Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Grader Operator Alden Shute, and Steve Menth.

Ray Thieling, Chair of Ogema Addressed the board and asked them to sign a letter of support to the USDA for a grant to use in upgrading their town hall. Glen moved that the board support Ogema in this; Mike seconded. He asked for Ray’s phone number so he could arrange to meet with their board about first responder coverage.

Paul read the record of the February Board of Audit and Board meeting. Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.

ROAD REPORT: Alden reported that he plowed four more snowfalls, some roads only twice since we had so many snowstorms close together, February 19, 23, 24 and March 6. He will not plow driveways any more since they are so soft he is digging them up and could get stuck.

Alden did plow the range-line roads. Arna Township wants us to do all snowplowing and regular blading and they will do all the road brushing, in all service years. Each town will bill the other town for half of their costs. 2018 is Arna’s year for repairs and we need to know if they will still do major repairs in their year, or if we will do all the road work on the Pete Anderson and Langstrom Roads. They would like our road manager or a supervisor inspect the roads with them at their annual road inspection Glen said we have an agreement with Arna, and we will need to amend it, . They authorized us to spend only $3,000 on road repairs in 2017, but by then it was too late and we did not do any of the work, and 2018 is their year. Paul will write them and get clarification on what they want to do, and when their road inspection is.

Danforth Brush Rig: Jeff Shute told Alden that they will rent a brush rig every other year, and we could use it and pay them, plus 1/3 of the transportation costs, to brush Heller Drive, the Mink Farm Road, Vink Road, and River Cabin Road. Alden said if we are going to put the crushed rock in our driveway and parking lot we need to build up the base first.

Road Construction and Maintenance Training: MN Dot is offering a training on gravel road maintenance and construction. Glen said Alden could go and the town would pay the tuition plus his meeting pay and mileage. It is in Duluth. Mike said Mark Pallow attended some of these trainings and said they were very beneficial.

OLD BUSINESS: Pete Anderson Road Bridge: No payment yet by Mike Goetz. Letter from Mike sent March 2: “I spoke with Attorney Kyle Hartnett and he is waiting on the accounting department so he can review the bill. He didn’t seem to worried about getting it paid and said he will review. I told kyle I would sent you an email and let you know this.”

Line-Item Budget Proposal for 2018: The board had a month to study the proposed budget to guide the board in 2018, based on our receipts and disbursements in 2017. Mike moved to adopt the budget proposal. Gary seconded. 2019 Levies: At the February meeting the board approved the levy proposal for the Annual Meeting. No increases were proposed. The voters approve levies. Paul said our total levies are $35,600, but the town received $99,260 in total revenues in 2017, $63,660 not from township taxes, which is why we can keep our levies low and have not increased them in a decade or more. Patrice said it is still all money from taxpayers, from property taxes and gas taxes and other taxes, even if they are not from township taxes.

NEW BUSINESS: March Township Election and Annual Town Meeting: Will be Tuesday, March 13, from 5 to 8. Toni Williamson will be Head Judge along with Jeanne Grand Pre and Patrice. Annual Meeting starts at 8 p.m. following the Board of Canvass. Gary moved to hold the Board of Reorganization on April 4th before the regular monthly board meeting. Mike seconded; passed. Paul gave Glen all the ballots and rosters and registration forms for Toni as head judge.

Lost River Road Postal Service: Postal Service will not deliver packages to Pat Story’s door. They won’t deliver to a mailbox at this home; he had to put a box on the Markville Road. They have the same policy on River Cabin Road. The reason given is that Lost River Road is too narrow for two vehicles to safely pass. The Postmaster and MAT Attorney were both contacted, and it doesn’t look like there is anything we can do. Mike said it has nothing to do with the width or quality of the roads; they just don’t want to drive down roads. Paul had all of the plat maps and agreements regarding the Lost River Hideaway and Road showing it was built to specs.

Board of Appeal/Equalization: For voters to appeal 2019 property tax assessments, Monday, April 9, 2018, 1 p.m. Glen’s certification has expired and he will need to take the course online. He will contact Kelly Schroeder. Gary is certified and we only need one Supervisor to be certified.

Matthew Lourey State Trail: Mark Wester of DNR wants to discuss with Board: The County and DNR have signed a joint-powers agreement for a no-fee easement for the trail. Part of it parallels and/or uses our North Duncan Road. We can accept the County/DNR Joint-powers Agreement or ask for a separate JPA for Wilma Township. Mike moved to just accept their Joint Powers Agreement; Paul will contact them.

Pine County Township Officers Mtg: Sat., March 24, 2018, 9 a.m., Hinckley. Gary wants to go so we will have four or five board members in attendance; we will carpool, with one car or with two. Patrice said she would drive. Spring Short Course: At the DECC in Duluth on April 6, two days after our April Board Meeting. Glen said he could drive for all of us, leaving at 7 a.m.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the treasurer’s report which will be posted on the website. Total bills for March are $2,022.00, and she requests a transfer of $2,200 from savings to checking. Gary moved to approve; Glen seconded.

Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned 8:50 p.m.

Report by Paul Raymond, Clerk________________________________

Attest: Glen Williamson, Chair____________________________