Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present:  Supervisors Gary Vink and Mike McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Eldon and Marjorie Schmedeke.

Paul read the record of the November meeting.  Garyclarified the record that he was not proposing closing off the chimney pipe to prevent flies.  Paul amended this.  Eldon said it is Dave Steven, from Pine Co., not Steiben.  Steiben retired a couple of years ago.  This was amended.  With these corrections, Mike moved to approve the record;Gary seconded.

OLD BUSINESS:  Duncan Road:  We had some bills and claims that Road Manager Mark Pallow gaveGary, with some information on what roads the work was done on.  Duane Glienke put in a culvert onNorth Duncan Road; Hopkins Gravel put gravel onN. Duncan Road and some on roads with FEMA-covered flood damage; Little Falls Machine billed for grader parts.   Because we could not determine how much of the work is on thePete Anderson Range Line Road, and how much to deduct from FEMA, we will wait until the January, 2012 meeting to get a report from Mark.

Pete Anderson Road:  Eldon asked for the floor to speak to the Supervisors about the conditions on thePete Anderson Road and to show photographs.  There is a washout about 1 foot deep.  Mark lowered a culvert but it is too small, only 18”.  He said the culvert Arna put in was 32”.  Eldon said he has no complaints about the work Mark has done, only that the culvert is too small.

State MAT Conference:  Glen thanked the Board for sending him to the Arrowwood conference.  He said there was so much information, especially on conflict of interest issues with elected officers.  He said there were 310 officers from 60 counties and 154 townships inMinnesota.  Other topics were Board of Equalization training for Supervisors; year-end reports; bond financing; taxing; wind energy.  They awarded $1,000 scholarships to 4Minnesota teens.  They urged more officers to attend the District MAT Conference.  Glen said it is very important that township officers attend trainings so we are aware of our duties and responsibilities.  Ignorance of the law is not defensible, and other townships have been sued.

Road Sign Retroreflectivity Requirements:  By January 22, 2012, the Board must implement a method to maintain federal and state minimum levels of retroreflectivity for Wilma road signs.  We have until January, 22, 2015 to replace any warning or ground-mounted guide signs, if we have any, and until January 22, 2018 to make any changes in our road signs.   We have to make a plan for how we will comply with the requirements and what method we will use to assess reflectivity.  We can choose the visual assessment method to see how reflective our signs are.  There was a discussion of who has jurisdiction over and ownership of the road signs in our township, us or the County.  The County has purchased and put up the road signs as part of the 911 program, and they have replaced damaged road signs.   All the stop-signs are at intersections with County roads, so we believe they own these signs.  Minimum-maintenance signs are ours.  Glen directed Paul to designate allWilmaTownship signs on the township road map we make for the gas-tax report by the January meeting.  Also for him to find out from theCountyEngineers who owns what signs in Wilma.

Storm-damage tree removal:  Glen said Kari Holter said they were very pleased with the progress on Little Tamarack Lake Road.  Mike said he is almost done, except for chipping.  He wanted clarity on the issue of the township wood pile.  He said inArnaTownship when people want wood from the blowdown, they are asked to help cut and load the wood and they get some delivered to their homes.  Mike said he got a letter from Paul saying he didn’t want to do a similar deal with Mike because he said it wouldn’t be fair to other township citizens.  Unlike Arna, our township FEMA contract states that the salvaged timber belongs to the township for the fair and equitable distribution to interested citizens, after the people who own land next to the right-of-ways have an opportunity to claim their wood if they want it.  Mike said Paul told him it was because of no insurance that he didn’t want to work for wood.    Paul confirmed he said this.  Mike said Paul wrote the contract.  Paul said it was in a conference-call with our attorney, Robert Ruppe and Chairman Glen Williamson, but it is part of his duty as an officer to look out for the interests of all the citizens, and to do what is fair and right.   Paul said that the timeline of the salvage wood issue goes back to September 13, when Mike told him after fire training that he had volunteered his land to FEMA for a staging area, when he still thought that Wilma would get the contract and be able to do the work.  He told Paul then that he got to keep all of the wood because it was on his land.  Paul said he told Mike then that that wouldn’t work, with so many people in our town who burn wood.  FEMA Rep Mike Fedoruk said the town could designate any staging area that was not in a wetland.  Paul said we could have had the wood staged at the town hall, or on Joe’s or Glienke’s land.  Glen said that at the State MAT Conference he spent a lot of time one-on-one with the township attorneys going over the whole issue of conflict of interest and township officers.  Glen said they said that NO officer can receive any property from the township while they are in office, which would include any of the township wood.  He said we need to notify other township citizens that they can take wood if they need it.  Mike said he has to have waivers or affidavits that he will not be responsible or liable for anyone coming on his land.  Paul gave him one when he came to get wood; he came 2 or 3 times.  Paul said this was after a month had past since we published the notice in the Courier and the Evergreen that people can claim wood salvaged from their rights-of-way land, and the township wood-pile was public knowledge from the meetings and on the website.  Only Eldon claimed any wood.  Mike asked if it would be a conflict if he brought some firewood to his father’s place for maple-syrup making in the spring.  Glen said he has no authority to enforce any conflict-of-interest issues except as one-third of the voting board.  If someone wants to make motions, they can vote.  The Board directed Paul to post and publish a notice about the availability of the wood, with instructions to contact the Clerk for the waiver and location, and restrictions on what pile is Wilma’s.

Township tape-recorder:  Paul indicated that the digital recorder the board told him to buy was being used in the meeting.   The records must be retained and are public records. Gary asked if this meant that meetings will be streamed on our website or transcribed.  Paul said he will only use the recordings if there is a question about the written record.  He still relies on his written minutes. The recordings will be put on CD’s and retained.

NEW BUSINESS:  Township CD’s:  Patrice said a CD is coming due, for a total of $5,123.  Mike moved to authorize Patrice to roll-over the CD.Gary seconded.

Absentee Ballot Election Board:  Glen said at the MAT Conference they said that counties will not handle absentee ballots for township elections, and we need to appoint a three-member board of trained judges to count and record absentee ballots.  Paul said there is a resolution in the Township News that he inserted “Wilma” into and the names of our proposed election judges:  Toni Williamson, Patrice Winfield, and Barb Smith. Glen read the resolution and moved that the town board adopt it. Gary seconded.  Passed.  Mike moved that these same three judges be appointed to serve for the March 13 election. Gary seconded.  Passed.

TREASURER’S REPORT AND CLAIMS:  Patrice gave the Treasurer’s report and the December Claims:

Mark Pallow (expenses)                                       $        243.25

Paul Raymond (expenses)                                               58.45

Joe Vink (expenses)                                                         75.00

MATIT (Workers’ Comp Premium)                              526.00

Duane Glienke                                                               250.00

Little Falls Machine                                                       126.68

Glen Williamson (expenses/MAT Conference)              412.70

Patrice Winfield (expenses)                                              10.00

Couri-Ruppe Attorneys (FEMA Consultations)            840.00

HopkinsSand and Gravel                                         10,491.96

Eggan’s Bulk Service                                                  1,157.80

The Evergreen                                                                  26.25

ECE                                                                                 47.86

Mike McCullen                                                                33.97

Paul Raymond                                                               120.76

Joe Vink                                                                        141.52

Glen Williamson                                                            237.06

Gary Vink                                                                      323.14

Patrice Winfield                                                               94.35

Mark Pallow                                                                  519.40

Total Bills   $             15,736.15

Garymoved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, to pay all the claims, and to transfer $16,000 from savings into checking.   Glen seconded. Garymoved to adjourn the meeting; Glen seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk


Wilma Township Board of Supervisors’ Meeting, November 2, 2011

Wilma Township Board of Supervisors’ Meeting, November 2, 2011

Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink and Mike McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Grader Operator Mark Pallow, and County Coordinator/Engineer Mark LeBrun, County Commissioner Steve Chaffee, Eldon and Marjorie Schmedeke, Joe Vink, Toni Williamson  and Steve Menth.

Paul read the record of the October Board Meeting.  Patrice asked that Jenn Nelson be substituted for Patrice Winfield in the record as Paul had Patrice twice.  Mike questioned the term “emergency board meeting,” for his meeting with Gary to survey the road damage.  Paul said anytime two supervisors meet, it is a meeting, no matter what you call it, and the time-frame Mike described made this an emergency board meeting. Gary moved to accept the minutes; Mike seconded.   Paul read the record of the Special Town Board Meeting on October 12th.  Glen asked that the statement from our Township Attorney Robert Ruppe on October 10, 2011 be included in the record as read at the meeting:  “MN Stat. 471.81 Subd. 1 states that any contracts entered into between the Town Board and a Supervisor that did not follow the statutory conflict of interest procedures is considered ‘void.’  As a matter of law, because the Town Board did not follow the required conflict of interest procedures the contract entered into last week with Mike is void.  With regard to the threatened lawsuit, Mike would not be able to win any lawsuit filed against the Township because the contract voted upon at the last meeting is void.”  With this addition, Glen moved to approve the record; Gary seconded.

County Commissioner Steve Chaffee and County Coordinator Mark LeBrun took the floor to answer questions about the condition and repairs on Co. Road 141, the Duxbury Road east of Duxbury.   Gary asked them about the report in the paper that the County bought a portion of land from Robert Jensen to allow Bruce Greenly access to Schmedeke Lane.  Gary asked if the Board had approved this.  Mark LeBrun said they had tried to work out an exchange with Bob Jensen but without success.  This purchase will help avoid any future road issues.

County Road 141:  Mike said the biggest issue is the bridge is still too low, although it was raised a few years ago.  It was under water at least 3 times in the past year.  Gary said the real problem is with Keene Creek.  It is so crooked with curves that water backs up and actually flows backwards to cover the road.  He said the Army Corps of Engineers would have to approve straightening out the river so it flows directly into the Tamarack River.  Eldon asked is there any other road in the County as bad as 141?  He said neither Wilma nor Arna Townships have done anything to remedy the problem.  He has had his car stall trying to get through the flood.  The bridge was finished in 2000; they raised the road on one side but not on the other.  Eldon said he has paid over $30,000 in taxes to the county, and he can’t get out when it rains. Someone could get injured or drown on this road. A load of gravel costs about $100, he said, and the County could get the road raised for about $4,000; he pays that much in taxes in one year.

Mark LeBrun said the road is a county road and the Townships are not  responsible and have no authority or fix it.   Mark said that Steiben has 3,000 miles of County roads he is responsible for, but he did come out here last summer and did some repair on the road.  It’s in the best shape now it’s ever been, even though the bridge issue still needs to be addressed.  Joe asked why the bridge cost so much, and how much more did it cost because of the sod on the side of the road that Eldon demanded?  Eldon said this was a federal project.  LeBrun said the County will work on the frost boils this spring and will determine what more they need to do.

Glen asked why the pavement stopped at the Duxbury Store and never went further east? LeBrun said Co. Road 30 is a state-aid road, and 141 is only a County road and must depend on property taxes.  Mike said it would have been great if 141 and the Cloverton Road could have been paved; all three towns would be connected by paved roads.  Eldon said paving 141 was the plan originally, but the people out here didn’t want it.  LeBrun said the state-aid program was set up in the 1950’s and doesn’t always make sense, why some roads are included and some not.  Joe said it is not true that the townspeople weren’t for paving 141.  Paulson was the CountyEngineer at that time and all the bridges on Co. Road 25 were condemned, and Paulson used the state-aid money to pay for the bridges on 25.  141 was going to get the funds next, but then the state passed a law that you couldn’t swap state-aid road money, so there was no funding for 141.

Steve Chaffee thanked the board for inviting them to the Board Meeting; he said it is always good to see how townships operate.  He said Eldon has some good points.  He has confidence in Dave Steiben and Mark LeBrun.  The County will do something for Co. Road 141.  Dave did what  he could do last summer, and hopefully they will be able to do more this coming spring and summer.  Steve said dirt roads in the County have improved a lot over what they used to be.  Joe said 141 used to have water 4 feet deep from one hill to the other.  Mike remembers riding an air-boat across the flood.  Eldon said 141 has been a problem for 100 years, and needs to be fixed.

LeBrun asked questions about the status of our FEMA funds for tree removal.  He said in future emergencies like that, that we should call them to come in to help.  Steve’s number is 320-980-2023 and Mark LeBrun is 320-591-1621.  Mike said there is a big push to get the trees out of the rights-of-way before the snowplows have to go through; when the trees are covered in snow it will be a serious hazard.

Eldon asked about the radio tower.  Mike said it is up.  Eldon said we still don’t have cell-phone coverage out here.  Mark LeBrun said the state is putting up the 800 megawatt radio system towers here and at Kerrick and we will have radios by spring.  Possibly a cell-phone transmitter could be put on the towers, and the whole county would have cell-phone service.

OLD BUSINESS:  Danforth Township Billing:  Mark Pallow talked with Jason Palme and he explained the bill; our half is $2,230.  Gary asked if the back-hoe is included in the bill.  Mike moved to pay the bill; Gary seconded.  Passed.

Special Board Meeting:  Glen said the special meeting we had for the FEMA contract was necessary to make a wrong situation right.  Now we don’t have to be looking over our shoulders, that we acted illegally or unethically.

Wilma Fall Fest:  We had nearly 75 people here on October 22.  The hall was packed. Barry and the Hoot Owls played.  The board has received many positive comments.  Toni said we had 25 sponsors who provided prizes, and  many people from other towns attended.  Glen asked if we can do anything to keep the flies out; he and Toni cleaned the hall and dead flies covered the floor.  Gary said we’d need to seal the chimney pipe off.

Water Tank for Fire Department:  The tank is buried and has already been filled with 4,000 gallons of water.  It will hold 15,000 gallons when it is full.

North Duncan Road:  Hopkins Gravel will be there Friday morning at 7:30 to haul gravel in. Glen said the FEMA tree removal needs to do the high-priority roads first so the grader can get in.  Little Tamarack Lake Road and North Duncan Roads are high priorities.  Mike said he completed Short Road today.  The town will devote $7,000 of gravel and grading on the North Duncan Road.  We also have $6,000 in FEMA funds for our flood-damaged roads.  It is a 75/25 deal between the Federal Govt. and the State.  FEMA pays the state 75% of the money and the state will eventually pay Wilma.  The contract is in Washington now, getting approved.  Nothing is guaranteed.  Mike moved that we hire Hopkins Gravel to haul the gravel for the flood damage FEMA has said they will pay for.  Gary seconded.  Passed. Mike said we need to keep good track of any gravel or grading done on the FEMA projects, so we can give an accounting to the State and to FEMA.  Mark Pallow got a copy of the FEMA agreement with Wilma and will keep records of how the money is spent.

FEMA Wood:  Paul said the contract for Road Work Services between the Township and Fudally Tackle states that “MN Stat. 160 allows residents to claim the wood that is removed from Wilma rights-of-way next to their land.  Any remaining usable timber shall remain the property of the Town of Wilma for the fair and equitable distribution to interested township citizens.”  Mike is maintaining a separate pile from the township wood that he says is his.  Mike said he paid the DNR $24 to get all the wood on the Short Road, and this road had more damaged trees than any other in our township.  He said 90% of the downed wood in the town is poplar.

Old Graders:  Mark had the grader weighed.  It weighs 28,666 pounds.  He said he had offer from Kukuk to pay $1,500 for the grader for scrap, about $80/ton.  Mark said there is nothing we can sell for parts.  Joe said he is interested in buying either or both graders and will give $1,500 each.  Mike moved to sell Joe Vink the two graders for $1,500 each.  Glen seconded. Gary abstained.  Passed.

NEW BUSINESS:  U.S. Census Report:  Glen got the 2011 Government Units Survey from the Census Dept.  It is due November 11.  Paul said he has filled it out in the past, and Glen gave it to him.

Homestead Credits:  Paul passed out copies of the County report on the Homestead Credits taxpayers used to get.  Homesteaders will still get the credits, but it will not be offset by the State, but by other taxpayers.

Training and Conferences:  Glen said he would like to move that board members be allowed to use their discretion on attending Short Courses or Township Officers’ Meetings or training, and not always need a new vote by the board.  Gary said he still thinks we should vote on it every time.  Paul said there are some meetings we have always attended, the Spring and Summer Short Courses and the twice yearly County Township Officers meetings.  Special trainings or conferences like the MAT State Conference could still be approved as they come up.  No action was taken.

Snowplowing:  Today is the deadline for fees. Patrice has a number of payments and will make a list for Mark and Frank Rehberger.

Smoky the Bear Sign:  Paul got a call from the DNR asking if anyone had information on the missing Smoky the Bear sign that used to hang at the corner of  Co. Road 24 and 25.   The DNR recently replaced the State Forest sign and Paul thought they took the Smoky sign for repainting then, but they said it blew down in the storm and then later disappeared.

Treasurer’s Report and Bills:  Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached).  Bills were presented:

Purple Pumper                                                     $          130.00

Pine Co. Courier                                                                45.12

ECE                                                                                   52.77

Patrice Winfield (expenses and internet)                            30.01 

Fall Fest (Toni Williamson, for the band and exp.)                   442.05

MAT Fall Conference for Glen                                                  245.00

Mark Pallow (expenses)                                                   113.19

Paul Raymond (mileage/expenses)                                     77.66

Mark Pallow                                                                    283.76     

Jenn Nelson                                                                                 28.30

Patrice Winfield                                                                 83.02

Gary Vink                                                                        128.08

Glen Williamson                                                              216.42

Joe Vink                                                                            28.30

Paul Raymond                                                                 367.96

Danforth Township                                                       2,230.00

Mike McCullen                                                                  67.94


                  TOTAL BILLS              $       4,569.58


Mike moved to pay the bills and to transfer $4,600 from savings to checking, and to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Gary seconded.  Passed.

Gary moved to adjourn the meeting; Mike seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

                                               Paul Raymond, Clerk