Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Grader Operator Alden Shute and Pat Story.

Paul read the record of the July 5th board meeting. Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.

ROAD REPORT: Alden did routine blading on most roads. He ditched Fust Lane and South Duncan Road. The River Cabin Road project is completed. Crooked Lake new gravel leveled and spread. North Duncan Road got pit run and graded and spread. Dollar Lake Road is not done yet. He met with Carlson Timber on a strategy for Pete Anderson Road. Alden said he checks Eagle Head Road regularly, every other day or so, for any new beaver activity plugging culverts. So far after our rains the water is flowing well and not over the road. He is not charging for these trips, but if he gets a beaver would like the bounty. Gary said he also is checking frequently for beavers. Alden said we should not double up on the work and Gary will not do any more beaver abatement on Eagle Head Road.

Parking Lot Gravel Project: Alden asked if the board could give him a ballpark figure for a budget for this project so he doesn’t have to wait for another monthly meeting when he meets with Gus Roberts. Mike moved to budget $2,500 for this, with a 10% leeway. Gary seconded. Passed. The project involves scraping and leveling the lot with a skid-steer and putting 5 – 6 loads of red rock gravel down. Alden said Duane Glienke will pay for one load so we can cover his part of the lot.

Carlson Timber Escrow: They paid $500 for Schmedeke Lane logging and are planning to log on Pete Anderson Road. They ditched the end of Schmedeke Lane and put down loads of red-rock gravel and spread it. They want the road to be in good condition so they can sell lots, Alden thinks. He will watch them for logging on Pete Anderson Road. Gary said our ordinance requires a separate deposit for each road, even if Carlson has put a lot of their own money and work on the road.

Schmedeke Lane Culvert on Duxbury Road: This county culvert has been crushed and needs to be replaced. Paul will contact LeBrun.

Tamarack River Bridge on Markville Road and disintegration on road. The Board had Paul contact the Pine County Highway Dept about the bridge project and the road damage. Mark LeBrun responded: “The bridge is scheduled for August of 2021, the road will be closed for two or three weeks.  The plans and permits are done, just waiting for funding. We will be excavating and patching the frost boil areas on 25 next year.” Paul asked if they could do temporary patching and Mark sent out a crew last week. Pat said they are not done and have left one of the worst frost boils unrepaired near Lost River Road. Paul will ask LeBrun about this. He thinks the workers think they are done, since it’s been a week since they last worked.

CenturyLink Cable Not Buried: The phone cable is still strung over Glienke’s fence and over the town hall lawn. The board went out to check and both the buried cable and the original phone line enter the box for the internet. Patrice opened the box and will call CenturyLink to see if the buried cable is activated and if they will remove the old cable and take the wires, which are draped over the fence and up a tree and over the road.

OLD BUSINESS: Town Hall Stage Project: Mike showed the board his finished sanding project. He had hoped to sand the floor down to a uniform color, but the stain is too deep. Glen said it looks great, and with stain and poly will be very nice. Mike wants to stain it a light color. Paul said the deck/ramp stain was maple and that was light; Patrice has some stain Mike can try. Mike asked for authority to cut open the two safes and then taking them to recycling for steel scrap. He asked if he could give Doug Witta $20 to use his blowtorch. Glen said it’s ok. Mike asked Paul to research player pianos to see if they are worth anything and would like to get the piano and safes off of the stage. Paul can also ask the history museum if they’re interested. Mike built shelves to store equipment.

NEW BUSINESS: Annual Conference: Will be Friday, November 22, 4-8 p.m., and Saturday, November 23, 8 – 4 p.m. Verizon Center, Mankato. One night. Glen said it doesn’t seem worth it to go and he is busy. Paul also is not attending.

Relationship between Wilma Township and the Contract with DVFD, Inc. Pat Story said he has some questions: “What are the reasons that we pay and Ogema Township pays nothing for these services for medical responses? Page-outs for Ogema Township response are many times greater than for Wilma Township without any cost to Ogema Township. Long discussion. Glen said that this is a fire department issue more than a township issue, and moved to have Mike have the fire department board discuss billing Ogema or resolving this issue. Gary seconded; passed. Mike said the department has received some assistance from the Mille Lacs tribe, like AED’s and some financial assistance. Fire protection in Ogema is always by mutual aid, like whenever we aid other departments. Mike will report to the board what is decided.

Fire Protection Contract: Bill and contract due. The board approved the contract at the Board of Reorganization and the whole town voted at the annual meeting, $4,500 annually.

2020 Assessment Contract: Fees have increased due to classroom requirements and change in tax-exempt property assessments. 284 non-exempt @ $7. Also 53 exempt parcels @ $3.50 = Total $2,173.50. Mike moved to keep Bob as assessor and to sign the contract; Gary seconded.

2020 Certified Town Aid for Wilma: We will get $3,464 in 2020 in two installments, based on adjusted net tax capacity of agricultural compared to other properties and total land and water acreage and population.

Picnic Tables: We no longer use the three fiberglass green tables that were donated to the fire department. Alden would like to get them out of the back so he can put gravel down there. He’d like to take the tables. There are also two wooden tables in very good condition that Paul said belong to the township, and they will stay, but may need to be moved for the paving project.

Township Legal Seminar: Our attorneys, Couri and Ruppe, are offering the free legal seminar on Saturday, September 7 in Rutledge,. 9 am to 4 pm. Topics: Township Road authority; working with neighboring townships and county officials; pitfalls in contracts and financing; restrictions on use of township roads; conflicts of interest with township officials. Glen moved that Mike and Alden be approved to attend. Mike will get extra books for other officers.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the treasurer’s report. Total bills for July are $12,376.30 and she wants to transfer $12,000 from savings to checking. Gary moved to approve her report and to transfer the funds; Glen seconded.

Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned 8:45 p.m.

Report by Paul Raymond ___________________________________

Attest: GlenWilliamson, Chair_______________________________