Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Alden Shute.

Paul read the record of the June meeting; Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.

OLD BUSINESS: Schmedeke Lane Extension Inspection and Special Meeting: Mike said he still wants to inspect the road first with Duane Glienke and Mark Pallow to see what the priorities are for the $10,000 budget. Mike also said he will talk with Barb Jensen about getting the needed easement on the west side of the current Schmedeke Lane to see if we can widen it. The board postponed any board road inspection of the Schmedeke Lane Extension Project until after the the August meeting.

Backup Grader Operator: We need to hire and train a backup operator for when Mark is unavailable. The board discussed Nathan Pinson, Duane Glienke, and Alden Shute. Alden is the most available year around, since he took a local job hauling gravel for Hopkins Sand and Gravel. Mike moved to hire Alden Shute as first backup grader operator, and to take over Mark’s job if he should chose to give it up, with Nathan as his backup, and if Nathan is on the road, Duane Glienke. Gary seconded. Alden will train with Mark to learn our grader. The board discussed the mechanics duties and wages. Mike said we need to do a routine background check and Alden will need to sign a I-9 form and a new hire form.

Road Report: Gary said Hopkins put 96.79 tons of gravel on Tamarack Pine and McCullen Drive, and 523.48 tons on the Vink Road. They are hauling in 15 yard loads, 20 tons per load. We are getting Hopkins’ good gravel from their Highway 48 pit.

Summer Short Course: Was June 25, Thursday, at Black Bear Casino. Glen, Gary, Patrice and Paul all attended. All officers took the session on Open Meeting Law, Elections, Data Requests, roads. Paul took the hands-on CTAS Accounting course. Patrice took Payroll and Budget Issues for Clerks/Treasurers and Budget and Audit Responsibilities. Patrice said we need to have forms on file for all officers and employees: the I9 Form and W4 and New Hire Forms. Glen and Gary took Cartways, and Audit Reports for Supervisors; Glen gave a report on township rules and policies. Officers car-pooled.

NEW BUSINESS; Bob Brewster Assessment Contract: Bob send a renewal contract for township assessments, with a letter explaining how every six years, he has to assess all tax-exempt parcels. Contract for 277 non-exempt parcels @$5.50 ea., and 58 exempt parcels @ $11.00 each, total contract for 2015, $2,161.50 He said, “I have extended a lower ‘per parcel’ rate for the exempt parcels.” Mike moved to renew Bob’s contract for 2015; Gary seconded. Passed.

Federated Propane Summer Top-off Offer: We can fill up our tank at a very low rate of $1.19/gallon, if we pay when it’s filled. Paul will call and arrange the fill.

St. Croix Boys Camp Auction: The DNR will try to auction off the camp again in August. Scott Fortier wants to raise $300,00 to buy the camp and turn it into a summer camp; he has a GoFundMe campaign, but is only up to $700. Mike had a question to ask the County Attorney: If the Boys Camp was appraised in the millions, and now is being sold for $300,000, will that also drive down all our property assessments for taxes?

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached). Claims were presented and approved. Mike made a motion to pay all the claims, to approve the Treasurer’s Report, and to transfer $8,065 from savings into checking. Gary seconded. Glen moved to adjourn the meeting; Gary seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.


Paul Raymond, Clerk


Attest: Glen Williamson, Chair