Chairman Glenford Williamson, Sr. called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at theWilmaTown Hallin Duxbury, with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink and Michael McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Deputy Clerk Toni Williamson, Deputy Treasurer Jenn Nelson, Grader Operator Mark Pallow, and Eldon and Marg Schmedeke.

Paul read the record of the August meeting. Garycorrected the record that it was Mike, notGary, who gave the history of the land west of the town hall.  With this correction,Garymoved to approve the report; Mike seconded.

OLD BUSINESS:  Deputy Treasurer:  Paul swore Jenn Nelson in as Deputy Treasurer, to serve in Patrice’s absence.  She will be paid the same hourly rate for training and reports, and the full meeting rate should she serve instead of Patrice.  Patrice said we need to fill out a new resolution to Northview Bank, to add Jenn and Toni as check signers, and to update all the other signatures.  Glen moved that the Board adopt a resolution to list all Supervisors and the Clerk and Treasurer and their Deputies as check signers at Northview Bank.  Mike Seconded.  Everyone signed the resolution form.

Propane Prebuy:  Mike moved to purchase 1,000 gallons of propane, same as last year.  Patrice said we ran out of propane last year, and they filled it twice after our prebuy ended. Gary questioned this, but Patrice said this is what they billed.  Mark said the fire hall may have lost heat due to the foundation being damaged and crooked.  Mike amended his motion to pre-buy 1,200 gallons of propane at $1.99/gallon. Gary seconded.  Passed.

District 7 Township Meeting:  This year it is atAnokaRamseyCollege inCambridge on Sept. 22. Director Don Sherpa will chair the meeting which will be mostly legislative updates and issues.  No board member wants to go.

MAT Annual Meeting:  This year it is at the Arrowwood Resort inAlexandria, from November 17-19.  Glen said he still wants to go.  The Board said to wait until the October meeting.  There is no registration info yet in the Township News, and the motel registration can be made until October 15.  Glen said he may need to visit his father at that time inFlorida.

Legal Seminar:  Our Attorney, Robert Ruppe’s law firm is hosting a free township legal seminar on Saturday, October 1, in Cotton.  Mike said he went last year and learned a lot, and said the Board should send Paul this year.  They will cover lawsuits, open meeting law, grants, conflicts and contracts, roads, and fire department contracts.  Mike moved that either Paul or Patrice be authorized to attend the seminar.  Patrice said it would be better to send Paul. Gary seconded.  Passed.  Paul will register.

FEMA Meeting for Wind Disaster:  Mike said he got a last minute call a few weeks ago about a FEMA meeting for compensation for the wind storm July 1.    He registered the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department andWilmaTownship to be eligible for federal funds.  He asked that he be reimbursed for mileage and for a half-day meeting.  Glen moved that Mike be paid for mileage and the meeting;Gary seconded; passed.  Mike said there will be another meeting tomorrow, September 8, inPineCity, and he will represent both the fire department and the town.  He asked Paul for the D.U.N.S. numbers for the fire department and the town.  Paul didn’t have them on file, but will get them from Dun and Bradstreet, so we can apply for FEMA funds.

Errors and Omissions:  Glen asked Patrice if she found out if we are covered for errors and omissions on our blanket policy with MAT.  She said not yet.

Fire Hall Foundation: Gary moved that Mike be authorized to hire Ken Coveau to repair the damage to the foundation on the fire hall.   We do not need bids. Gary said the fire department should pay half of this cost, but did not make a motion.  Paul asked if the fire department helps with the heating; Mike said in no township in our department does the fire department pay for propane as all the fire halls belong to the townships.

Duxbury Road Conditions Letter:  Paul did not get the photos from Glen or Eldon Schmedeke so he could include them in a letter to theCountyCommissioners andCountyEngineer.  Glen said he will get Paul his photos of the flooding, and Eldon gave Paul 10 photos he took in the spring.  Eldon said that he attends the meetings because he never knows if there will be something on the agenda that affects his interests.  He asked that if the clerk is aware that there will be an issue regarding the roads in his area, or other pertinent issues, that he be notified.  Paul said he will continue to provide Eldon a copy of the meeting records, since he has difficulty hearing everything.  Paul will write the letters when he has all the photos.

NEW BUSINESS:  Wedding:  Grader Operator Mark Pallow asked to use the town hall on Saturday, October 8, from noon until 6 p.m. for his wedding to Maureen Rioux.  He and Maureen will clean and set up the hall.  Mike moved that the rental fee be waived for Mark and Maureen, but asked that they sign the rental form agreement and clean up afterwards.  This will prepare the hall for Fall Fest. Gary seconded.  Passed.

Fill Dirt:  Mike had a load of dirt dumped by the fire hall, for free.  They will use it to raise the slope.  The big water tank will be buried next week.

Wilma Fall Fest:  This will be Saturday, October 22.  There was a discussion on hiring a live band, instead of a DJ.  Patrice suggested Papa John’s Band who she heard at the district 7-County Senior Federation meeting, and Glen suggested Denny and Steph Hansen’s band.  Both may be available within our budget.  Mike moved that the budget for Fall Fest be set at $400, same as other years.  Glen seconded.  The committee so far is Patrice, Glen, and Toni, and Jenn Nelson said she’d be on it.  Paul said he’d help with signs.  Mark and Maureen will have the hall set up for decorating.

Bank C.D.’s:  Patrice said two CD’s totaling almost $10,000 are coming due, one 12 months and one 6 months.  Mike asked if we have enough available cash if we renew these; Patrice said yes.  Mike moved to roll over the two C.D.’s. Gary seconded. Passed.


TREASURER’S REPORT AND BILLS:   Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached) and claims were presented:

Jenn Julin                                                $       17.34

Federated Coop (prebuy)                                     2,398.80

Mike McCullen (expenses)                              44.00

Patrice Winfield (internet)                                10.00

Paul Raymond (internet)                                           10.00

Pine Co. Treasurer (Truth in Taxation)           40.61

ECE                                                                 52.67

Paul Raymond                                               120.76

Mike McCullen                                                89.63

Frank Rehberger                                            125.95

Gary Vink                                                       70.76

Patrice Winfield                                                 102.84

Glen Williamson                                              48.36

Jenn Julin                                                        31.31

Total                  $   3.162.85

Mike moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and to pay all the claims, and to transfer $3,200 from savings into checking. Garyseconded.

Garymoved to adjourn the meeting;  Mike seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk



          Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink and Mike McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, grader operator Mark Pallow, and Eldon and Marg Schmedeke.

           Paul read the record of the July meeting.  Mike moved to approve; Glen seconded.

OLD BUSINESS:  Mayfield Road Culverts:  Denny Schlomka checked the Mayfield Road culverts.  The water was high and he wanted to wait until it went down to see if there is more damage.  At least one culvert will need to be dug up and reset, and possibly also the one before that one.  Carlson Timber did this damage and will be billed for the repairs.  The area after the turn still has water flowing north; there may be a beaver dam there.  We could approach the DNR about this as 90% of the land there is state land.

Crooked Lake Road:  Danforth had put a culvert there but the dirt was washed out and it may need to be reset.  They put new gravel on it yesterday.  Danforth submitted a new bill for snowplowing and road work for $412.50.  The Board reviewed the bill and thinks one plowing was already paid on the last invoice, so they deducted $75 from the invoice and approved the bill.  Paul will write to Jeff Shute about this and send the check.

Stamps:  Paul had 68 stamps from Toni Williamson, $30 worth, and he gave some of them to Patrice for paying bills.

Wind Damages:  Mike contacted  Denise from the Sheriff’s Office regarding the FEMA reimbursements the county may get for the fire department.  He asked Patrice to total up all the man hours and grader hours that our town has put in for the roads and to draw up a statement for the Sheriff’s office.  She will bill the grader hours at $150/hour and the labor hours at the paid rate.  We can submit that along with the fire department’s statement, and possibly get reimbursed for our expenses.

Contract Labor:  Patrice asked about a bill from a helper Mark hired to cut a tree on the South Duncan road.  Is he an employee with taxes deducted, or a contractor?  The board discussed how to handle hiring special help when Mark or Gary needs help with the roads or trees.  In the past, we have treated these workers as contractors, but have not gotten insurance coverage certificates from them.  Glen said the easiest way to handle this is for Mark or Gary to hire helpers as needed and to add their pay to their non-taxable payroll form.   We could make up a form for them to sign stating that they are doing the work as contractors and that the township is not liable for any workers’ comp claims and that as contractors they need to have their own insurance.

Road Manager/Driver’s License Requirements:   Last month the board discussed the issue of employment files for all officers and employees and the need to have copies of driver’s licenses on file for anyone driving township vehicles or their own vehicles doing township work.  At the summer short course they said that  towns could be liable if boards knowingly authorize unlicensed drivers.  Mike said one solution would be to transfer the job of road manager to Mark Pallow, and he could hire Gary or anyone else to help him with road inspections or maintenance as required.  Gary said 90% of the time, he and Mark don’t need to both go on road duties.  Mike moved that until further notice, Mark Pallow be appointed road manager for Wilma Township and that he have authority to made decisions regarding road maintenance, but for anything beyond routine maintenance or repair Mark needs to call a supervisor other than Gary to avoid a conflict of interest as Gary may be doing the work.  Glen seconded.  Unanimously approved.  Since Mark is not an officer, he can consult with the supervisors without violating open meeting laws.  Glen commended Gary for the many years of good and faithful service to the township as road manager.

Township Diesel Fuel:  Gary said fuel was taken by the fire department without anyone letting him know.  Glen asked who authorized them to take the fuel?  Gary said no one.   Mike moved that the town bill the fire department for 24.7 gallons of diesel fuel at $3.32/gallon =  $82.00.  Paul will write a claim to the fire department.    Mike said that only in emergencies does the fire department take township fuel.  Mark said they will put a lock on the tank.  Glen moved that the fire department only be allowed to take township fuel in emergency situations and that the road manager must be notified when fuel is taken so that it can be refilled.  Gary seconded.  Approved.

Township Fire Coverage:  The Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department has increased their charges to the three townships to $4,500 per year.  There was discussion, and Glen moved to approve the payment.  Gary seconded.

Duxbury Store 3.2 Beer License:  Gary said the store almost lost their license because the check he gave Paul didn’t get included with the license application.  Glen mailed it because Paul couldn’t find his notary stamp and Toni had to notarize it, and Glen said he was sure the check went in the envelope, but he apologized for what happened.  He said he always hates to put mail in the box where it is vulnerable, but the county did get the envelope.

Radio Reception Problems:  Mike talked with the sheriff about all the dropped and missed radio calls in our area, and the county said they would like to put a tower up by our fire hall.  Gary said he had heard that ECE may contribute to the cost or donate a pole for the tower.  It was unclear whether it would be a tower or a very tall pole.  Mike said we should specify that any tower on township land be available for a telephone repeater also.  Mike moved that Pine County be allowed to build a radio repeater tower on Wilma Township property.  Glen seconded.   Approved.

Deputy Treasurer:  Patrice appointed her sister Jen Nelson as her deputy treasurer.  She will be paid the same rate as Patrice for special work or training, $12/hour, and the full meeting rate if she serves at a meeting when Patrice is absent.

Personal Chainsaw Use:  Mark said he has been using his own chainsaw and gas for cutting all the trees due to the blowdown, and asked if he might be reimbursed for this use.  Mike said he submitted a statement to the sheriff from the fire department which included the cost of the chains used by the fire department volunteers.  We could include the cost of chains on our township claim as well.  Mark said he wants to rent a wood-chipper to deal with the debris.  Mike moved that Mark be repaid for the cost of his chains and gas and that he be permitted to rent a wood chipper for the township work.  Glen seconded.

Duxbury Road Conditions:  Eldon asked for the floor to ask the board again to pressure the county to do something about the terrible conditions on County Road 141, the Duxbury Road.  He had a set of photos taken over a period this spring  and summer showing deep ruts and mud and frost boils and flooding, making the road almost impassable at times.  Eldon has gone to the county engineers and to the county commissioners, and said his next step will be to go to the county’s insurer to let them see how poorly this road is maintained.  He said the county’s insurance rate would undoubtedly go up if they were aware of how dangerous this road is.  Eldon said that this has been an issue for decades, and neither the township nor the county has done anything, although he has paid over $30,000 in taxes to the county in the last 6 years.  Glen said that last November the board did write to the county engineer to report on the flooded and eroded condition of the road and asking for remedies.   Eldon said that letter was too polite, and we need to be more assertive to the county.  Paul said he will write a more emphatic letter and would like to include copies of the photos Eldon has taken.  He asked Eldon to get copies made at Kettle River Grafix in town, and that the township would pay for the copies.  Eldon said he told the county engineer that he would not show the photos to the county commissioners if the county would take care of the road.  He said they have done some repairs and gravel, but it is not enough, and the Duxbury Road is again under water.  He said they should drive stakes to measure the depth of the water and determine how much the road needs to be raised.  Paul said he will address the letter to the county engineer, and enclose copies of the photos, including some Glen has taken of the flooded road, and he will send copies to County Commissioners Doug Carlson and Steve Chafee, but not send them photos.  He will not send the letter until Eldon can get him copies of the photos, as they are so vivid in showing how terrible the road is.

Snowplowing:  Eldon said that sometimes he is not plowed out until the second day after a storm.  When he lived in the cities, they would plow all night long until everyone was plowed out.  Mike said that with two plow operators now, we can keep the plow going longer, but that we have always tried to be fair to all township residents and alternate the routes and directions the plow goes first.  We have several residents with serious medical issues on all sides of the township, and can’t favor some over others.

Personal Gravel:  Paul asked if the board knew of anyone who could spread gravel on a private drive.   Patrice said Denny Schlomka is very good and reasonable.  His number is 384-7911.

MAT State Conference:  The board sent Glen and Toni to the State MAT conference last November, and Glen wants to go again.  Paul said we should alternate different officers, since it is so expensive.  Last year’s cost over $400.  This year it is November 17-19 at the Arrowwood Resort in Alexandria.  Glen said many towns send their whole boards, and there are sessions for clerks and treasurers, and he said we could send more than one board member and they could share hotel rooms to minimize the cost.

Foundation Damage:  Mike said he has calls in to Kenny Coveau about the damage to the town hall and the fire hall, and he was hoping Kenny would come to the meeting to check the damage.  Mike has also made calls to see about selling the two excess graders and two old fire trucks.  Siren Steel does buy old equipment.  He has a lot of promises to return calls.  Gary said he has been waiting for two years for call backs on the grader.

Land next to town hall:  Glen asked if we could approach Duane Glienke about purchasing the land west of the town hall.   Gary said that Mike Glienke had promised to give the town that land but he died before he could make the transfer.   Gary said there is 100 years of history complicating this and it would be better to just leave it alone.  Duane has been generous about letting us park vehicles and we don’t need the land.

Town Computer:  Patrice said she has been having problems with the township laptop not booting up or shutting down, and she asked Glen to come over and troubleshoot the problems.  Paul said there is a very good free program that diagnoses registry and virus problems and she could download that also.  It’s called Advanced System Care and is available on the CNET website.  It cleans up all kinds of problems and speeds up computers.

Treasurer’s Report and Bills:  Patrice gave the Treasurer’s report (attached).  Bills were presented:

MATIT Insurance                                                $        1,605.00

Paul Raymond (satellite)                                                              10.00

Danforth Township                                                          377.50

Patrice Winfield (misc. expenses)                                       56.88

ECE                                                                                    57.58

Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department                                      4,500.00

Mark Pallow (for helper)                                                              52.50

Pine Co. Treasurer (Assessor)                                          391.00

Gary Vink (road work/township work)                            258.04

Patrice Winfield                                                                100.01

Glen Williamson                                                                 38.69

Mike McCullen                                                                   33.97

Mark Pallow                                                                       42.46

Paul Raymond                                                                  120.76

Frank Rehberger                                                               161.34

Total Bills                      $        7,765.00

Glen asked Patrice to confirm with MATIT that we are covered for errors and omissions on our policy.  Mike moved to approve the treasurer’s report and to pay all the bills and to transfer $7,800 from savings to checking.  Gary seconded.  Passed.

Mike moved to adjourn the meeting.  Gary seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk



          Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink and Michael McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Grader Operator Mark Pallow, and Danforth Township Chairman Jeff Shute.

          Paul read the record of the June 1st board meeting.  Gary asked that the record be amended to say that his claim for mileage was actually Joe Vink’s claim; he submitted it under his name because Joe wasn’t available to sign the claim.  With this amendment, Gary moved that the record be approved.  Mike seconded. 

          CROOKED LAKE RANGELINE ROAD:  Jeff Shute took the floor to present Danforth’s proposal for work on Crooked Lake Road.  They got a quote for ditching, $240.  Plus 20 loads of gravel to gravel from the highway to Bob Johnson’s.  They can get gravel hauled for $3.50/yard for 12 yard loads, $42, plus $72 for hauling.  Mike said Terry Mullins and Jolie Wichlidal and Jack Anderberg misrepresented the facts when they said Linneman built this road and that it was not a township road.   Paul said they did accept that this was a rangeline township road and were asking for maintenance.  Both Mike and Jeff said they were able to drive the road all the way to the end in the 1970’s, although the road was much worse than it is today, as all roads were.

          The board discussed Danforth’s bill for $4,000 for two years of work, our half $2,002.   Jeff said that half of this was for the culvert put in by Jason Palme’s which cost $2,000.  The bill only included 3 loads of gravel.  Mike questioned if the road needs 20 more loads of gravel.  Jeff said they have a quote for another road for $17,000, which they don’t even have in their budget, and this is a reasonable amount of gravel to build up the road 5”.  Mike said Crooked Lake Road will need to be ditched all the way from Highway 30 to the bottom of the hill and from Bob Johnson’s north.  Gary said if we ditch, will Bob just fill it in again to get to his fields?  Jeff said if he does, he will need to put in a culvert.  Also the rock pile by Bob Johnson’s is in the right-of-way and will have to be moved.  Mike moved to approve Danforth’s proposal, using their gravel, and if the work goes over the estimate by more than 10% they will need to come back to Wilma for approval.  Gary seconded; approved.

          Glen said he had no issues with their bill for past work.  Gary said his questions were clarified.  Jeff said the hourly rate is half what Wilma was charging.  Mike moved to pay the bill.  Gary seconded.  Approved.  Patrice prepared the check and it was signed.  Jeff thanked the board for the agreement.  Gary said the school should drive the bus on Crooked Lake road, but Mike said we’re only repairing the first ¼ mile, and the kids live a mile down the road.  We can notify the school district when the work is completed.  Mike asked Jeff about the brush cutting on the road.  Jeff said the man they hired never showed up, but they may go in with Sandstone Township and rent a brush cutter.  Mike asked Jeff to call us when they do this so we can also go in on the rental. 

          OLD BUSINESS:  SHORT COURSE:  Glen said he had to cut trees at the campground and couldn’t attend the Short Course.  Paul and Patrice gave reports on the one in Carlton last week:   Employee Files:  Because every year several townships are picked for random audits, they stressed that every town must have employment files on all officers and employees, which need to include a Federal I-9 form,  a W-4 and W-4MN form, a Minnesota New Hire form, and a PERA enrollment form.  Also anyone driving township vehicles or equipment must have a copy of their license on file, and it is strongly encouraged that anyone doing any driving for the township, even in their own vehicles, have a license on file.  All the board members and Mark gave Patrice their licenses to copy; Gary said he does not have a driver’s license.  Mark took forms for Frank Rehberger and will get a copy of his license.

          Bids/Quotes:  Contracts under $25,000 do not need bids or quotes.  From $25,000 to $100,000, we need to solicit at least two written quotes, which can be modified and negotiated, and the board is not required to take the lowest quote.  Over $100,000, we need sealed bids and must accept the lowest responsible bid.  Mike said he talked with Mel Elliot, Jr. about our Town Hall addition, and with the Coveaus about the foundation and the fire hall damage.  Mike said Duane Glienke could do the repairs on the foundations and the halls, but he still hasn’t buried the water tank.

          Deputy Treasurer:  Patrice said she needs to appoint a Deputy Treasurer, who does not have to be from our township.  She may appoint her sister.

          Election Judges:  No party can have more than half of the judges for a state or federal election.  If we get lists from the parties, we need to appoint from those. Patrice is the only one who has attended caucuses lately, to get on the lists.

          Supervisor Conflict of Interest:  A Supervisor cannot  vote on or participate in the debate on a decision that triggers a conflict of interest.  A supervisor doing work for the township must submit an affidavit stating that the pay rate is equal to or less than the market value for the item or service being performed.  We have affidavits from Glen for Aspire  website work, and from Gary for town hall and road work.  The board passed a resolution in 2009 authorizing contract with interested officer Gary Vink under MN Statute #471.88 Subdv. 5. 

          ASSESSOR CONTRACT:  Bob Brewster submitted a contract for 2011 for our assessments, 276 parcels at $5.50 per parcel, $1,518, same as last year.  Mike moved to approve this contract; Gary seconded.  Approved. 

          GRADER:  Mike said he borrowed the scarifier from the grader to use in the tree removal following the huge storm July 2nd.  He put in 63 volunteer man-hours in cleanup and tree removal.  Mark said that our grader trainee damaged the grader tire and it will need to be replaced, at a cost of about $1,000.  Mike moved to purchase a new tire; Glen seconded.  Approved.  Mike asked that when the grader is parked, that the tires be set so the fire truck can get out.  

          CLEANUP RESOLUTION:  Glen said he would like to commend the Fire Department and the Fire Chief Mike McCullen and all the volunteers from our township and neighboring townships for their wonderful and unselfish response to the wind damage last Friday.  Many roads were blocked and Markville still does not have electricity. 

          TIRE AGGREGATE:  We got a proposal to use ground up tires for aggregate on our roads, especially for frost boils.  This is put 2 feet underneath the road and insulates and helps drain frost boils.  Mike said this would be better for the county, not our township. 

         ATV/SNOWMOBILE TRAIL:  We got an information packet from the DNR for the Matthew Loury ATV/snowmobile trail that runs up the North Duncan Road. Mike said this goes into New Dosey Township, and we do not need to act on this as any bridge would be in their township.

           TREASURER’S REPORT AND CLAIMS:  Patrice presented the Treasurer’s report (attached).  Claims and checks were presented:

           Federated Coop                                          $                   546.52

          Paul Raymond (internet)                                                             10.00

          Danforth Township                                                       2,002.00

          The Evergreen                                                                    12.50

          ECE                                                                                   67.29

          MAT (for Paul’s tuition)                                                             45.00

          US Treasury (2nd quarter deductions)                                        391.72

          Patrice Winfield (mileage and tuition)                                       118.24

          Gary Vink                                                                        454.50

          Frank Rehberger                                                              348.15

          Mike McCullen                                                                  33.97

          Mark Pallow                                                                    152.85

          Patrice Winfield                                                               194.36

          Paul Raymond                                                                 209.46

          Glen Williamson                                                                38.69

                                                Total                    $                  4674.73


          Mike moved to approve the Treasurer’s report and to pay all the bills and to transfer $4,700 from savings to checking.  Gary seconded.  Approved.  Mike moved to adjourn the meeting.  Gary seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

                                                                    Paul Raymond, Clerk