage or rut up the roads. He said he could put the landing off of Joe Vink’s road so it wouldn’t scar the township road. Mike said there is already a driveway with a culvert from Duxbury Road to the town park and he would like Duane to put his landing there so that this cleared area could later be used for a wayside park site or even a future town hall. Glen moved that the Town of Wilma contract with Duane Glienke to log the poplar trees from the 38.5 acre town park land for a minimum of $25 per cord. Mike seconded. Mike said that a driveway and a cleared landing into the town park land that citizens could get access to the downed wood.

Septic Inspection Rates: Gail Kespohl sent a letter increasing her rates. Glen said that with all costs increasing that the town should add a surtax to the septic inspection fees so that the town can generate some revenues. Glen moved that the town retain Pine Septic and Design as our septic system inspector, and to ask for an added fee of $100 for a full system; $50 for a drainfield, and $25 for a tank only; and that the clerk send a letter with our contract notifying Gail of our added fees that she should pass on to the people she inspects. Mike seconded.

Tri-township Disposal District: Mike had a letter from the Tri-Township Disposal District reducing annual fees from $36 to $30 per year. The Chairman and Clerk signed the agreement.

Spring Short Course: Gary moved that any township officer who wanted to should be authorized to attend the Township Association Spring Short courses. Glen seconded. Paul and Glen and possibly Patrice will carpool to the St. Cloud short course on March 24. They will meet at the store at 6 a.m.

County Township Officers’ Meeting: Glen urged all township officers to attend the County Township Officers’ meeting on March 29 in Hinckley. Eldon said he has never seen a township officer speak up at any of these meetings; they just listen and applaud. He said that he has spoken up many times at these meetings and no one ever makes a motion or a resolution.

HR 2421: Eldon took the floor to urge the township to be aware and to speak up about James Oberstars’ proposed bill HR 2421, which Eldon said would vastly expand the Clean Water Act of 1972 to cover even mostly dry land. He said that clean fill like gravel would be considered a pollutant and putting clean fill on mostly dry land would be considered discharging pollutants and would be a felony federal offense. Eldon said that HR 2421 would expand federally protected waters to include small depressions that fill only one week a year and land in a 100 year floodplain that is wet only once in 100 years.

Treasurer’s Report and Bills: Bills were presented:

FNBNS $ 2,000.00

ECE 37.38

The Evergreen 10.00

Mike McCullen 34.63

Pine Co. Courier 45.12

Mark Pallow 118.20

Gary Vink 83.86

Paul Raymond 102.78

Patrice Winfield 225.18

Glen Williamson 34.63

TOTAL BILLS $ 2,691.78

Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached). Gary moved to approve the Treasurer’s report and to pay all the bills, and to transfer $2,700 from savings to checking. Glen seconded.

Mike moved that we purchase a new clock, not a battery-powered one. Gary seconded. Mike moved to adjourn; Glen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk