The meeting was called to order by Chair Glen Williamson with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the reading of the minutes by the Clerk.    There was a motion to approve the minutes by Mike and seconded by Gary.

Guests present were Leighton and Sue Quinn and Mike and Dorena Scott.


The township Treasurer and Clerk went through the records and came up with a balance of $2012.50.  It was noted by Gary that there was additional grading done on October 22, 2010 at the cost of $75.  The balance was changed to $1937.50.  There was a motion to refund by Mike and seconded by Gary, motion carried.

Clerk mentioned that minutes borrowed by Gary have been returned.

Mike and Dorena Scott were present questioning their escrow as per their phone call to the clerk which was tabled until the Clerk and Treasurer could determine their escrow balance.  Clerk came up with $887.50 and Treasurer concurred.  Mike S. stated that he will leave the balance in his account to use for gravel.  Glen asked if this meant that he was donating the remaining funds for gravel on the road and Mike S. responded yes that he wanted to donate for gravel on the road.  There was a motion by Mike McCullen to close the escrow account and that the $887.50 donated by Mike and Donrena Scott will be used for graveling Mona Drive with so donated funds until gone, it was seconded by Gary and the Motion carried.  Mike Scott requested a letter noting that the escrow is closed. It was noted that the contract is null and void and will be mentioned in the minutes and online.  Mike Scott said that he takes pride in his area as he did lots of work and does not like how it is treated, particularly by the four wheelers. Mike McCullen suggested that he turn them in.

Toni read the letter that she sent to Peter R. Eakman, County Engineer,  for Pine County Public Works in Pine City.  As of the meeting, there was no response from him.

MAT Conference

Glen spoke, saying that there were approximately 400 people in attendance including speakers from the Mayor of Duluth to State Representatives.  Issues were covered from the Green Acres to the Fire and Rescue.  It was noted that there are funds for the Volunteer Fire Department and for their retirement. Records show that Duxbury did not put in any claims for training.  With regard to restore/reflectivity – we have until 2012 to complete and also discussion on where exemption would apply.  There were many other seminars.  Toni spoke on the conference also, noting the networking and classes.  She attended the End of the Year Training for Clerks and Treasurers and gained knowledge to help prepare for the end of the year Clerk duties.


It was noted by Mike and Gary that Ryberg hauling (Kip Ryberg) was taking from our gravel pile without permission.   They stated that Kip said that they were unable to their gravel pile and they used some of ours.  It was motioned by Glen to instruct the Clerk to write a letter asking how much was taken, when it will be replaced, and that the township received no notification or gave any permission. The Board would also like to ask Ryberg, that in the future, they contact our Road Manager, Gary Vink at 320-245-2517 to inform them of their intentions.  This was seconded by Mike and the motion carried.

Town Hall and Fire Hall

Winter is not a good time to check any further.  Fowler (aka Absolute Vinyl and Windows) will do a small window missed at the hall.  It was not in the initial charge so it will cost about $275.  There was a motion by Mike to add windows and doors.  After discussion it was tabled until the next meeting

Recent Snowfall

David Storevik called several times wondering when he would get plowed.  Per Mark Pallow, the grader was stuck for five hours.  There were various comments and hopes the area will be plowed.  Per Mark, the driveways are too soft to plow. Mike suggested that when Mark gets stuck in the future that it is better to call a wrecker.  Gary noted that they did but they arrived late due to other business.

Recently Passed

It was noted that Ken Yaeger passed away over the November election.  It was also noted that Al Wolf passed away on November 30.  Glen and Mike suggested that we send a letter to the family of Al Wolf and Mike mentioned that he would like good representation from the fire department at Al’s funeral.

Mike mentioned that he took 4.1 gallons of Diesel fuel and that this is owed to the fire department.

Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report Bills were presented

Leighton Quinn                $1937.50              Escrow Refund

ECE                               $42.18                 Electric Service

Toni Williamson                $165                    MN Assoc of Twps Conference Fee

Joe Vink                         $205                    Mileage for Stuck Grader

Glen Williamson                $445.82               MM Assoc of Twps Conf/ Mileage/Hotel

Mike McCullen                  $83.58                Meetings

Patrice Winfield                $136.67               Meetings

Glen Williamson                $227.30               Meetings

Toni Williamson                $319.53               Meetings/Reconciling Escrow/Updating Escrow

Gary Vink                        $228.56              Meetings/Repair/Road Work

Joe Vink                         $41.56                Grader Blade Repair

Mark Pallow                     $210.55              Grading, Misc repair

TOTAL                           $4060.75

Treasurer would like to transfer $4060.  Motioned to transfer said funds by Gary and seconded by Mike.

Motioned to adjourn by Gary and seconded by Mike.  Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm

Toni Williamson
Clerk Wilma Township