Wilma Township Filing for March 2014 Election




March 11, 2014 Election:

Filing open for Supervisor (3 year term) and Clerk (2 years)

December 31, 2013 until January 14, 2014 at 5 p.m.  Filing fee $2.  Through January 5, file with Clerk, Paul Raymond at  245-2579.

From January 6 – 14:   file with Deputy Clerk, Toni Williamson at 245-5194.

You can also file at January 2, 2014 Board Meeting (changed from January 1).



       Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Duxbury Store, by Glen Williamson, with Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present, Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Mark Pallow, and Ben Glocke.

Paul read the record of the November meeting.  Patrice said the actual transfer from savings to checking was $1,100 instead of $11,000 as needed and authorized.  This caused some checks to bounce, but Patrice got it straightened out and asked that any future shortages be taken from our savings account (which has over $80,000 in it) and that she be notified.  She made a second transfer of $11,000 so the total was $12,100; Glen moved to authorize that retroactively. Mike seconded.  Patrice said that a snowplowing check bounced.  Mike moved that they be informed and charged an additional $10, so if the bounced check was $70, they need to send $80 if they wish to have snowplowing.  Gary seconded.  Patrice called and left a message and gave the number to Paul so he can call also.  Debate over whether they should be plowed anyway this snowfall, or not until they respond to calls.  Mike moved to approve report as amended; Gary seconded.

OLD BUSINESS:  Mike Road Inspection:  Mike said he drove out several township roads, so he could see what condition they were in since we’ve had so many road issues lately with escrow accounts.  He said someone drove logging equipment up Mink Farm Road, and he checked on loggers on DollarLake road.  He also checked Crooked Lake Road.  He said the loggers on Dollar Lake Road are still pushing stuff to the side.  Mark asked that if any supervisor wants to inspect a road that they contact him first so he can go with them.  Mike asked if he could be reimbursed for his time for these inspections; Glen moved that he be paid his time, but to let Mark know from now on.  Gary seconded. Since some roads are getting logging activity without us being notified, Glen asked if we should put our sign on every township road.  The signs cost around $100 each, plus installation time. Mark said there are 20 roads, and all the loggers are informed by the county and by the signs at the entrances to the township.  Glen had one person ask why they hadn’t been plowed; Mark said he was waiting for this snow and would do it.  Mark is plowing one “drive” off of Eagle Head Road that is well over 1,000 feet.  Glen said he pays double for his drive from the road, and others with extra long drives should also.  Moved to charge $175 per season for drives over 1,000 feet up to ½ mile; and over ½ mile up to ¾ mile $350.  Mike seconded.   This will be the policy for the 2014 season, and it can be put on the annual meeting agenda.

Mark said someone snowplowed the Mink Farm Road, and dug up the sides of the road.

Schmedeke Lane Extension:  Paul wrote up a resolution for the board to adopt the extension to Schmedeke Lane as part of our existing township road.  There was a question about the road description, because Schmedeke Lane was built in a different place than the original survey lines.  We recorded Schmedeke Lane in May, 2001, as “Commencing at County Road 141 with the center line being the line between the SW ¼ of SW ¼ of SE ¼ of Section 11 in Township 42, North of Range 17 West, thence traversing due north for a distance of one-fourth (1/4) mile.”

Cathy Clemmer recommended we use:  “West 66 feet of the East 132 feet of the NE ¼ of SE ¼ and the West 66 feet of the East 132 feet of the SE ¼ of NE ¼, Section 11, Township 42, Range 17.”  She said that the total Schmedeke Lane will be 2,640 feet, the length of two 40’s, but we need to be aware that the current road is not built on all of this retained easement because it runs into the swamp.  The board also wants to vote on an agreement between the board and Eldon Schmedeke for the county affirming that in return for the $10,000 worth of county repairs, neither the board nor Eldon will make any further demands on the county; also that Eldon will not make any demands on the board beyond the routine grading and maintenance we already do on Schmedke Lane and other town roads.  Because of the snowstorm, Eldon is unable to attend this meeting, so action will be deferred to next month.  We need a clear description of the road for the county recorder.  The county has agreed to let Wilma do the work to build up the Schmedeke Lane extension to their specs, up to $10,000.   Glen moved that the board adopt the resolution:  “Be it resolved by the Town Board of Wilma Township that the road and road right-of-way listed below is hereby determined to be a duly established four-rod township road in Wilma Township,” with the description as approved by Cathy Clemmer for the road.  Gary seconded.

Town Safes:  Pat Story got an estimate to open the top safe for a maximum of $300, which would include bore holes into the two bottom safes to see what might be in them.  There was no motion to pay this, so Paul will notify the locksmith.  Discussion on missing township records from 1906-1978.  Paul said he talked with Becky Niedzielski, Roz Hanulla, and Sylvia Anderson, former clerks and chair, to see if any of them know of town records prior to 1978, and none of them do.  Paul said he’s been clerk since 1994, and if he had ever seen meeting records from the old days, he would have read them, since his dad was once a supervisor.  We do have all our road records, as far as we know.

Little Tamarack Lake Road:    We had asked Ogema’s Town Board to help us with the maintenance of Little Tamarack Lake Road, since the only full-time residents of the road live in OgemaTownship.  We got a letter that their Supervisor Raymond Thieling drove out the Little Tamarack Lake Road and said there are multiple driveways of cabins, and that the Holter’s drive is a private drive.  They said if we want to talk any further about it their meeting is December 12 at 8 at their hall.

Diesel Key:  Glen moved that the fire chief be given a copy of the diesel key so the fire dept. can get fuel, and that the chief keep track of and report any withdrawals.  Gary seconded.  The fire dept. needs a bill from the town for the diesel they took, 44 gallons at $3.519/gal., $154.84.

Vink Road Damages:  We will deduct one load of gravel for repairs to Mink Farm Road from T&T Logging, $220, plus two inspections at $100, total $320.  Because they also hauled loads of silage out of Crooked Lake Road, we had to put gravel on that road as well, which used up the balance of their escrow.  Paul will write them.  Mayfield Road:  Bethhaume Logging did 2/3 of the damage on Mayfield Road and punched the road in; all the gravel we’d put on the road was ground into the road by their trucks and Carlson Timber’s trucks.  Paul will write to Bethhaume and tell them their escrow was used and then some, with a copy of the bill from Hopkin’s gravel who put 35 loads of gravel (485 yards) to rebuild the road.  Carlson’s logging did more damage than their $500 deposit as well, with the gravel and blading to rebuild the road.

NEW BUSINESS:           New County Septic Ordinance:  Land Services Director Kelly Schroeder sent us a draft of the county’s new proposed SSTS ordinance, which will be adopted by February, 2014, and the township must adopt an equally strict ordinance within a year of that.  Paul has the draft if anyone is interested in reading it. There are discussions on December 9 and 12, and a public hearing on January 7, 2014.

State MAT Convention:  Glen said the primary focus of the convention was protecting Minnesota’s rural way of life and defending Minnesota’s land and water from invasive species.  Glen said almost 400 township officers attended from 187 townships and 58 counties.  Glen said they encouraged him to attend the national convention in Washington, D.C. and said our town should make more of an effort to get more officers to the state convention, and that he believed the clerk at least should be one of them.  Paul said Glen earlier didn’t want to share a room with him to save expenses.  Glen submitted a resolution that was ultimately adopted, to change Supervisors to Township Officers in the notice of who is eligible for state offices.  Glen read a poem that Loren Ingebretsen wrote and read at the convention, about cooperation and the power of grassroots government.  Glen was re-certified to officiate at our boards of equalization and review for three more years, and brought study manuals for the other supervisors.  Glen brought a resolution for the board to adopt in support of a comprehensive omnibus transportation finance bill.

Treasurer’s Report and Bills:  Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached) and claims were presented:

ECE                                         $          46.68

Patrice (expenses)                               10.00

MATAT tuition                                504.00

Mark P. (expenses)                             10.17

Paul (expenses)                                   10.00

Joe Vink (expenses)                            30.00

Glen Williamson (expenses)              217.15

Mike McCullen                                   58.18

Mark Pallow                                     285.36

Paul Raymond                                  159.76

Gary Vink                                         101.58

Glen Williamson                               241.50

Patrice Winfield                                123.78

Total Bills                      $      1,798.13

Gary moved to pay the bills, approve the Treasurer’s Report, and transfer $1800 from savings to checking.    Mike seconded.  Gary moved to adjourn the meeting; Glen seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk



                   Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present were Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink; Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Mark Pallow, Eldon and Marg Schmedeke, Steve Grabau, Jeff GrandPre, Bob Brewster, and Ben Glocke.

OLD BUSINESS:  Schmedeke Lane:  Eldon and Marg and Paul attended the Pine County Commissioners’ meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 5 in Sandstone.  At this meeting, the board adopted the proposal by Cathy Clemmer that the county improve the Schmedeke Lane extension with an additional $10,000 of improvements, including 800 CY of gravel to top the existing pit-run road with 6” of class-5 gravel 22’ wide ($8,000), and to repair the culvert and add rip-rap, and misc. ditch and rock cleanup (an additional $2,000, $10,000 total).  This is only if Wilma agrees beforehand to accept the finished road as a township road.  They rejected our proposal to extend the road further, which they estimated would cost $26,000.  In addition, Eldon Schmedeke will be required to purchase the strip of land between the current road and the west line of his property for $5,650.82.  The board said this is the only and final offer, and if the township rejects it, it will remain a county forest road.

Eldon told the board that he fought tooth and nail to get the full proposal accepted, but he is resigned to this, and will purchase the strip of land.  He will not ask the township to do more than the same routine grading and plowing as our other roads, after the road extension is adopted and finished.

Mike asked Paul to request that WilmaTownship be allowed to do the work and get the $10,000.  He said that with our resources and equipment, we can do a better job and get more bang for the buck, and it would employ local people. He said if necessary, the county could hold the $10,000 in escrow until they approve our finished work.  Mike moved that we accept the county’s proposal, but with the request that WilmaTownship be allowed to do the work.  Gary seconded.  Passed.  Cathy said this is an all or nothing proposal; we and Eldon must accept it in its entirety before the county does anything.  They want a “no strings attached” written acceptance by the township and by Eldon before they do any repairs.

Pine Co. Twp. Officers’ Meeting:  Paul gave a written summary of the County Township Officers’ meeting in Hinckley on October 26.

Road Report:  Mark Pallow said he had Hopkins haul 35 loads of gravel on the Mayfield Road (485 yards), and added 4” to the entire road.  Part of this is damage by Carlson’s and Bethheaume logging companies, and we need to get a breakdown from Mark on how to bill each one.  Glen asked if we should just take both their escrows?  Gary said the damage was not done equally; probably 2/3 Betheaume and 1/3 Carlson’s.   Hopkin’s bill was $2,095.75; $700 was for the loader, since they used our gravel pile at Shutes.  They bill by the ton, 1 ton = 1.4 yards.  It’s not by weight but volume, wet or dry.  The board asked Mark to get a better price from Hopkins; Mark said he’d negotiate and get a credit on the next order.

Vink Road Escrow:  Mark said he didn’t think T&T did damage on the road and he has already graded it, and we should return their escrow. He said at the end the of Vink road the gate was damaged and lock cut, and Mr. Doody accused Mark of doing it.  Gary said the gate was open the night before. The sheriff was called and Mark may get a ticket.  Mike said we have to back up our grader operator.  Gary disputed Mark’s inspection and said there was damage on the road by T & T, and he had complaints of cabin owners on the road that there was damage.  Mark said he didn’t think there was damage, just normal use.  Mike said he didn’t see how a big loaded logging truck can go up and down a road without damaging it.  Mark said if they wanted, they could bill T&T for one load of gravel.  Gary moved to bill T&T for one load of gravel, plus administrative expenses, $50 + $50 = $100 from escrow.  Glen asked Paul to update our escrow log book, with different roads and different loggers, and that Mark needs to keep records of each road and each logger.  He has a tape recorder to keep a record.

Gary said he thinks we should take T&T’s entire escrow, because they also hauled on CrookedLake with Nelson’s silage and did a couple thousand dollars of damage.  Glen said this is why we need Mark to keep records of facts and findings and what gravel is put on roads so we can document the damages.  Paul said he has to document to the loggers how we spent their escrow, and he needs billing.  If we just take loggers’ escrows, it is a road-use tax, not a damage escrow, and we should describe it as such and not tell people they’ll get it back.  This was put on hold until next month.  Glen moved that the Road Manager document everything done on roads due to logger damages, by hours and yards and times and dates.  Mike seconded.  Passed.

Wilma Fall Fest:  Patrice said it was very successful.  A good turnout (60 people) and good food and a great band.  They came in under budget thanks to some good contributions and volunteers.

NEW BUSINESS:   Allegations against Dennis Schlomka and Gail Kespohl:  The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency in Baxter wrote to both Gail Kespohl and Dennis Schlomka, saying (because they live together)  “you may be collaborating with each other in inspecting, designing, approving and installing” septic systems and suggesting remedial actions “to minimize the perception of inappropriate behavior and keep everything above the table.”  Bob Brewster said Arna also hires Gail Kespohl as septic inspector.  Dennis Schlomka is a licensed installer and does installations, but they must be designed by a licensed designer.  Four different permits are required for 4 different jobs.  Bob said these are just allegations of the appearance of a conflict, with no substantiation.  Anyone can make allegations.  He said the Outpost system was installed by Dennis, but the electrician made an error with the pump, no fault of Dennis, but it ran up a big bill.  Bob said there is no conflict with Dennis and Gail.  They are two separate entities, licensed, bonded and insured.  He said they work separately, with integrity.  Kelly Schroeder is now in charge of the land department.  Glen said the board does not need to take any action, but they affirm their confidence in Gail Kespohl and Dennis Schlomka’s professionalism and integrity.

Paul Yager Allegations against Bob Brewster:  Glen said he had verbal and email allegations by Paul that Bob was unprofessional and hostile and may have done unfair appraisals of their cabin home.  Bob showed how he has in fact saved the Yagers substantial taxes by fighting with the county to appraise their land as lake-view rather than lake-shore, which the county had.  They even reversed his appraisal, and he had to get it restored.  Bob said he has been our assessor for 9 years and has come every year for our Boards of Review.  Bob visits every property every 5 years, and first appraised Yagers in 2008, and returned again this year.  For every property, the first access acre is appraised $7,000.    If the land borders water, there is additional charge.  On TamarackLake, that is $40,000 value for the first acre, plus charges for the front foot. ($140 per front foot).  Because their home is across the road, Bob cut the appraisal to ¼, $10,000, saving Yagers $300 per year.  In contrast, both Paul Raymond and Patrice are appraised $22,000 for their river-front land.  Yagers called the CountyAssessor’s office to complain about Bob being on their land when they weren’t there, and she promised that they would be notified in the future.  Mike said this is unacceptable; we can’t have the county making promises and interfering with our assessor; this is a dangerous precedent, and Mike asked Paul to write Kelly and tell her we can’t honor this request and not to make promises to landowners in our township.  Glen said Paul should also write to  Paul and Patty Yager and tell them we empathize with their concerns and regret any misunderstandings, but we have confidence in Bob Brewster as our assessor and support him, and believe in the integrity, fairness and professionalism of his assessments, and in fact, he had fought to keep their assessment down when the county reversed him.

Duxbury Volunteer Fire Dept. Contract:  Glen moved that we continue our association with the fire department and pay our part,  $4,500 for 2014.  Gary seconded.  Fire Chief  Mike abstained.

North Pine Area Hospital District:  Ron Osladil sent a letter with updates on the new developments of the new hospital, and asking non-member towns to re-consider joining the district.  Member towns now are taxed an average of $30 pr $100,000 marketable value.  The total levy is $225,000.  Gary said we already voted at the annual meeting not to join the district, so the case is closed.


CERT Training, Sheriff Cole:  Sheriff Cole sent applications for anyone interested in getting certified for the Community Emergency Response Team.  They got a grant and the training is free, 3 hours a week for 7 – 10 weeks.  Ben Glocke said he is interested, and got the application form.  Mike said the first responders and trained fire-fighters already have more rigorous training than CERT.

Town Safes:  Three safes were discovered when cleaning for Fall Fest.  We don’t have keys or combinations for any of them.  Eldon donated one, but he has no idea what the combination is.  There is a chance that our missing town books (1906-1978) are in the safes, but there were no ideas on how to open them.

Town Hall Use:  Two requests to use the Town Hall.  County fire marshalls want to hold a meeting.  Gary moved, Mike seconded to permit them to use the hall.   Lucy Starowoitow family wishes to rent the hall a year from now in Oct for a family reunion and want to pay the resident rate of $25 with a $50 deposit.  Mike moved and Gary seconded to allow them.

Fire Dept. Raffle:  Will be the second weekend of deer hunting, November 16, at 7 p.m. at Duxbury Bar.

Snowplowing Fees Due Tonight:  This is the deadline for snowplowing fees for the 2013-2014 season.

Boy’s Camp:  Has been sold to two individuals who hope to open it for some kind of camp.  They got 71.4 acres.  We don’t know the price yet.

Diesel Tank Key:  Mike and Paul tried to fill the Purshe fire truck last night and could not find the key to the diesel fuel.  Mike promised to keep accurate records of any fuel the fire trucks use so Mark doesn’t run out of fuel.  Mark and Mike need to reach an agreement on the key.

TREASURER’S REPORT AND BILLS:  Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached) and claims were presented:

Paul Raymond                         $           233.64

Mark Pallow                                        264.59

Mike McCullen                                      29.09

Frank Rehberger                                    27.70

Gary Vink                                            139.91

Toni Williamson                                    46.07

Glen Williamson                                  107.71

Patrice Winfield                                   156.07

Glen (expenses)                                      33.90

Askov Deep Rock                                         993.54

Security Life (Dental)                           426.48

Ace Hardware                                        13.98

Pine Co. Courier                                    22.44

ECE                                                       57.39

The Evergreen                                        22.50

Hopkins Sand and Gravel                 2,729.53

Duxbury Volunteer Fire Dept.                   4,500.00

Stephanie Hanson (Procrastinators)        300.00

MATAT (registration, Glen)                   245.00

Patrice (expenses)                                  81.82

Toni (Fallfest expenses)                         41.20

Duane Glienke                                     300.00

Mark Pallow (exp.)                                22.60

Paul Raymond (exp.)                             55.20

Total Bills:                              $      10,846.46

Gary moved to pay all the bills, to approve the Treasurer’s Report, and to transfer 11,000 from savings into checking.  Mike seconded.  Gary moved to adjourn and meeting; Mike seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 10:p.m.

Paul Raymond, clerk