Chairman Glenford Williamson, Sr., called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Wilma Town Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink and Michael McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Mark Pallow.

OLD BUSINESS: Bank C.D.’s: Patrice said that in order to put the money into C.D.’s the bank needs a signed claim form from last month, and the C.D. amounts will not show up in the Cash Control Statement but will have a separate Investment Worksheet Statement. The C.D. documents are stored in Patrice’s safe-deposit box, and she has copies.

P.E.R.A.: Patrice researched PERA and downloaded a manual for interested officers. We won’t start it until 2010, if anyone is interested.

Fire Hall Grant: Mike asked Paul to check the status of our application for a grant for a new fire hall. He said they likely will not contact us if we are not awarded a grant, so we need to research it.

Recognition Plaque: Glen said he would like to see the plaque recognizing significant deceased Township citizens by the time of the annual Town Meeting. Possible candidates who were discussed were Belle Anderson, George Anderson, E.E. (Andy) Anderson, Bev Vink, Arnold and Lillian Shute, Betty McCullen, Archie Schmidt, Denny Hanson, and Kenny Peterson. Glen moved that we choose a board to nominate two or three deceased persons of significance to our Township every year, and that they be commemorated on a plaque in the Town Hall. There was no second. Mike said he would like to see how New Dosey is handling their commemorative plaque, and any difficulties they may have had. Mark said he would be glad to check the New Dosey plaque. The motion was tabled.

Wilma Fall Fest: Glen said plans for the Fall Fest October 24th are on schedule. He distributed flyers for board members to put up at businesses. He said he has approached Rich’s Bar, the Gaslight, the End Zone, Ringers, and stopped at Chris’s. He also heard from the Casino. Patrice contacted Ace Hardware and the Organic Carrot, and her father Hollis Nelson and Patrice and Maureen and Mark will donate prizes. Gary will donate maple syrup and Mike’s Fidelity Tackle will have a prize. Mark and Gary will check with Wild Waters Bar and they or Mike will contact the Fishbowl. Paul will paint a big sign to put out in the road in front of the Town Hall. There was a discussion on buying a keg of beer, but liability concerns made this too risky. We will have BYOB.

NEW BUSINESS: Road Report: Gary gave the Road Report. Hopkins Sand and Gravel hauled 420 yards of gravel, which was put on the following roads:
South Duncan Road 70 yards

North Duncan Road 196 yards (this was put up by Hirte’s and up to Thiry’s place. 12 yards were put past Thiry’s by Peno’s.)

Pete Anderson Road 14 yards at end

Langstrom Road 14 yards at end (Paul will check if our townships have billed each other for this annual gravel at the end of these townline roads, and if so, he will bill Arna).

McCullen Road 42 yards

Vink Road 84 yards

T & T Logging has not yet contacted Gary in response to our letter asking them to have a joint road inspection before and after their logging and hauling activities on our roads, so there is no question about damages and our escrow deductions.

Mark said the grader has a flat tire on one of the new tires, and will need to be repaired. Gary said we also need to order 300 gallons of diesel fuel for the grader.

Larry Erickson said he does want to cut the trees by his place on Langstrom Road and he wants the wood, but that he won’t be able to cut them until 2011.

Annual Township Road Certification: This report is due Nov. 1. Gary made some changes to the maps and report, including Short Road.

TREASURER’S REPORT AND BILLS: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached). Bills were presented:

ECE $ 54.78
Hopkins Sand and Gravel 1,827.00
Paul Raymond (stamps and keys) 18.35
Mark Pallow (expenses) 81.95
Duxbury Volunteer Fire Dept. 3,500.00
U.S. Treasury (3rd Qtr. Wthld.) 303.90
Patrice Winfield (expenses) 4.80
Mark Pallow 157.46
Glen Williamson, Sr. 24.24
Gary Vink 235.49
Mike McCullen 66.95
Paul Raymond 106.20
Patrice Winfield 103.89
Total Bills: $ 5,790.78

Mike moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, to pay all the bills, and to transfer $5,800 from savings into checking. Gary seconded.

County Township Officers Meeting: This will be Sat., Oct. 24 (the same day as Wilma Fall Fest) at 9 a.m. at the Hinckley American Legion. Glen will drive and we will meet at the Duxbury Store at 8:15.

Snowplowing Fees: Fees are due by November 4, our next meeting date. Paul will post and publish this. $75/season; $100 for driveways over 700 feet.

Fire Department Raffle and Party: This will be November 14 at the Duxbury Store Bar. Training is next Tuesday at 5 p.m. in Duxbury.

Mike moved to adjourn. Gary seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk



Chairman Glenford Williamson, Sr., called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Wilma Town Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance.   Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink and Michael McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, and Clerk Paul Raymond.

OLD BUSINESS:   T & T Logging Escrow: T & T Logging said they would pay the escrow deposit for use of the Mink Farm and Short Roads.   They also paid $720 for the damages to the South Duncan Road.   Paul said the DNR Logging official Rick Dunkley said that T & T has concerns about our escrow requirements, and he said that T & T has always built up DNR roads after use.   Mike said that we should have inspections of township roads with the loggers both before and after they use the roads, so that there is no misunderstanding.  Mike moved that we ask that loggers notify the Board before they start logging activities and that Gary do a joint inspection with them, and that Gary also do a joint inspection with them after the logging and hauling activities cease, the cost to be deducted from their escrow accounts, a minimum of one hour per inspection.  Glen seconded, and asked Paul to write to T & T and notify them of this requirement.

Schmedeke  Lane: Paul had two calls with County Attorney John Carlson about Schmedeke Lane.   He said that the county agrees that Schmedeke Lane is exactly one mile from Pete Anderson Road, but that the original survey has precedence and that survey showed the section line across from Fust Lane, and that is where the markers were.   They have talked with Bob Jensen about giving him a comparable piece of county land adjacent to his land to compensate for the land he and his mother lost when Schmedeke Lane was built on their land, and that he has agreed to this settlement.   If the County Commissioners approve this, then Schmedeke Lane will not have to be moved.  The County wants to extend Schmedeke Lane to get more access to County land further north.   Attorney Carlson said that if Wilma Township has done maintenance (gravel and/or grading) on Schmedeke Lane for six years, that by default it becomes a township road where it is.

Keys/Armchair: Paul went to the family who borrowed town hall chairs and did not find the missing arm chair.   Gary said that when they were shutting off the power for the painters that they found it up in the records closet.  Paul distributed keys to the Board members, plus one for the Fire Hall.   Both doors will be locked from now on.

Boy’s Camp: The DNR sent us a certified letter saying they are going to try to auction off the Boys’ Camp again on October 21, with a minimum bid of the appraised value plus sales costs.  We don’t know what the appraised value is at this time.

C.D.’s for Township Funds:  Patrice researched our past budget and fund history and the returns on CD’s.   In the past two years, our lowest balance was $32,000, with an average of $38 – $39,000.  She feels that we could put up to $20,000 into interest-bearing CD’s without endangering our available fund balances.   Three month CD’s pay 1 ¼%; 6 month 1 ½%; 12 month 1 ¾%, and 18 to 24 month 2%.  Gary moved that we put $5,000 into a 3 month CD; $5,000 into a 6 month; $5,000 into a 12 month; and $5,000 into an 18 month CD, and that every three months the 3-month be rolled over into the 6-month CD, and so on, until eventually all the CD’s are in the 18 month 2% CD.   Glen seconded.  Glen moved that Patrice be authorized to keep the CD documents in her safe-deposit box.  Mike seconded.

PERA: Paul got application forms for PERA pension deductions and a manual online.   Patrice asked if we could wait until 2010 to start PERA deductions, so it doesn’t mess up our books.   The Board agreed.

NEW BUSINESS:  Census New Contstruction Survey: Gary got a form from the Census Bureau asking us if we would participate in reporting new construction in Wilma Township.   Glen moved that we notify them that we do not have the resources to participate.  Gary seconded.

Pine County Soil and Water: Jill Collier from Pine Co. Soil and Water would like to make a presentation to the Township.   Glen is inviting her to the County Township Officers Meeting in October.

Wilma Fall Fest: Glen asked that we get the word out and talk to everyone we can about donations for door prizes.

Ponds for Fire Trucks: Mike said that Rick Dunckley with the DNR in Sandstone has authorized the Fire Department to make a road on state land to the ponds on Tamarack River Road two miles south of Duxbury for access to the tanker trucks to pump water.   These ponds never freeze, and would give us a readily available source of water.   Mike said the construction would be financed with matching grants.

Fire Hall Grant: Mike said that if we  get the FEMA grant to build a new fire hall, that the best site would be the land between the store and the Town Hall.    We will wait until that happens to worry about it.

TREASURER’S REPORT AND BILLS:     Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached).   Bills were presented:

John Robertson (Painting Town Hall)                  $        1,000.00

ECE                                                                          49.31

The Evergreen                                                             8.25

Glen Williamson                                                       40.41

Patrice Winfield                                                         94.65

Paul Raymond                                                        159.30

Mike McCullen                                                          34.63

Gary Vink                                                                 76.19

Total Bills                                               $        1,462.74

Gary moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and to pay all the bills, and to transfer $1,500 from savings to checking.   Mike seconded.   Mike moved to adjourn the meeting; Glen seconded.   Mike seconded.   Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk



Chairman Glenford Williamson, Sr., called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink and Michael McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Mark Pallow and Toni Williamson.

Paul read the record of the July meeting.   Mike moved to approve; Gary seconded.

OLD BUSINESS:   Town Hall Siding/Painting: We got a bid from Duane Glienke’s brother-in-law John Robertson offering to paint the Town Hall  for $750, including pressure-washing and some sanding and scraping and the paint, including the windows and doors.   Mike said that if we have siding put on we should have the windows replaced at the same time, and may need custom-made windows.  Mike asked that the Board go outside and walk around the building and see what condition it is in.   The inspection revealed a need for extensive sanding and scraping.  The garbage truck had knocked the north outhouse away from the Town Hall building, tearing off the corner siding.  Mike said a good job of painting on bare wood should last more than five years.  Glen moved that Paul contact John Robertson and specify our requirements for sanding and scraping and pressure washing down to bare wood, and that if he can do this and paint the Hall using oil-based paint for under $1,000, that Paul should authorize him to go ahead and paint the hall.  Mike seconded.

Mark did get an estimate from JR Construction for siding.   To remove the lap siding and install Tyvek and vinyl siding would be $6,421; for steel siding, $9,094, including all materials.   If they add ¼” insulation, it would add $774;  1” insulation would add $1,280.  New thermal windows would add $3,964.  Patrice asked why we don’t have running water.   Glen explained that we would have to heat the building year-around, and with an un-insulated building this would be cost-prohibitive.  Plus we would need a septic system if we had a flush toilet.

U.S. Census Homeless Locations: Gary got a follow-up letter from the U.S. Census asking for the locations of any targeted nonsheltered , i.e., homeless shelter locations in Wilma Township.   Glen moved that Paul be directed to respond that we have no homeless people.  Gary seconded.

Sale of Old Grader: Gary will take over the sale of the old grader.  Duane told Mark he’d pay $2,000.  Gary can call Caterpillar and ask them what the value is and if they would be interested or know someone who would be.  Mike moved that Gary be authorized to research the sale of the old grader, up to two hours.  Glen seconded.

Summer Short Course: Four officers attended the Short Course in Carlton on July 31, Glen, Patrice, Gary and Paul.  Glen said that it was a very informative and valuable training.    The mock town board meeting showed good and bad procedures.   Glen took the Assessor Recertification course.   Gary attended the Road Sign update sessions.    Patrice went to PERA training, and Paul took the CTAS hands-on computer training.

PERA Coverage: Every officer must be offered PERA pension participation.   The Clerk keeps a record of whether it was declined.  If any employee earns $425 in any single month then PERA coverage is mandatory, unless this is seasonal work and there is a 30 day break between work days and they work less than 185 days in any calendar year.  At first, Mark said he would like to be covered under PERA because he would get more pension pay.  Glen and Gary said they would like to be enrolled.   Paul will get the forms and information.

Interest Affidavit: We need a signed affidavit of official interest in a claim any time a Supervisor does any non-Supervisor duties for the township, such as mowing the lawn.  Paul will download more forms, so we have some on hand.  The Board already passed a resolution authorizing Gary to do any mowing or maintenance for the township, but he still needs to sign an affidavit every time he is paid.

NEW BUSINESS:  Town Hall Chairs and Property: Someone borrowed the Town Hall tables and chairs without consulting Gary or anyone.   Our chair with arms is missing.  Mike moved that any time tables or chairs are borrowed that at least one officer give approval, and that if more than one item is borrowed that a $50 deposit be required for their safe and sound return, and that such requests be noted in the meeting minutes at the next meeting.  Gary seconded.

Town Hall keys: Mike moved that we lock the Town Hall doors and that Paul get key copies for all the officers.   Glen seconded.  There was a discussion on installing a surveillance camera in the hall.   Glen said we could get one for under $100.  If we keep the Hall locked, this shouldn’t be necessary at this time.

Range Line Road Work: Gary asked Paul to bill New Dosey for ½ hour blading Heller Drive on August 3, $75;  Also, one hour blading the Pete Anderson and Langstrom Roads, $150, on August 6; and to deduct ½ hour blading from the Mona Drive escrow account, $75, also August 6.

Gary met with Arna Chairman David Drake about the joint roads.   He agreed that we should put 2 loads of class 5 gravel at the end of each road.   David said that Arna is considering buying a tractor with a  side-arm mower or having all three townships purchase one jointly.   If the other towns didn’t want to co-own it, Arna could buy it and rent it out.  Mark said that the county will not rent out their equipment.  Dave said that Larry Erickson on Langstrom Road has the equipment to cut the trees that are in the road right-of-way, and Gary said we should offer him the opportunity to cut the trees.   We need to notify landowners when we cut trees next to their land in the right-of-ways.  Glen moved that Paul write to Erickson and offer him the opportunity to cut down the trees, and if he doesn’t want to that we will need to have them cut and dispose of the wood.   Gary seconded.

Wilma Fall-Fest: Glen moved that we set the budget as voted on at the annual Town Meeting at $400 or less, and that the date be Saturday, October 24, at 6 p.m. for dinner and 8 for the music and dancing.  Gary seconded.   Last year Patrice and Toni approached local businesses for door prizes.   Glen asked that all the officers and interested people work on approaching local businesses for door prizes.

Schmedeke Lane: Gary spoke with County Forester Greg Beck who said that the County Attorney is reconsidering moving Schmedeke Lane as voted on by the County Commissioners, and he suggested that we call our local Commissioner to clarify if the county intends to move the road and make Wilma Township responsible for the costs.  Mike moved that Paul call the Commissioner or County Attorney to see what is happening with this road.   Glen seconded.

Short Road Logging: Glen said that there are piles of logs off of our Short Road bordering Arna Township.   Mark said that it is T & T Logging.   T & T has not paid for the damages to the South Duncan Road, and Glen said that Paul should write to T & T and tell them of our escrow requirement for every township road they use.   If they do not pay, Gary can barricade the Short Road.

Bills and Treasurer’s Report: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached).  Glen asked if we have ever put any of our fund balances in the bank into CD’s.   Glen said we could put up to $20.000 into CD’s in $5.000 increments.   Patrice suggested putting $5,000 into a 6-month CD, and $5,000 into a 1-year CD, and so much in a 2 year and 3 year.   Mike moved that Patrice be authorized to investigate CD rates and the possibility of depositing some of our funds into CD’s.   Glen seconded.

Bills were presented:

ECE                                                  $        46.29

Paul Raymond (Tuition)                                      40.00

Pine Co. Courier                                                     13.16

Glen Williamson (mileage)                                81.50

MAT Agency (Township Policy)              1,926.00

Mike McCullen                                                       73.88

Patrice Winfield                                                   184.70

Glen Williamson                                                  124.67

Paul Raymond                                                     226.26

Gary Vink                                                              161.61

Mark Pallow                                                        295.52

Total Bills                                                 $    3,173.59

Mike moved to approve the Treasurer’s report, to  pay all the bills, and to transfer $3,200 from savings into checking.

Glen said we have a wonderful township with a rich history and that he thought we should have a recognition wall honoring and recognizing deceased people who have made contributions to our township, such as Bev Vink.  Patrice said we could nominate two people every Fall Fest.  Glen said we could have a large plaque on the Town Hall wall with engraved plates , and then give the families commemorative plaques.

Mike moved that the meeting adjourn; Gary seconded.   Meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk