Clerk Paul Raymond called the meeting to order at 8:15, following the township election and the Board of Canvass.  Nine citizens voted and Mike McCullen was re-elected Supervisor and Patrice Winfield was re-elected as Treasurer. Glen, Mike and Gary canvassed and approved the votes.   Twelve citizens attended the Annual Meeting: Mike McCullen,  Glen Williamson, Patrice Winfield,  Alden Shute,  Gary Vink, Stefanie Rahn,  Zachary Hanson, Ben Glocke, Rodney and Lauren Sorgaard, Kim Felton and Paul Raymond.

            Nominations for Moderator for the meeting: Gary nominated Glen Williamson; Ben seconded.  No other nominations.  Voice vote; Glen was elected and took the floor as moderator.

            Paul read the record of the March 2020 Town Meeting.  Gary wanted it in the record that one big reason he and others opposed Wilma joining the North Pine Area Hospital District was that they would not guarantee that the rates would not go up, and that if we were to join, we could never leave.  With this addition, Gary moved to approve; Ben seconded. Approved.

            Glen announced that Patrice Winfield was re-elected Treasurer for two years and Mike was re-elected Supervisor for three years, 9 votes each, no write-ins.

            Financial Statement:   Patrice presented the 2020 Wilma Township Financial Statement.  Patrice again broke down payroll and other compensation for officers to show what each officer is receiving in salary, and for other compensation like insurance, conferences, short courses, mileage, internet, and for judging elections. At the end of the year the township carried over a balance of $162,917.61 in all funds and CD’s.  Balance starting 2020: $161,128.18; receipts in 2020: $69,157.09  total revenues; disbursements: Payroll, $18,724.37, all others $48,643.29.   Mike made a motion to waiver reading of all checks.  Gary seconded, passed.  Gary moved to approve the report; Mike seconded, passed.

            Road Report:  Alden said the grader maintenance in 2020 was normal, with routine maintenance and greasing and oil changes, plus new tires.

            Lost River Road:  Gravel put down and bladed.

            Mona Drive:  Gravel.

            Culverts:  One on Dollar Lake Road; two culverts on Pete Anderson Road; one on Mayfield Road.

            All township roads were brushed, and Alden proposes having all of our roads mowed this summer.  He found a contractor who can do all 15 miles for $700- $1,000. He said mowed roads make grading a lot easier, to spread and grade gravel. Alden had no other major road projects planned for 2021 pending the board doing the road inspection in May.

            He said there will be no more plowing of private drives if we get more snow as they are too soft.  Gary moved to approve his report; Ben seconded.

            LEVIES AND BUDGET FOR 2022:  Township Funds:  Paul said the Board is not recommending any increases in any of our funds or levies for 2022.   Paul moved to keep the funds and levies for 2021 as proposed: R&B, $16,000; Building Fund at $5,000; the Fire Fund at $4,500; the Park Fund at $100; and the General Fund at $10,000. Mike seconded; passed.

            Wages for Reports, Moderator, Meetings, Judges, Mechanic, Grader Operator:   The Board has final say on wages at the Board of Reorganization.  No changes or increases proposed by the board, besides a new $20/hour rate for all officers for attending Zoom meetings with MAT or the County Commissioners’ meetings.  Patrice moved that wages, including election judging, be kept the same as 2020. Paul seconded, passed. Mileage: Glen said we’ve always used the federal rate, which is $.56 for 2021. Patrice moved that we continue to follow federal guidelines; Ben seconded; passed.

            Snowplowing:  No change was proposed for standard driveways, $75. Over 700’:  $100/season; 1,000 ft. to ½ mile: $175; Over ½ mile, $350. “Must have turnaround space.  No closed gates. No overhanging trees that can hit the grader.  Wilma Township not liable for inadvertent damages while plowing private drives. 2021-22 snowplowing fees due by Nov. 3, 2021.” Mike moved that snowplowing rates and policies remain the same for the 2021-22 season as this past season.  Patrice seconded.  Passed.

            FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT:  The Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department is a separate organization from the Town of Wilma, but every year our citizens pay the fire department $4,500 for fire protection and medical responses.  Chief Mike McCullen gave a report on responses and training drills in 2020 and on developments and status of the fire department, and projections for the future.  He said we had a relatively quiet year and our most critical need now is for volunteer responders and firefighters, especially in the satellite companies in Markville and Cloverton. 

            GARBAGE BOARD PROPOSALS:  The Tri-Township Garbage Board has assessed every property and parcel for garbage pickup, and if people had more than one parcel the tax assessment was refunded, currently at $36/year.  The County says they will no longer refund or rebate any assessments.  The Garbage Board is considering changing the policy to assess only improved parcels, but at $80 each to make up for the lost revenue from unimproved parcels.  Long discussion, including asking the board to continue assessing all parcels but letting people know there will be no rebates or refunds. Gary will bring all of our concerns up to the board at the next meeting, March 30. Patrice said she wants to be there.

            Wilma Fall Fest:   Fallfest was canceled last year.  Paul moved that the fund remain at $500 for 2021.  Patrice seconded.  Passed. We will  hold it this year on the fourth Saturday, October 23rd   and the Procrastinators are already booked but with a smaller band.  We usually pay them $300. Glen said we need volunteers to make it work.

            Donations to Old School Art Center, Pine County Historical Museum, The Seven County Senior Federation and Family Pathways:   In 2019 the voters voted to cap donations at $300 for all groups for the next 10 years. The Board of Supervisors has final authority on how to distribute these expenditures at the Board of Reorganization. Gary moved that we not support any groups in 2021.  There was no second.  Mike moved to continue the $300 total donations for 2021; Patrice seconded, passed. 

            Board of Reorganization:  The Board will hold the Board of Reorganization to swear in Mike and Patrice and to make decisions for the township on wages and notice and posting sites before the regular April 7th  board meeting.

            Board of Appeal and Review:  For taxpayers to appeal their property assessments for 2022 taxes, Monday April 12, 1 p.m., at the Town Hall. The county assessor and our assessor Bob Brewster will be there in person.

            Set Meeting Place and Time for 2020 Annual Town Meeting:  This is a formality, but is required. Patrice moved hold the next annual meeting the second Tuesday of March 2021 and to adjourn this meeting; Ben seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

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Paul Raymond, Clerk                                           Glen Williamson, Chair and Moderator