Wilma Township

Pine County, Minnesota

Election Filing – Wilma Township


File for office of Supervisor or Clerk for March 8, 2016 Election

Tuesday, December 29, 2015 until

Tuesday, January 12, 2016 5 p.m.

$2.00 filing fee

Paul Raymond, Clerk

52938 Tamarack River Rd

Markville, MN 55072





Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Assistant Grader Operator Alden Shute, Penny Simonson of the ECRDC, and Pat Story.

Paul read the record of the October meeting; Gary moved to approve; Glen seconded.

NEW BUSINESS: ECRDC GRANT: Penny Simonsen from the East Central Regional Development Commission gave a report on the ECRDC’s efforts to bring broadband internet to rural areas of the five counties in the service area (Pine, Chisago, Kanabek, Isanti, and Mille Lacs). They have applied for a grant from the Blanden Foundation which will allow them to expand broadband to people who aren’t now served except by expensive and slow satellite. The grant deadline is December 4th, so Penny said ECRDC will make the application on behalf of interested townships. She believes there will be four or five townships that will express interest, and we may receive as much as $10,000.

Glen asked how long the service will last? Even if they pay for the initial equipment and the first year of service, how much will it be after that?

Penny said that a high tower with a satellite dish that can then beam WiFi signals to our whole township is a possibility. This would require homes to have a receiving antenna. Discussion about getting rights from MN Dot to use their big tower at Eagle Head Fire Station.

Pat Story said he’s done a lot of research about getting faster internet to our area and to his home. He’s had meetings with Qwest to get cell phone service in our town, as well as faster internet. He said the MESH System has merit to do this. This involves a satellite dish mounted on a tower that can receive an internet signal and then beam it out to every home with a receiving antenna. Glen moved that Wilma Township be added to the list of townships interested in being part of the Blanden grant to the ECRDC, to the maximum amount possible, to bring WiFi Broadband internet to our township. Mike seconded. Penny said that having the ECRDC getting the initial grant will give townships time to formulate proposals and research options. Pat said a 75′ – 100′ tower can pull in a good signal and can be purchased from $3,500 to $8,500. Mike moved that we appoint a committee of Glen, Pat and Paul to research and study our options and to write up a grant application; Gary seconded. Pat will chair the committee and take care of the technical research; Glen will handle the administrative part. Pat will call the meetings.

OLD BUSINESS: Road Report: Alden gave the road report: they bladed Eagle Head Road and put some gravel on low spots at the end by Grabaus’s. They did some shaping and drainage on the South Duncan Road. Glen got a very appreciative letter from Loren Kratze commending our road crew for their repairs of the South Duncan Road. Alden said all township roads are being brushed now, except for the west Rangeline Roads which Danforth did. Gary did some beaver abatement work and he said the DNR will not do anything about beavers unless they are on state land. Alden said he has done a lot of work on the grader and got the lights fixed. Mike said he needs to have the grader moved out in order to move the fire department brush rig into the west bay of the fire hall; he will meet with Alden tomorrow.

Schmedeke Lane Extension: The Clerk billed the county for $10,000 as per their contract, but Auditor Cathy Clemmer said we needed to provide copies of all the actual checks that we paid the contractors and employees for work on this road. Paul has this paperwork completed except for one check to Mark Pallow that he hasn’t cashed yet. Mike said to call him.

Midwest Hardwood Escrow: Patrice asked if there were any documentation for the $276 in damages we have deducted from their $500 escrow? Gary said it is for damages (ditching, inspections, and labor). Paul will find claims and invoices from this past summer and fall on the South Duncan Road so he can document our deductions and mail that with their check for $224.00.

Snowplowing: About 9 or 10 people have signed up. Gary said Mark wants to refund two people and does not want to plow them: Mark Ackerman and David Storvik. Mark Ackerman told Patrice that he only wants snowplowing when he is out of town and can’t do it himself. Storviks driveway is very narrow and they have no turnaround space. Alden said he could plow Storviks by backing in and then pushing the snow out, so not to refund their payment. Mark Ackerman had told Paul that he would be responsible to call when he does not want to be plowed. Mike moved that the plow operator be directed to plow Ackermans’ drive if he goes by there and it has not already been plowed. Gary seconded.

Minnesota Association of Townships Annual Conference: Paul gave a report on the conference he and Glen and Toni attended November 19-21 in Alexandria. Paul and Glen had $300 scholarships from the County Township Association. Paul needs to file a claim with the County Township Association to receive the scholarship money. The theme was public safety. Paul gave all the board members copies of the power-points and handouts from the conference. The theme was Public Safety, with a focus on rural EMT services; road safety; sign maintenance; greater Minnesota law enforcement and corrections trends; rural fire safety and local fire departments. There were also breakout sessions and training for supervisors and clerks and treasurers on conflicts of interest; road right-of-way issues; records retention; fire-wise and fire protection; and workers’ comp audits. Glen said to avoid any conflict of interest, supervisors must file affadavits of interest whenever they invoice for work not related to their supervisor duties. Paul will print more forms so we have enough. Glen said our township will benefit from our attendance at the conference, for example on broadband Wi-fi for our township.

Treasurer’s Report and Bills: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s report (attached). Total claims were $8,806.86. Gary moved to approve her report, to pay all the claims, and to transfer $9,000 from savings to checking. Mike seconded.

Gary moved to adjourn; Glen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk

_____ ________________________

Attested to by Glen Williamson, Chair



Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Mark Pallow, Assistant Grader Operator Alden Shute, and Harvey and Nancy Klar.

Paul read the record of the October meeting; Glen made one correction, the payment to the Duxbury VFD was $4,500, not $4,000. Corrected, Gary moved to approve; Glen seconded.

OLD BUSINESS/ROAD REPORT: Schmedeke Lane Extension: We got two invoices from Hopkins Sand and Gravel for gravel on the extension, and from Duane Glienke for culvert work, so the Clerk will now bill the county for $10,000 as per their contract. Glen said we can now claim the extension as a township road for road tax on the County Highway Department report due November 15, an added ¼ mile. We spent more than $10,000 on the road, including all the labor and inspections.

Vink Road: Glen got a very nice comment from Barb Smith thanking our road crew for the great job they did on Vink Road. Gary said he could not find the culvert that he thought was in the early section of the road, so he and Mark installed a new culvert to allow the road to drain. At Grabow’s at the end of the road beavers have dammed the creek and the road is wet and won’t drain. Glen moved that Gary and the road crew be authorized to contact the DNR and county to see if we can legally blow up the dam, and to do whatever it takes, up to $1,500 for Tannerite. Mike seconded and said we need to find where the dam is and act soon, before winter. There is also a beaver problem on Crooked Lake Road. Alden said we may need permission from landowners to blow up dams on private land. Mike said as the road authority, the township has leeway to correct issues that damage our roads.

North Duncan Road: Gravel was put on the low spots on the road. At the October meeting, a motion was passed to have entire board and road managers inspect the far north end of the North Duncan Road. North Duncan Road is a minimum maintenance road, and we have never claimed the part north of Thiry’s to Ox Creek as a township road for gas tax, but we have done maintenance on that part of the road. Mike said decades ago the board with Joe Vink and Ron McCullen wanted to build up and improve the far north part of the road, but a property owner objected because he did not want trespassers to have easy access to his land. We do maintain the road up to this owner’s land, so he does have access to his land.

Heller Drive: Paul needs to bill New Dosey for their half of $651.97= $325.98, for gravel on Heller Drive.

Eagle Head Road: Bill Danforth Township for culvert flagging and installation of new culvert, on October 8, 19, and November 3rd, total $30. [this must be a typo]

Park Falls Hardwood Escrow: The board voted two years ago (11/7/2012) to refund Park Falls Hardwood’s escrow for Little Tamarack Lake Road, minus the inspections by Mark and Gary @ $18 = $36, total $464. We’ve had many calls from Park Falls and from Greg Beck that we did not refund the escrow. It was made out to Mike Weidendorf/Park Falls, November 7, 2012, check#2952. Paul will contact Park Falls and Greg Beck to confirm this.

NEW BUSINESS: Pine County Historical Museum Presentation: Harvey and Nancy Klar attended the meeting to explain how our donations to the historical museum are used and the features of the museum at the old middle school in Askov. It is the fastest growing county museum in Minnesota. The Historical Society was formed in 1948, and the museum was moved from the Askov Depot to the middle school in 2012. They have over 20,000 artifacts, and they are cataloging them now, in many categories: military, agriculture, railroad, abandoned farms, WW II and the Holocaust, logging, store fronts, and Native American history. The Mermaid Cafe is open from 7 to 7 daily, and the museum from 9 to 4 Monday through Saturday, and noon to 4 on Sundays, and have over 2500 visitors a year. The museum is a 5013C and has over 500 members. Annual membership is $10, $20 for a whole family. They have a facebook page and a website. They accept donations of historical items and books.

Snowplowing Fees for 2015-2016: Paul did not get the notice posted or published with the November 4 deadline for paying this year’s snowplowing fees. Glen moved that the deadline be moved to the December 2nd board meeting. Mike seconded. Fees remain the same as last year, $75/season; driveways over 700 ft.: $100. Special plowing $100/hr. Driveways 1,000′ up to ½ mile: $175 Driveways over ½ mile: $350.

Town Hall and Fire Hall Valuation Survey: The MN Association of Township Agency wants to schedule a survey of our halls to accurately determine the value for coverage. Rosa Butterfield made several attempts to reach Glen, Gary and Paul to see the inside of our hall and fire hall last week, but wasn’t able to reach anyone. She will re-schedule and Paul will be available.

County Township Officers’ Meeting: Was Saturday, October 24 at the Hinckley American Legion. Patrice gave a good report on the speakers and developments. Senator Tony Lourey talked about the new Senate Office Building and on bonding and transportation, nursing homes and mental health. The budget is balanced and they have a surplus for rainy days. Representative Jason Rarick talked about the new hospital in Sandstone, and the funding for the bridge to it. He is working on bringing broadband internet to rural areas. Commissioner Steve Hallen said there will be a 4.9% tax increase for property owners next year, plus a charge of $6 per parcel to fund a hazardous waste plant. County Attorney Reese Frederickson has hired another attorney for his office. Sheriff Jeff Nelson wants to institute a canine program and neighborhood watch programs for the county. Assessor Kelly Schroeder said sales are up in the county. She’s scheduled our Board of Review for April. All recorded documents must be notarized.

Commissioner Rick Nolan spoke on the Munger Trail extension and broadband internet. Katy Draper from the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibway said they are building a community center in Hinckley for all citizens and are also building more housing. District 7 MAT Director Lyle Johnson said there is a new MAT office in St. Paul, and Township News will be changed to a magazine, “Township Insider.”

Glen also spoke about the meeting and his meeting with the East Central Regional Development Commission. They also are focusing on bringing broadband internet to the rural areas. Glen asked for a motion to research getting a grant to install a WiFi tower in Duxbury to serve our area. Alden said he knows of a 110′ tower for sale. Glen said even if the town doesn’t want to install a tower, he would like it for his campground.

2015 MAT Conference: Paul and Glen will be attending and have received funding for $300 each from the County Township Officers Organization. November 19-21 at Arrowwood Resort in Alexandria. Glen asked that Toni be allowed to attend and the township pay her tuition ($165), but not be paid for two full-day meetings. Mike so moved; Gary seconded. Paul will send in all three applications.

2016 Election Schedule: The Auditor’s office has released the calendar and schedule for our March township election. Glen and Paul are up for re-election. Filing notice must be published by December 15. Filing open from December 29 through January 12, 2016. Judges must be appointed by February 12. Neither Paul or Toni can serve as judges, so we will need Patrice and Barb Smith and Jeff or Jeane GrandPre to judge. All are trained.

Duxbury Store: Mike said many people ask him if the store is open. Gary said it definitely will be for deer season, and always by appointment or when he is there. Mike suggested he put out a folding “Open” sign when it is open and many people would stop.

Fire Chiefs Meeting: Glen moved that the District Fire Chiefs be allowed to use the town hall for their meeting the third Thursday of November, the 19th. Gary seconded.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached), and claims were presented. Total claims $9,903.96. Gary moved to approve her report, to transfer $10,000 from savings to checking, and to pay all the claims. Glen seconded. Patrice needs a new briefcase. Glen moved to allow her to buy the one she wants, which is $42. Mike seconded. Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.