Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present: Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Grader Operator Alden Shute.

Meeting Record: Paul read the record of the June board meeting. Glen moved to approve; Gary seconded.

ROAD REPORT: Alden got more roads bladed but it has been so dry. He spent more time on Mayfield Road, ditching. The bad spot at the end of South Duncan Road has no ditch and he has to establish a ditch before putting the pit run down to build up the road. Pete Anderson Road needs two culverts. The one at the end is lifted up and he needs to replace it. Alden asked Gary to contact Gopher One Locate to check the culvert areas on both Mayfield Road and Pete Anderson Road. He flagged both culverts. Pete Anderson will get a 18” x 39′ culvert, and Mayfield will be 12” x 30′. Mike said to be sure to sink them low enough so they don’t pop up.

Constituent Complaints: Mike heard from residents on Heller Drive and McCullen Drive that the roads badly need grading. McCullen has ruts. Alden said he had not graded Heller at all, and will do it when he puts the pit run down, and also McCullen Drive.

Road Construction Projects for 2020: Alden said he hopes to complete the two outside hired projects by the end of July: Gravel on Mona Drive and Lost River Road and the culverts on Pete Anderson and Mayfield Roads.

OLD BUSINESS: Wilma Septic Administrator; Pine County Taking Over Wilma’s Septic Inspections and Permits: Pine County will handle Wilma Township’s septic inspections and permits. Per Kelly Schroeder, the Township is always able to reinstate our ordinance and hire our inspector in the future.

The County Board need to take formal action and will hold a public hearing at their July 7th board meeting. It would be effective July 17th (the day after it is published in the newspaper after approval from the County Board). County Attorney Frederickson wrote up a simple Memorandum of Agreement until the County Board can take official action. Glen signed it; it will only be in effect until the hearing and it is replaced by a formal agreement. The Commissioners will meet at Pine Co. Govt. Center, Sandstone, Tuesday, July 7, 10 a.m.

Septic Project in Wilma: The family of Tim McCullen put in a new septic system. They may have contacted the county for inspections and permits but they did not contact anyone on the town board and we just found out about it. Paul will notify Caleb Anderson and let him handle it, and send Kelly the temporary memorandum.

Public Hearing to Solicit Testimony in Consideration of the Reclassification and Sale of 53 Acres of Tax Forfeited Land in Section 18 in Wilma Township: The County Board of Commissioners will meet at 10 A.M. On Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at the N. Pine Government Center, Sandstone to solicit testimony in consideration of the reclassification and sale of a 53 acre tax-forfeited property in Section 18 on Dollar Lake Road. We are invited to offer testimony. Mike said he definitely wants to attend the meeting and explain that we cannot lose any more public lands to public use.

Tax-forfeited Distribution: Patrice said we just got a check for $9,.966 for Tax Forfeited Distribution. She said this is not the same as PILT Payment In Lieu of Taxes. Paul will ask Kelly what this is for.

STS Doing Town Hall Mowing: Since the town hall lawn has not been mowed this year, Mike asked if we could have the Sheriff’s Sentence to Serve program mow the hall lawn when they do the county garage and Eagle Head. They have a big riding mower. Paul will write to them; Mike said to just go as far back as the tank or a little farther; there is a junked picnic table in the high grass, and there may be rocks in the lawn beyond that.

Filing Period for November 3, 2020 Election: Kelly Schroeder sent filing notice for all offices to be voted on 11/2/2020: From 8 a.m. Tuesday, May 19 until 5 p.m. Tuesday, August 18, 2020, including our District 3 County Commissioner. May file by mail to Pine County Courthouse until courthouse re-opens.

Mandatory Judge Training for 2020 Elections: Head Judge/Clerk training was this past Monday in Askov. The regular Judge Training will be Monday, July 27, 2-4 p.m., North Pine Government Center, Sandstone. If it is moved to Askov Paul will let Patrice and Gary and Stefanie know.

Propane Summer Buy: Propane is cheap; We checked; our tank is full.

Pumping-Out Holding Tank: Paul is having Purple Pumper out to his house July 23. He checked our outhouse tank and it is still ok, and we aren’t having any events until Fall Fest, if then.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the treasurer’s report. Total bills for July $4,408.60, and she wants to transfer $4,400 from savings to checking. Gary moved to approve her report and to transfer the funds; Glen seconded. Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned 8:30 p.m.

Report by Paul Raymond _________________________________

Attest: Glen Williamson, Chair______________________________