Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.   Also present were Supervisors Michael McCullen and Glenford Williamson, Sr., Treasurer Patrice McCullen,  and Clerk Paul Raymond.

Clerk’s Report: Paul read the record of the February meeting; Glen moved to approve; Mike seconded.

OLD BUSINESS:  Snowplowing fees: We got Alden Shute’s check for snowplowing; there had been a mixup at the bank.

Road and Bridge Levy: Cathy Clemmer, County Auditor, sent letters to the Supervisors telling them that our Road and Bridge levy for 2010 has to be at least .04835% of our total 2008 taxable market value in our township, which was $25,225,800, or $12,197.   We are asking for a levy of  $20,000, so if that passes, we will be OK.

Qwest ditching work: Qwest sent a letter asking if we required special permits to ditch and bury phone lines on township roads.   Paul responded that we wanted to be notified before any ditch work to prevent any culverts being cut.

Grader blade: We got a bill for $327.93 for the cutting edge on the wing of the blade.

Highway Dept. Bridge Inspection Report: We got a copy of the bridge inspection report for our township for bridges and culverts on county roads.

Escrow Account: Patrice went through the Escrow Account to try to reconcile our books with the bank record.  We found one deposit that had not been transferred from Escrow to Road and Bridge, from Park Falls Hardwoods.  Gary said that in 2008 we put gravel and did grading to repair Little Tamarack Lake Road for a total of $1,000, $500 from ECE and $500 from Park Falls Hardwoods.  Glen moved to make this transfer from Road and Bridge into Escrow.   Mike seconded.   After this transfer, the Escrow Account totals $4,101.75.

NEW BUSINESS:  Election Tuesday: The Township election is Tuesday, March 10, starting at 5 p.m.   Pat McCullen will need an absentee ballot; Paul will bring it to her.

Township Short Course: The closest Short Courses for this Spring are in St. Cloud March 23 or Thursday, April 2, in Grand Rapids.   Glen said the April 2 Short Course is best for him;  Paul and Patrice will also ride with him, and maybe Gary.  Mike moved that any officers who wanted to go be authorized to attend the Spring Short Course.  Gary seconded.

County Township Officers Meeting: This will be Sat. March 28, in Hinckley at 9: a.m.  There are at least two positions on the board open.    Glen said Joe Drilling is pretty ill and  may not be able to attend.  Mike said he’d heard Joe is going back to work.  Glen said the meetings pay $35 and are usually in Hinckley at Frank Grundemeir’s home.   Mileage is not reimbursed.

Board of Appeal/Equalization: This will be Wednesday, April 15, at 10 a.m. at the Town Hall.

Town Hall Repairs: Mike said this is the year we need to make repairs on the Town Hall foundation and to the Fire Hall damages from the tornado that was never properly repaired.  It’s too late to get insurance money for it, but we should have enough in the building fund to do the foundations and to re-side the Town Hall.   We can also make transfers from other funds that have a surplus.

Snowplowing: Paul will bill New Dosey and Arna for the February 27 storm snowplowing.  New Dosey, 20 minutes, $45, New Dosey’s ½ = $22.50;  Arna, 40 minutes, $100, Arna’s ½ = $50.

Dental Insurance: Glen said he would like to know about enrolling in the Township Association’s Dental Insurance Program.  Gary said we need at least two officers, and if they are willing to pay the premiums, they can sign up.  We can get the details at the Short Course.

CTAS Accounting System: Glen and Patrice will meet at Paul’s house at 1 p.m. Friday to install the CTAS Accounting Program on his computer so that both the Clerk and Treasurer can do all the town books on computer, and eliminate the old accounting ledgers.

Treasurer’s Report and Bills: Patrice presented the Treasurer’s Report (attached).  Bills were presented:

Patrice Winfield (expenses)                                  $                             7.27

ECE                                                                                                                49.36

Pine County Courier                                                                              30.08

Little Falls Machine                                                                             317.93

Michael McCullen                                                                                       24.24

Paul Raymond                                                                                  96.97

Mark Pallow                                                                                             132.08

Patrice Winfield                                                                                      242.41

Glenford Williamson, Sr.                                                                      33.47

Gary Vink                                                                                                   54.26

TOTAL ALL BILLS      $                                                                      988.97

Glen moved to pay all the bills, to approve the Treasurer’s report, and to transfer $1,000 from savings to checking.   Mike seconded.   Mike moved to adjourn the meeting; Glen seconded.   Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk