Chairman Mike McCullen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present: Supervisors Glen Williamson and Alden Shute, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Alden Shute, Stefanie Williamson, Stan and Tracy Riley, Angie Anderson, Lori Shute, and Jim Bredesen.

February 7 Board Meeting. Paul read the record. Stefanie asked the record change Stefanie said that if someone is trained and certified that they have to be appointed to judge,” to “should be appointed.” Done. Glen asked if Kim had been exonerated of election fraud? Paul said yes, by the Sheriff. Mike said they were pissed to waste so much time and resources on a bogus allegation. Alden moved to accept the report; Mike seconded; Glen abstained; passed and approved.

Mink Farm Road and McCullen Drive Logging: Fornengos are finished on McCullen drive and have been refunded their escrow; Alden inspected and passed the road and approved the refund. Futurewood/W B Johnson/Quinton Finley-Forester are done logging on the south side of Mink Farm Road. Alden said the damage was routine and can be corrected with the grader and approved their escrow refund.

Dollar Lake Road Entrance: Alden has not been able yet to talk to Mark LeBrun personally to request that they widen the entrance to the road and he doesn’t want to drive all the way to Pine City. Alden said he will catch him in Sandstone. He graded Mayfield Road; many ruts.

Land Sale on N. Duncan Road: Alden would like to put some pit run over the culverts on this road. One condition of the sale is they can only haul in winter months. The Board will inspect this road at the May road inspection.

OLD BUSINESS: FEMA Report: Storm Damage Work and Debris Disposal: The Clerk successsfully submitted our report for reimbursement and we should be paid in 30-45 days, at least 75% of our claim which was over $11,000.

NEW BUSINESS: March 5, 2024 Presidential Nomination Primary (PNP). Was yesterday. Wilma totals (16 voters): Joe Biden, 1; Dean Phillips, 1; Nicki Hayley, 6; Donald J. Trump, 8. The state will reimburse all costs for election judges and expenses approved by the Office of the Secretary of State.

Election concerns: Shift or Judge Changes: Clerk said that correct protocol and practice requires communication with the Clerk/Head Judge for any changes. He is reponsible for the judges and needs to be aware of any switches or changes.

Election Fraud Allegation: Regarding the incident two or so years ago where someone reported one of his trained and certified judges to the sheriff twice for election fraud, claiming they were not eligible to vote and not eligible to judge. Tracy said she was not the one who reported her. The Clerk said Tracy convinced him yesterday and he did not put her name in the record, but that she does know who did report the judge. He asked if we could all agree that this was a very destructive and damaging allegation? The Sheriff came out twice to investigate this person. She was cleared of all charges but was so traumatized by the investigation and ordeal that she refused to judge at the next election.

Eligible Voter: A person came in to vote yesterday who was registered as living at Two Creeks Campground, which is closed. Paul questioned his eligibility based on not living in Wilma Township except during the camping season. Paul quoted the Secretary of State: “What is my residence?  You will need to provide your residential address when registering to vote. Your residence is where your permanent home is located. This can be determined by the principles listed in Minnesota Statutes 200.031.” 2023 Minnesota Statutes 200.031 DETERMINATION OF RESIDENCE: Residence shall be determined in accordance with the following principles, so far as they may be applicable to the facts of the case: (1) The residence of an individual is in the precinct where the individual’s home is located, from which the individual has no present intention of moving, and to which, whenever the individual is absent, the individual intends to return. (2) An individual does not lose residence if the individual leaves home to live temporarily in another state or precinct.

(3) An individual does not acquire a residence in any precinct of this state if the individual is living there only temporarily, without the intention of making that precinct home.”

Patrice said the man attempted to show her his drivers’ license but she said no, that she believed him. Paul did not hear this, but had he shown the license to the judges, the issue would have ended there. As it is, Auditor Kelly Schroeder confirmed this, “ He is using that address on either his DVS record or social security administration.”  This has never happened before, and Kelly said it is unlikely that we will have many weekenders and summer residents change their registrations to Wilma; “They would need to change their driver’s license or change their address with social security administration and have the post office recognize them as a resident of that address/not have a forwarding order in on their mail… and by changing their address, that has other ramifications, for example, if they own a home somewhere else, they would lose their homestead on that home/property, which isn’t just the property tax benefit, but is also tied to income taxes and I’m sure there are many other things that would trickle down issues to if they really changed their mailing addresses.”

Wilma Township Election, Tuesday, March 12, 2023: Mike and Paul are up for re-election. Patrice, Stefanie and Cindy Klienschmit will serve as judges for the township election, with Patrice serving as head judge. Stefanie asked where absentee ballots are being mailed. Paul said they come to the clerk as election administrator (different from head judge). She asked if it is a conflict for the clerk to receive the ballots when he is on the ballot? Paul said the ballots are sealed in three different envelopes and are not opened until all the ballots are counted and he never sees them. Clerks must be expected to have integrity in conducting elections, and Paul said he has demonstrated that he has. He had two absentee ballot envelopes ready to mail yesterday to people who requested them and he had them at the election in case the people came in to vote. They did not.

Discussion on Email Correspondence Between Clerk and Supervisor: Glen reported an email discussion over the room rates at the December MAT Conference. The MAT rate was not available when Glen booked, and the board agreed that he did not have to pay the difference. When the clerk was doing CTAS he was entering the room claims and forgot about the rate not being available and reminded officers to always take advantage of the special rates. Paul apologized and said he was wrong but did not act out of malice and in the discussion he apologized to the supervisor twice.

Wilma Town Park: Stan asked if any effort will be made to develop and clear the park so the public can use it? Mike said there is a culvert and driveway into the park, right where the sign is, but we will need to clear out a gravel a parking lot so cars don’t park on the road. Angie saw people parked on the road at the park. Patrice said we do have money in the Park Fund for this project. Mike said there is a liability issue, but others said there can be liabilty disclaimers posted. Mike said we should add this to the agenda for the annual town meeting next week to see what the voters would like to do with the park.

SuperBowl Party: Stan wants to book the town hall for a Super Bowl party next year. Mike said we have forms and applications for this, and to ask closer to the date.

Board of Canvass and Annual Town Meeting: Will follow the election.

Board of Reorganization: To swear in newly elected officers and set wages, bank and posting sites for 2024. Usually done before the April 3 Board Meeting. If the Clerk is re-elected, he can be sworn in by the Deputy Clerk. “367.25 Every person elected at a March election, within ten days after receiving a certificate or notice of election or appointment, shall take and subscribe the oath required by law.”

Spring Short Course: Friday, April 5, at the DECC in Duluth. 8:00-8:30 check-in; 9:a.m. Welcome and Pledge. $75 per officer. Patrice needs names tonight to cut check and four officers indicated they will attend, and likely Cindy Kleinschmidt, five total. If she doesn’t, they will refund her tuition. Glen said Toni was not paid for conferences and short courses as Deputy Clerk. Paul questioned this and asked if she ever submitted a claim? He didn’t think a claim by the Deputy Clerk would ever be denied. Patrice said she could research this, but it will take time. We should have the details in CTAS records.

Township Day at the CapitoL: There will be a two day conference at the Radisson in St. Paul. $99 per officer, April 8 and 9. $99, motel extra ($129). “ALL township officials are invited to join the Minnesota Association of Townships for “Township Day at the Capitol” on April 8, 2024, 1pm to April 9, 11am. We’ll have trainings, speakers, and impactful meetings with legislators to advocate for important township priorities.” Paul has registered and said he will advocate for cell service in Wilma Township. We had two long blackouts of phone service fromCenturylink, and during this whole period, citizens would be unable to call 911 if there were a fire or medical emergency.

Pine County Township Officers’ Meeting: Will be Saturday, March 30, 9 am at the Community Center, Hinckley. Planning meeting for PCTOA board will be Monday, February 12 at 7 p.m. at Tobies. Scheduled or invited speakers: Jason Rarick, Nathan Nelson, Commissioners Hallan, Mohr, Walden, Lovgren, and Ludwig; Auditor Schroeder; Attorney Frederickson; Sheriff Nelson; Co. Engineer LeBrun; Assessor Houtsma; Hospital Dist. Fischer; DNR Officer Karon; Veterans Mindy Sandell; MAT Director Carlson; MilleLacs Band Ojibwe Curt Kalk. Election of Board Members (Bob Sunstrom from Ogema is retiring).

Assessor, Board of Review and Equalization: Will be Monday, April 15, at the Wilma Town Hall, 1 p.m. Lori Houitsma and Karen Stumne, our appraiser, will attend. Her phone is 320-591-1639. Paul will post the meeting. The Supervisors cannot appeal their assessments at the meeting but have to go to the county.

Assessment Training: Online training for boards of appeal and equalization is available from MAT. “Follow the instructions on the Board of Appeal and Equalization Training website and follow the instructions. Glen is certified to July, 2026 and said we need at least one other trained and certified member. 2026. Mike and Alden not certified.

ARPA reporting is due April 30th: But the portal does not open until April 1st. MAT has some explainer videos up on their website under the ARPA Info section. We have used ARPA funds for training.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Total bills for February $2,640.92. Glen moved to approve her report and transfer $3,000 from savings to checking. Alden seconded; Passed.

Meeting adjourned by chair at 8:30. Paul Raymond, Clerk