Regular Meeting, March 7, 2007


Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Michael McCullen and Glenford Williamson, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Mark Pallow and Eldon and Marjorie Schmedeke.

Paul read the record of the February meeting. Mike moved to approve the minutes; Glen seconded.

OLD BUSINESS: Debt Service Fund: Paul said that the Auditor’s office has included the Debt Service Fund to our 2007 taxes and revenues, so we will be receiving moneys from this levy this year instead of 2008. Eldon said this will be a big tax increase for him and for some other taxpayers, and he would like to see other levies cut, such as the Fire Fund.

Grader Operators’ Training Course: Mike moved that the Board authorize Mark and Gary to attend the grader operators’ training course offered by the University of Minnesota in Hutchinson on April 16th , and to pay their tuition and mileage expenses. Glen seconded. Mike asked Mark to get a professional opinion on snowplowing unused township roads. He thinks that there would be less damage and frost boils on ungraded roads, and doesn’t understand why we expend time and money snowplowing roads with no residents every time it snows. Eldon said that those who pay taxes should receive services, including cabin owners.

Short Course: Mike moved that any township officers who are able should be authorized to attend the spring Short Courses offered by the Minnesota Township Association. Glen seconded. Patrice, Paul and Glen all plan to attend the March 26th Short Course in St. Cloud.

County Township Officers’ Meeting: Glen moved that any township officers who are able should be authorized to attend the County Township Officers’ Meeting in Hinckley on March 31st at 9 a.m. Mike seconded. Eldon said he would like officers who attend to be more proactive in contributing to these meetings instead of sitting silently. He also asked that whoever attends take good notes to share at the town board meetings.

Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting. Glen said that the Soil and Water Conservation District’s annual meeting is April 7th at 9 a.m. at Tobies. Gary said he would like to go. Mike said the problem with these meetings is that their minds are made up and there is no opportunity for input in their decision-making. They don’t want to receive feedback. Eldon said he wants to see board members speak up if they are attending these meetings in an official capacity. Glen moved that any township officer who wants to attend be authorized to attend the Soil and Water Conservation District meeting. as a township representative. Gary seconded. Passed.

Hydraulic Oil for Grader: Gary said the grader needs to have hydraulic oil and filters installed every 2000 hours of grader use. Mark said we do not know when it was last done. He said he would like to get a 55 gallon drum of John Deere hydraulic oil and filters for the grader, and that he will keep good maintenance records in the future. Glen moved that we purchase the oil and filters and that Mark be authorized to pick it up. Mark said he will pay for it and get reimbursed at the April meeting. Gary seconded; passed.

Pete Anderson/Langstrom Road Maintenance Reconciliation: Arna Township has sent us a bill for work done on the townline road in 2006. Gary said he would like to take the bill and study it for the board to act on it at the April meeting.

Board of Audit/Board of Reorganization: The Board of Review is April 11th at 10 a.m. at the Town Hall. The Board of Reorganization will be Thursday, March 22nd at 6:30 p.m. at the Duxbury Store. Glen and Patrice will need to attend to be sworn in, and the Board will reorganize and vote on offices.

Township Copier: Glen moved that the township purchase a small, portable copier for use at town board meetings and for township use. He said he can get one for under $100. Mike seconded. Passed.

Townline Road Billing: Gary gave Paul the billing for Danforth and New Dosey Townships for their share of shared line road expenses. Paul will bill both townships.

Townhall/Firehall Pole Light: Mark said he will take care of calling East Central Energy to have the pole light repaired so it doesn’t continually cycle on and off.

Bills for March, 2007:

Glen Williamson $ 31.17

U, of Minnesota (Tuition) 120.00

Mark Pallow 502.38

1st National Bank 2,000.00

Mike McCullen 31.17

ECE 37.02

The Evergreen 8.00

Joseph Vink 182.42

Duxbury Volunteer Fire Dept. 3,500.00

Gary Vink 136.21

Paul Raymond 89.73

Patrice Winfield 136.21

Total Bills $ 6,774.31

Treasurer’s Report:

General Fund Receipts $ 521,98

Disbursements 1,832.42

Balance 20, 259.09

Road and Bridge Fund Rec: 629.03

Disb: 2,241.95

Bal: 2,409.21

Fire Fund: Rec: 118.26

Bal: 3,821.04

Park Fund Rec: 1.57

Bal: 719.53

Building Fund Rec; 37.04

Bal: 6,817.03

Escrow Fund Rec: 15.01

Bal: 4,864.87

TOTAL ALL FUNDS: $ 38,890.87

Gary moved to approve the Treasurer’s report, to pay all the bills, and to transfer $6,700 from savings to checking. Glen seconded and moved that the board transfer $10,000 from the General Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund for grader loan payments, to be reimbursed from the Debt Service Fund levies when these are received in May or June and in December. Mike seconded.

Mike moved to adjourn the meeting. Glen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk