Approved Record of February 7, 2024 Board of Audit and Board of Supervisors’ Meeting


Chairman Mike McCullen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present: Supervisors Glen Williamson and Alden Shute, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Alden Shute, Stefanie Williamson, Steve Menth and Zach Hanson.

BOARD OF AUDIT: Paul and Patrice had coordinated and cross-checked their books before the audit. The supervisors checked and compared the Schedule 1 records and signed off on their Schedule 1 Reports. Alden moved to approve the record, Glen seconded, passed.

Proposed Budget and Levies for 2025 to present to voters at Annual Meeting. Paul presented a budget and levies for 2025. The clerk had no proposed changes for 2025. Glen moved to accept this proposed budget and levies and to present them to the voters on March 12. Alden seconded; passed.

January 3 Board Meeting. Paul read the record, Mike wanted the record to say that the hall furnaces are working. Glen wanted the record to state that Township News stated that the vote of no confidence in the board of directors of the Township Association conference was a tie. Paul said they made no attempt to verify if everyone who voted was a township officer or a delegate and there was confusion and chaos at the meeting and he feels that the vote was basically meaningless. We will have quorums at the Spring and Summer Short Courses and the bylaw changes can be voted on then. Alden moved to accept the report; Glen seconded; passed.

Road Report: Eagle Head Road Beavers: Alden said the culvert seemed to be unplugged and the water is flowing for now.

Mink Farm Road and McCullen Drive Logging: Fornengos are finished on McCullen drive and requested their escrow; Alden inspected and passed the road and approved the refund. Futurewood/W B Johnson/Quinton Finley-Forester may soon be done logging on the south side of Mink Farm Road. They were informed of escrow and inspection requirement to get their escrow refunded. Alden said he has so far seen no damage. Paul said dozens and dozens of fully loaded logging trucks came down that road and he would like to see a drone video of the area cleared for his own information.

Dollar Lake Road Entrance: Alden had said he would talk to Greg Beck and Mark LeBrun personally to request that they widen the entrance to the road. He attempted to see them but they were not in. Alden had said at the road inspection that they could put extensions on the culverts and add several feet on both sides of the entrance.

OLD BUSINESS: FEMA Report: Storm Damage Work and Debris Disposal: The Clerk successsfully submitted our report for reimbursement and we should be paid in 45-60 days, at least 75% of our claim.

NEW BUSINESS: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 Presidential Nomination Primary (PNP). The state will reimburse costs up to $150.00 for compensation for election judges and expenses approved by the Office of the Secretary of State. This is a full-day election, 10 a.m. To 8 p.m. The Clerk recommended that he, Patrice, and Stefanie Williamson serve as judges for the PNP. Glen moved and Alden seconded to appoint the recommended judges. Passed. Stefanie said that Tracy Riley was also trained and should be appointed. Paul said we do not need four judges, but if she wants to give her place to Tracy, he would accept that. Mike said we don’t want to pay an additional judge for 10 or 11 hours when we have never had four judges. Stefanie said that if someone is trained and certified that they should be appointed to judge. Paul said the law only states that if someone goes to the DFL or GOP Caucuses and tells them they want to be on the judge list, then we have to appoint them. We have at least six trained and certified judges this year. Paul said his problem other years was not being able to get anyone to get trained or judge, and he had to import a judge from Arna. The Clerk is allowed to use his judgment on who he recommends, and the board votes.

Paul said there was an incident two or so years ago where someone reported one of his trained and certified judges to the sheriff twice for election fraud, claiming they were not eligible to vote and not eligible to judge. The Sheriff came out twice to investigate this person. She was cleared of all charges but was so traumatized by the investigation and ordeal that she refused to judge at the next election. Paul said he needs to be able to trust his judges not to do anything like this to one of his judges.

Public Accuracy Test: Paul and Patrice need to hold a public test of the Omnimark machine before the election and publish the time and date.

Wilma Township Election, Tuesday, March 12, 2023: Mike and Paul are up for re-election so Paul cannot judge. The Clerk recommended that Patrice, Stefanie and Cindy Klienschmit serve for the March 12, 2024 township election, with Patrice serving as head judge. Mike moved and Alden seconded to approve the recommended judges. Passed.

Board of Canvass and Annual Town Meeting: Will follow the election.

Board of Reorganization: To swear in newly elected officers and set wages, bank and posting sites for 2024. Usually done before the April Board Meeting.

Township Day at the CapitoL: There will be a two day conference at the Radisson in St. Paul. $99 per officer, April 8 and 9. $99, motel extra ($129). “ALL township officials are invited to join the Minnesota Association of Townships for “Township Day at the Capitol” on April 8, 2024, 1pm to April 9, 11am. We’ll have trainings, speakers, and impactful meetings with legislators to advocate for important township priorities.” Paul has registered and said he will advocate for cell service in Wilma Township. We had two long blackouts of phone service from Centurylink, and during this whole period, citizens would be unable to call 911 if there were a fire or medical emergency.

Pine County Township Officers’ Meeting: Will be Saturday, March 30, 9 am at the Community Center, Hinckley. Planning meeting for PCTOA board will be Monday, February 12 at 7 p.m. at Tobies.

U.S. Census Boundary and Annexation Annual Survey: Report filed by Clerk. No changes in Wilma in 2023.

Jerry’s Roadside Mowing LLC, 2024 Contract: “Work Project Price for Roadside Mowing in Wilma Township in 2024: $1,000.” Glen moved to hire Jerry’s Roadside at $1,000 to mow our roads. Steve asked how wide they cut; Alden said 7 feet.

Assessor, Board of Review and Equalization: Will be Monday, April 15, at the Wilma Town Hall, 1 p.m. Lori Houitsma and Karen Stumne, our appraiser, will attend. Her phone is 320-591-1639. Paul will post the meeting. The Supervisors cannot appeal their assessments at the meeting but have to go to the county

Assessment Training: Online training for boards of appeal and equalization is available from MAT. “Follow the instructions on the Board of Appeal and Equalization Training website and follow the instructions. Glen is certified to July, 2026 and said we need at least one other trained and certified member. 2026. Mike and Alden not certified.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Total bills for February $2,598.11. Glen moved to approve her report and transfer $3,000 from savings to checking. Alden seconded; Passed.

Glen moved to adjourn; Alden seconded; passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:00.

Paul Raymond, Clerk