Chairman Glenford Williamson, Sr., called the meeting to order at 7:30 with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink and Michael McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Eldon Schmedeke.

CLERKS REPORT;   Paul read the record of the April board meeting and the Road Inspection Meeting this morning.  Mike moved to approve the meeting report; Glen seconded.  Gary moved to approve the road report; Glen seconded.  Eldon said that road inspections should be done after a good rain because some roads are clay and get slippery after a rain, but are good when dry.  Mike said we have to publish the meetings five days ahead, and can’t predict rain.  Glen said that Gary can be authorized to check the roads after a hard rain.  Eldon said that officers used to do township business for free, and now want to be paid for everything they do.

Langstrom/Pete Anderson Roads: Gary moved that we list Langstrom Road as ½ mile and the Pete Anderson Road as a full two miles north on our next county gas tax report.  Mike seconded.  Passed.    Kenny Peterson Road: We have been claiming ½ mile for the Kenny Peterson Road.  After the first quarter mile the road is under water, even with our current drought.  Gary said the only way to keep it dry is if the DNR gets rid of the beavers.  Mike said he is against vacating any roads, but moved that we claim ¼ mile for gas tax, not ½ mile for the Kenny Peterson Road; Gary seconded.  Passed.

North Duncan Road: Glen said that this year we could put in two or three culverts and some pit-run gravel, about $5-7,000 worth, to build up the road after the mile and a half mark, and then every year do a little more.  Mike said that we want to keep a balance in the Road and Bridge fund for breakdowns and emergencies, and should not use more than 10% of the fund for the N. Duncan Road, about $7,000 this year.  Mike moved that we claim the full two miles for the N. Duncan Road on the gas tax report; Gary seconded.  Passed.   Glen moved that we spend a maximum of $7,000 to improve the North Duncan Road this year, with pit run gravel and two culverts, and that Gary be authorized to coordinate this project.  Gary seconded.   Gary said we put 14 loads of gravel on this road last year.  Glen also said that Gary should be authorized to cut the tree that has fallen across the road at the 1 mile point.

OLD TOWNSHIP GRADERS:   Mike said scrap prices are going down, but we could sell the 140 grader as a working grader, since Joe got it running this week.  Gary said the Cat-12 grader also runs, but not very well.  Glen asked where the graders are; Gary said up at the ponds.  They moved it so it wouldn’t be in Glienke’s field.  Glen said township property is all over and we need to keep better track of it.  Glen directed Paul to get the specs for the two graders and advertise them for sale in the Evergreen; Paul will talk to Joe to get the specs.  Mike said that we may get more as scrap than as a sale.  The 140 is the one with the new cutting blades; they are worth at least $500.  Mike said there are two V blades up at the farm; Gary said Joe bought one and Arna gave the other one to Joe.  Mike said he believes that this V-blade was part of one of the graders we bought from Arna, and it belongs to the town.  Glen said Dave Drake told him the blade belonged to Wilma; if it did, how could they give it to Joe? Gary said Mel Elliot said it belonged to Joe, and Dave is wrong.  Glen said that Arna told him we had to move it, so he thought it belonged to Wilma Township. Glen said he doesn’t understand how anyone can take township property and move it without authorization, and we need a way to keep track of our equipment.

Gary said we don’t have the land to store all our equipment.  Mike said that Mike Glienke had said he would donate the land next to the hall and the store to the town, but that Duane likely would not give or sell the town the land.   Gary had told him that the town could condemn the land by eminent domain for a fire hall, and this upset Duane.  Glen said that it is the supervisors’ job to protect town property, and if people can take equipment without permission it becomes anarchy and causes animosity and could lead to a liability.   Glen said  most people are good and have good intentions, but we need an understanding that except for emergencies no one can take or use township property without being duly authorized by the town board.  Mike made a motion that no township property or equipment can be moved without being duly authorized by a quorum of the town board.  Glen seconded, and said that in an emergency situation someone can call all three supervisors to get permission, and as a last resort, if none can be reached, they can call the clerk.

EQUIPMENT INVENTORY:   The Board made a list of the graders and equipment that belongs to the town:

Grader 1, at the Fire Hall

Grader 2, the 140, currently at the Pond

Grader 3, the Cat-12, at the Pond

3 Wing Blades, one on the current plow, #2 in the front yard,

And #3 on the Cat-12 plow.

1 or 2 V-plows; one in the front yard, 1 at the farm (if it belongs                                       to Wilma Township)

1 tank that came with the blue truck that Eldon bought

1 culvert, in the front yard

HOURS/WAGES:  Glen said that the remarks made at the last meeting that Gary was using the Supervisors job to make a living were hurtful and inaccurate, and that they should be retracted.  He said Gary works very hard for the township and provides an invaluable service.  Mike said he was only quoting what at least two townspeople had told him, and he is accountable to the citizens and their concerns, to allow them to be heard.  Paul and Patrice said they didn’t think Mike was specifically singling Gary out, but was referring to all the officers, and that they also took the remarks personally.  Patrice asked who could make a living on $1,000 a year?

Glen said he felt all the board members have the best interests of the town and township citizens at heart and as first priority, and we don’t have to be ashamed for being paid.

NEW BUSINESS:  Duxbury Store 3.2 Beer License:  Glen moved that the board approve the 3.2 beer license for the Duxbury Store and that Paul be authorized to sign the application.  Mike seconded.  Passed.

Legal Seminar: Our attorney Mr. Ruppe’s law firm is sponsoring a legal seminar for township officials in June.  The board already voted to authorize officers to go, and all three supervisors may attend.  Mike will be at Brad Hannula’s memorial service, and will drive up from there.

Pancake Breakfast: Gary moved that the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department be allowed to use the town hall the last Sunday in May for the pancake breakfast, without charge.  Glen seconded.

Hall Light Switch: The light switch in the hall was heating up.  Mike moved that Patrice be authorized to buy a new switch.  Gary seconded.  Glen said he will donate a clock for the hall, since ours doesn’t keep good time.

TREASURER’S REPORT AND BILLS:  Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached).  Bills for May:

Glen Williamson                                    $              165.66

Patrice Winfield                                                       92.35

Gary Vink                                                             202.24

Joe Vink                                                                110.82

Paul Raymond                                                       268.74

Mike McCullen                                                        29.09

Paul Raymond (expenses)                                        15.43

Joe Vink (expenses)                                                 29.25

T & T Logging (Short Road Escrow refund)          500.00

Patrice Winfield (expenses)                                      32.04

Moske Logging (Dollar Lake  Escrow refund)         500.00

Jensen Tractor                                                    7.75

Duxbury Store                                                      2.50

ECE                                                                        42.68

Pine County Courier                                                 24.44

The Evergreen                                                         24.50

Glen Williamson (expenses)                                     34.00

Total Expenses          $            2,081.49

Mike moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, to pay all the bills, and to transfer $2,000 from savings to checking.  Gary seconded.   Gary moved to adjourn the meeting; Mike seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 9:30.

Paul Raymond, Clerk