Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present: Supervisors Mike McCullen and Alden Shute, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Stefanie Williamson, Clay Heller, Jr., new residents of the community on the Vink Ponds on Tamarack Pine Drive, Diana Knobel, Lane and Ellen Cales, Daniel Calder, Sarah Calaler, Sarah Bergren, and Micah Murray, and Cindy Kleinschmidt and Jim Bredesen. Meeting Ground Rules: Ground rules for the meeting: Citizens must raise their hand to speak; No interruptions; If a speaker asks question of another person, they can answer but the speaker holds the floor; Maintain respect and decorum.
Clerk’s Record of July Board Meeting: Paul read the Clerk’s record of the July Board meeting. Glen said he never read the ground rules. Clay said he thought that he did. Glen said only he talked with Steve Fenske, Alden did not. Paul said the record does not say that Alden spoke with him, but he will make that more clear. Glen said his resolution stated: “Being that the clerk has promised to do the duties of the clerk and not act as a dictator, and do the will of the board, and write the minutes as accurate as possible, and to wear your hearing aid, all rights of the clerk taking minutes and the resolution of April 3 be rescinded, and Paul be authorized to take minutes all over again, and Stefanie is hereby fired.” With these corrections, Alden moved to approve the Clerk’s record; Mike seconded. Passed.
Road Report: Alden gave his report for August:
Little Tamarack Lake Road: Alden said he will put 10 loads of redrock gravel on the road and go as far as he can within the budget. He has a total budget of $16,000 for all roads this year, and has spent $5,200 so far.
Little Tamarack Lake Landing: Mike talked with Greg Beck about the poor condition of the landing, and proposed a cooperative venture with the county providing the gravel and Wilma grading it. The County Board approved this in July. Greg said the county found out that Wilma Township owns the landing and the county will pay for 4-5 loads of gravel (he agreed to red-rock gravel) and will work with Alden to spread it, three loads at the landing and one load on each side of the entrance. Alden will talk with Greg Beck and have the bill for the redrock gravel sent to the county.
Fust Lane: Alden ditched the road and put gravel down, nine loads.
South Duncan Road: 11 loads pit run on this road.
North Duncan Road: Alden wants to cover the two culverts with gravel for the winter logging project.
Tamarack Pine Drive: Beaver problem. Alden asked Jim to deal with beavers. Alden got the culvert cleared and water flowing again. Alden cleared it with Amy Hand of the DNR to take the beavers out. Diane Knobel from the settlement on the Ponds said they will also keep the culvert open.
Eagle Head Road: Same chronic beaver problem. Don’t have a solution yet. Mike said we need a grate. Alden said there is nothing to put a cage around due to the swamp. Clay said the culvert is too small.
Heller Drive: Clay said there is a berm where gravel has been graded to the edge of the road, which blocks any drainage. Alden will reblade it and will apply more pit run to the road.
Escrow Increase/Amend Ordinance: Notice and original ordinance provided to Supervisors to make any adjustments. The clerk amended both, changing the escrow amount to $1,000. Glen moved to approve the amendment. Mike seconded; all aye.
Roadside Mowing: Jerry’s Roadside Mowing completed the work on all roads, but Alden told him the Danforth rangeline roads were done by Rootke for Danforth so he deducted $100, total $900. He gave the totals for Heller Drive, Langstrom Lane, and Pete Anderson road to bill Arna and New Dosey.
OLD BUSINESS: PNP Reimbursement for Presidential Primary: Wilma got our money, more than clerk applied for: Clerk requested $1,233.10 with receipts. They gave us $1.318.17. Don’t know why the discrepancy.
NEW BUSINESS: Election Judge Training: So far, Patrice Winfield, Ervin Kleinschmidt, and Paul Raymond are certified. For online Election Judge training, email to signup. Takes two hours, per Kelly. Cindy said she will take the training.
Appoint Judges, August 13, 2024 Federal Primary: Tuesday, August 13, 10 a.m. To 8 p.m. The candidates for the following offices to be voted for at the General Election: FEDERAL OFFICES: One United States Senator; One Representative in the United States House of Representatives, District 8. Paul and Patrice will judge; Mike moved to appoint Cindy Kleinschmidt for the third judge, Alden seconded. Passed.
Omnimark Test: Paul will post a notice of the test of our Omnimark. Paul and Patrice scheduled the test for Sunday, August 11, at 4 p.m. Public meeting.
New Township Residents:
Since the census won’t be conducted until 2030, Wilma Township will update our population with the State Demographic office. Some town aid is based on population. Five families have recently moved into Wilma Township on Tamarack Pine Drive, in five households and 13 total people. They have established a small community and said that these are their only and permanent homes. Paul urged them to register to vote August 13 in the Primary. You can register at the same time.
Conservation and Memorial Forests: Pine Co. Commissioners have designated some sections of county tax-forfeited land in Wilma as Conservation/Memorial Forest in honor of military veterans. They will post signage at the forests honoring veterans. One section east of Duxbury just past Two Creeks on the south side of Duxbury Road. Two more 160 acres are landlocked, between North Duncan Road and Pete Anderson Road. Also all the land around Crooked Lake on the east side of Crooked Lake Road, except the part owned by the Bothmans. Mike said they did this years ago.
MAT District 7 Meeting: Tues, August 20, 2024. Registration 6 p.m. Meeting 6:30 p.m. Anoka Ramsey Community College, 300 Spirit River Dr. S., Cambridge, MN. Glen said all officers urged to attend.
Cannabis Hearings and Seminars: On August 6, the Pine Co. Commissioners held a public hearing on the proposed cannabis ordinance which regulates cannabis businesses in the county. They adopted the ordinance. Copy can be found at
Several townships spoke, and all the commissioners, Attorney Reese Frederickson and Dave Minke spoke. Townships can opt into the county ordinance, or make their own ordinance of reasonable restrictions on the time, place and manner of operation of cannabis businesses, as long as they don’t prohibit the establishment or operation of cannabis businesses. If Wilma opps into the county’s ordinance, the county will control all registration for cannabis businesses. The first license is going to be January 1, 2025. The board said if we do nothing, the county’s ordinance will apply to us and they decided to do nothing.
Cannabis Webinar: The State of Minnesota’s Office of Cannabis Management will hold a webinar, “Implementing Chapter 342: Guidance for Local Governments on Adult-Use Cannabis,” this Friday, August 9, at 10 a.m. Topics include:
- General implementation update and 2024 legislative session changes
- Role of local governments in application and licensing framework
- Role of local governments in compliance and enforcement
- Discussion with local representatives on examples of ongoing planning work
Event registration is required. Click here to register: Local Government Webinar Registration
Township Picnic Tables Stained and Preserved: Compliments of Duxbury VFD.
Coiuri&Ruppe 15th Annual Township Legal Seminar: Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, Rutledge City Hall, 9 am – 4 pm, Free. Register at
East Central Regional Development Commission: Glen gave a report on the ECRDC, which serves five counties. They will give loans up to $60,000 to LLC’s and to small businesses/sole proprietors at 6 – 8.5%.
Two Creeks Finlayson Parade: Glen said they won first place and won $100. They will be in the Quarry Days Parade. The Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department will have Big Red in the parade also.
Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Total bills for August, $6,984,88. Mike moved to approve her report and transfer $$7,000 from savings to checking. Alden seconded; all aye. Passed.
Chairman adjourned the meeting at 8:40.
Paul Raymond, Clerk