Board Meeting Wednesday, June 7, 2006


Deputy Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Duxbury Town Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisor Michael McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Mike Ferlic, Ken Yager, George Yager, Paul M. and Deonna (Dede) Booth, Glen Williamson, Bruce and Donna Filler, and Eldon and Marjorie Schmedeke.

Paul read the record of the May Board Meeting. Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.

Bank Resolution, First National Bank: Gary moved that First National Bank be our bank of deposit and checking; and that Treasurer Patrice Winfield be authorized to open accounts, to endorse checks to our Town, and to sign checks for Wilma Township; and that clerk Paul Raymond’s signature also be required on Township checks; and that the Chairman of the Board’s and (in the Chairman’s absence) the Deputy Chairman’s (currently Gary Vink) signature also be required on Township checks; and that all three Supervisor’s signatures be needed to borrow money and to incur debts in the name of Wilma Township. Mike seconded this resolution, and it passed. Patrice will bring the signed resolution to the bank.

Shared Road Agreements: Gary asked Paul for copies of all the shared-road maintenance agreements Wilma has with neighboring townships Arna, New Dosey, and Danforth. Gary asked if we have started using the escrow funds for maintenance of Mona Drive; we have used $100 so far since 2003.

Duxbury Store 3.2 License: Mike moved that the license for 3.2 beer for the Duxbury Store be approved by the Town Board. Gary seconded. Paul and Gary signed it as Clerk and Deputy Chairman.

Rebecca Niedzielski Resignation: Mike moved that the Board accept the resignation of Becky as Chairman and Supervisor. Gary seconded. Mike asked that Paul draft a letter of appreciation to Becky for all she has done for our township as Chairman these past years. Paul said he has already written a personal appreciation and will write one from the Board. Gary moved that Glen Williamson be appointed to serve as Supervisor for the remainder of Becky’s term, until the March, 2007 election. Mike seconded. Glen took the oath of office and assumed his seat up front. There was some discussion of whether Becky was elected Chairman and the replacement should also be Chairman. Becky was elected Supervisor and the Board appoints officers, not the voters. Mike moved that Gary be appointed Chairman. Glen seconded. Gary moved that Mike be appointed Deputy Chairman; Glen seconded.

Outhouse/Town Hall Maintenance: Mike will be picking up the parts for the outhouse and the lever handles for the Town Hall this week.

Supervisors’ Training for Boards of Review: The Township Association Summer Short Course will be offering a certification course for Supervisors for local Board of Appeal and Equalization certification. There are also training sessions for CTAS for Clerks and Treasurers, and other Supervisor and Clerk/Treasurer sessions. Short courses will be Monday, July 10 in St. Cloud, Thursday, July 27 in Bemidji, or Friday, July 28 in Grand Rapids. The tuition is $35 for pre-registration by June 30 for St. Cloud or by July 14 for the later dates. On-site registration is $45. Mike moved that any Town Board member who can attend, should. Gary seconded. The Board decided to let everyone register and pay on their own, and be reimbursed, and if possible register early to get the discount.

Road Report: The Board met with Danforth Supervisor Jason Palme when they did our road inspection. We have not received any word from Danforth about what was discussed as shared road maintenance for Eagle Head/Crooked Lake Roads. Two culverts on these roads are plugged, and we need permission to blow them out; Danforth had said they want to do beaver abatement but they are not doing it. Paul will contact Jeff Shute on these issues. We have not heard from New Dosey on the agreements on work on the Heller Road for this season. Gary met with them.

Culvert Prices: Gary asked Paul to look up what we paid for culverts several years ago. The Board said that any shared culverts would need to be billed at current prices.

Grader Operator: Mike moved that Mark Pallow, Joe Vink, Bruce Filler, David Seilaff, Paul Booth all be approved as Wilma grader operators. Bruce Filler and Paul Booth will need to be trained on our grader, and the supervisors will arrange training. All will need a valid Minnesota driver’s license.

Road Inspection: Results of the May 15 Road Inspection:

Eagle Head Road: Regular maintenance. Need 6 or more loads of gravel on a bad spot where the culvert is.

Crooked Lake Rd.: Second to last culvert is bent. Danforth needs to agree on replacing it or turning it around, if this can be done. May be logger damage. We still have Potlatch’s escrow payment. Randy Schultz’s driveway needs a culvert. We have sent several letters to him, and need to send another.

Pete Anderson/Langstrom Roads: Arna has made the following assessments for these roads: Pete Anderson: 1 culvert @ $600; 25 loads gravel @ $120 ea. = $3,000; 2 loads pit-run for the extension @ $120 = $240; Langstrom: 2 loads pit-run for extension @ $120 = $240. Total approx. cost = $4,080, Wilma’s half = $2,040. Completing the extention of Pete Anderson Road to the end could need up to 50 loads of pit-run gravel, which is not included in this estimate. The Townships have agreed to two loads per year on the end of each of the roads until they are legal length.

Fust Road: 3-5 loads gravel and regular maintenance.

South Duncan Rd: 3-5 loads of pit-run in low spots. No homes.

N. Duncan Rd: Regular maintenance. 5-6 loads of pit-run to extend and improve the road past the first mile.

Mink Farm Road: Regular maintenance.

Little Tamarack Lake Rd: 4 loads of class-5 gravel on the curves around the lake east of the landing. Regular maintenance.

Mayfield Rd: Regular maintenance. This road gets torn up by 4 wheelers and loggers.

Lost River Rd: We need a final signed road agreement and payment of the escrow account before we do work on this road.

River Cabin Rd: Regular maintenance.

Mona Drive: Regular maintenance.

Kenny Peterson Road: Needs one load by Kenny’s driveway.

Vink Road: The sign has been vandalized again. Gary made a motion that the town do nothing and leave the sign as it is. No second. Mike moved that we paint and repair the sign ourselves, and not have the county do it. Gary seconded. Paul has paint and will paint it if Gary can get it down. We can use reflective tape for the letters. The road needs 10-13 loads of gravel on bad spots.

Dollar Lake Rd.: Regular maintenance.

Tamarack Pine Drive: Regular maintenance.

McCullen Drive: 2-3 loads; regular maintenance.

Heller Road: Need a 15″ culvert at the beginning and gravel to fill it in. New Dosey agreed to this.

Plat Book: Mike moved that Paul purchase a new Plat Book for our town. Gary seconded.

Junkyard Ordinance: The Board met in a special meeting on May 24th and drafted a letter in opposition to this ordinance which was sent to Pine Co. Coordinator John Steiben, Commissioner Roger Nelson, Zoning Administrator Bob Pulford, and to the Pine County Courier. The letter was published. Eldon said he had an idea to help eliminate junk cars from the county: pay property owners $25 per car to take them away and dispose of them. He asked when the next meeting on the ordinance will be held. We did not have this information yet.

Bills and Treasurer’s Report:

Joe Vink $ 84.04

Mark Pallow 192.05

E. Central Electric 30.77

Mike McCullen 154.75

Gary Vink 408.63

Paul Raymond 192.10

Patrice Winfield 109.71

Total Bills: $ 1,172.08

General Fund Disbursements: $ 2,796.80

Bal: 15,402.52

Road and Bridge Disb: 365.70

Bal: 29,187.59

Fire Bal: 18.00

Park Bal: 671.86

Building Bal: 5,721.36

Escrow Bal: 4,322.88

Total All Funds: $ 55,324.21

Glen moved to pay all bills, to transfer $1,100 from savings to checking, and to approve the Treasurer’s report. Mike seconded.

Mike moved to adjourn the meeting. Glen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk