Chairman Glenford Williamson, Sr., called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.   Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink and Michael McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Wilma Township Assessor Robert Brewster.

OLD BUSINESS:   Kelch Trailer: The Kelchs have assured the Township that they will move the trailer in the Crooked Lake Road right-of-way.   We notified Jeff Shute from Danforth Township.   As soon as their relative with the truck returns from Mississippi, they intend to move it.

Sale of Old Grader Blade: Mark didn’t get any information yet on selling the old blade.

Town Hall Siding: We do not have any estimates yet on the bid for siding for the Town Hall.

Fire Hall Heating Costs: Mike said that at the Fire Department business meeting, the subject of Wilma’s billing the Fire Department for half the cost of heating the Duxbury Fire Hall was discussed, and that if Wilma goes through with this, the other townships will also be forced to bill the Fire Department for their heating, and the Fire Department will have to pass on this increased cost to the towns in the fire protection fees, so there will be no benefit to the towns.  Currently  all townships pay the full cost of heating their fire halls.  Gary said this opens up a can of worms, and he moved that his motion to bill the Fire Department for half the cost of heating the hall be rescinded and that we do not bill the Fire Department.   Glen seconded.  Passed.

T & T Logging Damages: We have not received a response from T & T for our billing them for the damages they caused on the South Duncan Road.  We have started the process of repairing the North Duncan Road where the grader got stuck.  That road also needs gravel at Alan Thiry’s place.

NEW BUSINESS:  Exempt Parcel Appraisals: Bob Brewster said that every six years he is required to appraise exempt parcels in our townships (exempt means government owned properties and parcels like the St. Croix Boys Camp which are exempt from property taxes).  Wilma Township has 278 non-exempt parcels and 57 exempt parcels.   In any one year, Bob actually surveys one-fifth of the non-exempt parcels, or 56, so his workload will double this year.  He also personally surveys any parcels over $100,000 every year, and any incompletes, and new construction, anyone who has a complaint about their assessments, and any classification changes.  He proposed an increase of $627 for this one year for his 2010 township assessments, which is considerably less than if he charged the full-parcel rate.  Mike moved that the Board accept Bob’s proposal for 2010 of $2,156, which would be $627 over our usual annual rate.  Gary seconded.  Bob had a contract for our 2010 assessments and the Board signed it.

Town Hall Rental: Gary had a request from the Grand family, Brian Vink’s former in-laws, requesting the use of the Town Hall for a wedding anniversary.   Gary said we used to charge $50 for use of the hall; Glen thought $100 would be more appropriate now.   Mike moved that we ask the Grands for $75 and that they sign a waiver releasing the Township from all liability, and that they clean the Town Hall when they are done.  Glen has sample liability waivers he will get to Paul so he can write up a contract.  Gary will get Paul the address.

P.I.L.T. Payments: Mike said other town’s Supervisors told him they are getting up to $12,000 from the county for logging activities in their townships.   Patrice said that we have been getting about $1,200.   Gary said that before the new law was enacted increasing the payments counties had to give townships, that they pushed through a lot of logging contracts so they wouldn’t have to pay the new fees.   Paul said he will call the Auditor and see why other townships are getting so much more than we in their Payments in Lieu of Taxes.

August Town Meeting: Paul and Mike will both be on vacation the first week of August.  Mike moved that we change the August meeting from August 5 to August 12, and that Paul post and publish this.  Gary seconded.

Cooperative Purchasing Venture: The State of Minnesota Materials Management Division sent our renewal for participation in the Cooperative Purchasing Venture.   Mike moved that we renew; Glen seconded.  Glen and Paul signed it.

Two Creeks Campground: Glen said that Two Creeks has a scheduled event with 400-500 people the week of July 15 – 19.  Glen said he will send a formal notice to the Township and the Fire Department, as he always does.

Treasurer’s Report and Bills: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s report (attached).  Bills were presented.

Federated Propane (tank rental)                                    $          10.65

US Treasury (3rd quarter withholding)                                    445.24

Joe Vink                                                                          19.25

Patrice Winfield (ink cartridge)                                                  56.19

Pine Co. Treasurer (Assessments)                                 323.00

Paul Raymond (stamps)                                                              8.40

E.C.E.                                                                              54.68

Mn. Association of Townships (Patrice Short Course)   40.00

Mn. Asssociation of Twps. (Glen and Gary tuition)             80.00

Duane Glienke                                                                 65.00

Patrice Winfield                                                               78.50

Gary Vink                                                                      115.44

Paul Raymond                                                               110.82

Glen Williamson, Sr.                                                       16.16

Mike McCullen                                                              41.56

Total Bills            $     1,464.00

Glen moved to approve the Treasurer’s report and to pay all the bills, and to transfer $1,500 from savings into checking.   Mike seconded.

Glen brought up the possibility of bringing high speed internet to Duxbury, through a wireless antenna.  He would need subscribers to make it cost-effective.

Mike moved to adjourn; Gary seconded.   Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Paul Raymond, clerk



Chairman Glenford Williamson, Sr. called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.   Also present were Supervisor Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Joe Vink, Mark Pallow, and Mark and Lisa Sisterman.

Paul read the record of the May meeting; Gary moved to approve; Glen seconded.

OLD BUSINESS:   Fire Hall Heating: Gary moved that we bill the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Dept. for half of our propane costs for 2008, $2,618, ½:  $1,309.   Glen seconded.   The Fire Dept. business meeting is June 9 at 4 p.m.  Paul said he spoke to Supervisors from New Dosey and Arna at Jim Allen’s funeral reception and they both said their townships pay the full cost for heating their fire halls.  In New Dosey, the Township half of the garage isn’t even heated.

Kelch Trailer: Although they said they would move the trailer and Paul sent them the relevant Minnesota laws, they still have not moved the trailer in Crooked Lake Road’s right-of-way.  Gary said that since Danforth Township has taken charge of the roads, it is their responsibility to enforce the law and get Kelch’s to move the trailer.  Glen agreed and asked Paul to send a letter to Danforth’s board asking them to act on this matter, and to send a copy to the Kelch’s.

Town Hall Siding: Mark had the foundation checked out, and to really raise and repair the foundation would cost $7,000-8,000.  Kenny Coveau said the foundation as it is could last another 30 years.   So far there has been no cracking or sagging of the floor or walls.  Glen asked Mark to get a bid or estimate for re-siding the Town Hall, steel and vinyl, and including Styrofoam insulation and new windows for the next meeting.

South Duncan Road Damage: Gary and Glen went to the South Duncan Road to document and photograph the damage done by T & T Logging.  They estimate the damages will require at least two tandem loads of gravel and three hours of blading and ditching to restore the road, at least $720.   They directed Paul to write to T & T and send a bill for the damages, and to specify that this is over and above the damages they did to the South Duncan Road which was deducted from their escrow payment for this road, and then they came back and did more damage.

Range Line Roadwork Billing: Arna Township for Pete Anderson and Langstrom Roads:  3 hours blading on June 2, $450, Arna’s half $225.

New Dosey Township, Heller Drive, 1.5 hours blading, $225, ½ = $112.50.

NEW BUSINESS:   Arna Township Road Inspection Request: Glen got an email from David Drake requesting a joint road inspection of Pete Anderson and Langstrom Roads.   Glen moved that Gary set up an appointment to meet with their representative.  Gary seconded.  They also wanted to coordinate recharging our Fire Hall and Town Hall fire extinguishers.  They asked that we move our V-blade; Joe said he already moved it.  He owns one of the plow blades that we have; Glen asked why we don’t sell the other one if we don’t need it.  Glen moved that Mark Pallow be authorized to research the value and selling the old blade and grader, up to one hour, and to report at the July meeting.  Gary seconded.

N. Duncan Road: Alan Thiry wrote asking that more gravel be put on the N. Duncan Road by his place.   Gary said that spot is so bad the grader got stuck and a truck couldn’t get in.   Glen said it is a Catch-22; it needs more gravel so a truck can get in but a truck can’t get in to put more gravel.  Glen said we should tell Thiry that we are aware of the need for gravel and as soon as it is feasible to get in to there we will do it.

Town Hall Ramp: Gary said we should stain and water seal the new ramp.  Glen said why not hold off until we do the whole Town Hall siding/painting project and do it then; he thinks the ramp would look good painted white to match the hall.

BILLS AND TREASURER’S REPORT:  Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached) and presented the bills:

Mark Pallow                                     $        406.34

Patrice Winfield (stamps)                                         8.80

ECE                                                              39.13

Paul Raymond                                            110.82

Gary Vink                                                  228.56

Patrice Winfield                                            73.88

GlenWilliamson, Sr.                                     56.56

Joe Vink                                                       49.75

Glen Williamson, Sr. (mileage)                             5.50

Total all bills:                          $        979.34

Gary moved to pay all the bills and to approve the Treasurer’s Report, and to transfer $980 from savings to checking.

Gary moved to adjourn the meeting; Glen seconded.   Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk



The Board met at the Duxbury Store at 10 a.m., Chairman Glenford Williamson, Sr., Supervisor Gary Vink, Grader Operator Mark Pallow, and Clerk Paul Raymond.

EAGLE HEAD ROAD:  Danforth Township is responsible for the West Range-Line Roads.  The road needs some gravel the first 50 feet.  The first culvert is plugged and has no screens.  The second culvert is screened.  Regular maintenance.

CROOKED LAKE ROAD:  Needs gravel one mile down.   There is some washout at the first culvert; there is a bad hole south of the first culvert.  The second culvert is washed over.   The culvert at Jason Palme’s has no screen.  The road should have been ditched on the west side.  When Danforth bladed the road they destroyed the crown and bladed it flat.  The Kelch’s have agreed to move their trailer.   They also need to move the dumpster which is in the right-of-way.

DOLLAR LAKE ROAD:  Regular maintenance; no gravel.

VINK ROAD:  Needs gravel the first quarter mile, and two loads of gravel at the north end.  Regular maintenance.

MINK FARM ROAD:  Regular maintenance; some gravel on the hill where it’s washed out.

MAYFIELD ROAD:   Regular maintenance.  Some gravel on the last culvert where it’s washed out (two loads).   After grading, the road may need some gravel.

LITTLE TAMARACK LAKE ROAD:  Regular maintenance.  Maybe some gravel before the landing.

SHORT ROAD:   Nothing needed.

LOST RIVER ROAD:  One load Class 5 at the first low spot by first driveway.  Regular blading.   We will contact Quinn to confirm approval for the gravel.

RIVER CABIN ROAD:  One load gravel at first quarter mile.   Regular maintenance.

MONA DRIVE:  Regular maintenance.

KENNY PETERSON ROAD:   Needs four loads of Class 5 gravel.  The road is under water after the first ½ mile.   There was a discussion on vacating the road after this point if building it up would be too expensive.

HELLER DRIVE:   Regular maintenance.   Needs one or two loads of gravel at the first culvert where there is a hole.

TAMARACK PINE DRIVE:  Regular maintenance.

MC CULLEN DRIVE:   Regular maintenance.

LANGSTROM ROAD:  Regular maintenace, plus the two loads of pit-run at the extension, as per our agreement.   2009 is Wilma’s maintenance year.

PETE ANDERSON ROAD:  Regular maintenance, plus two loads of pit-run at end as per agreement.

SCHMEDEKE LANE:  Regular maintenance.

FUST ROAD:   Regular maintenance.

SOUTH DUNCAN ROAD:   T & T Logging wrecked this road after we repaired it and used their escrow deposit.   They filled in our ditch with wood chips and the road is rutted and flooded.  The board discussed sending a bill to T & T with photos showing the damages.   We still have over $400 in escrow monies from them for another road, which we could tell them we would use.  The damages to S. Duncan could be more than this.  We could tell them they can do no logging in our township until they pay for repairs.

NORTH DUNCAN ROAD:   Gravel needed for holes.  At  ¾ mile up the road and 1 ¼ mile there may need to be gravel.  Gary will inspect it again after Mark has bladed it to see how much gravel is needed after Mark has shaped it up.  We got a letter from Allen Thiry, asking that there be some gravel put down at 1 ½ mile north going up the hill to his property; because of the mud and ruts he could barely get in.   Also we will put down more pit-run gravel at the end of the road, where it turns into grass.